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Article by Kay Collins 2022
Chester House Estate
Official Opening
Princess Anne opening

The Princess Royal unveiled the plaque then gave a short address to the guests

The Chester House Estate was officially opened on 20th July 2022 by HRH The Princess Royal, after a £15M restoration project.

soldiers more soldiers
Soldier standing guard as Princess Anne gives
a short address and declared the site open
The main path where earlier archaeology was excavated [see Chester House 2016]

Princess Anne arrived at about 2.30 and walked down the main path with Roman Soldiers standing by, and was taken on a tour of the site and facilities.

The Princess Royal was then invited to unveil a commemorative plaque, and after giving a short address, she was presented with flowers and a gift.

After her departure the guests enjoyed another hour looking around the site, before departing in a short light shower of very welcome rain following a few scorching few days.

Relaxing after lunch in the shade of a marquee after wandering around the whole site and eating ice creams or enjoying a glass of wine.
As representatives of Rushden Museum, we had duly arrived at 1pm along with local dignitaries, and many of the 200 volunteers, to join the 30 staff.

A variety of drinks and food were available and everyone sat down to enjoy their lunch, whilst a band was playing.

After our lunch we could explore the facilities now fully open. The site was partially opened, by appointment only, 4 months earlier, and over 140,000 visitors had already visited.

There is a Museum, and the Archaeology Archive with all the county items now brought together on one site.

An Education facility is available for schools.

Five retail businesses have opened there, selling gifts and novelties, cider, local books, and a farm shop, as well was the visitor's shop selling gifts and commemorative items for Chester House.

The Threshing Barn has been renovated into a space for Weddings and Events.

A coffee shop and restaurant are housed in the main building.

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