The Rushden Echo, 10th February 1928, transcribed by Kay Collins
A Higham leather Firm
Toast at Annual Supper and Concert
A Manufacturer’s Praise
The guests at the annual supper of the Victoria leather Company on Friday evening at the Parish Rooms, Higham Ferrers, included the Mayor (Mr. Frank Walker, J.P.), who claimed to be a fairly big customer of the company. Mr. C. W. Horrell, C.A. (chairman of the directors), presided, other directors present including Messrs. G. H. Groome, W. Sanders, F. J. Sharwood, W. McC. Horrell, T. Sanders, and H. B. Selwood, with Mr. E. W. Woodley (manager) and Mr. W. Sabey (secretary). Visitors present were the Mayor (Mr. Walker), Mr. G. Faire, of Leicester, and Mr. W. H. Chamberlain. The whole company of employees and friends numbered about 200, and everyone had a very happy time.
The loyal toast was submitted by the chairman.
Mr. Walker, proposing the toast of “Success to the Victoria Leather Company,” said he spoke as a customer, and he could consequently speak with knowledge of the firm’s products. He had always found them to be good.
Responding, Mr. Horrell said that the aim of the company was to produce so as to give the best satisfaction to the customers.
Mr. G. H. Groome proposed “The Staff, Management, and Employees,” reply being made by Mr. Woodley.
“The Visitors” was the toast submitted by Mr. Sharwood, Mr. Faire making suitable response. Mr. W. McC. Horrell was the toastmaster.
On the motion of Mr. A. E. Lambert, seconded by Mr. G. Rollings, hearty thanks were accorded the directors for the supper and entertainment.
After a short interval the room was cleared and a concert was given. Items were contributed by Mr. John Goddard (ventriloquist) with his marionettes, Miss Marjorie Moss (elocutionist), and Mr. Walter Smith and Mr. Sam Wheatley (entertainers). Mr. W. McC. Horrell presided.
Refreshments were served, following which dancing took place until 1a.m. to music supplied by Mr. Arnold Pack’s band (who also played selections during the course of the supper). The M.C. was Mr. L. Woodley.