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Charles Palmer & Co. Ltd.
Grocers (late S J Joll)

Palmer's stores far left
The Market Square - Palmer's stores far left

Charles Simpson Reginald Palmer, born in 1858 in Kensington London, married Mary Matilda Joll (born 1858) in Lincolnshire early in 1882, and their son Reginald was born the following year at Martin Dukes.

By 1893 they had come to Higham Ferrers, where their son Eric was born, and where Mary's brother Samuel James Joll was trading as a grocer.

George William Battersby, born Bassingham, LIN, was serving his apprenticeship with Charles, and came to Higham with the family.

By 1897 he had also opened a shop in Rushden at 68 High Street. George probably managed the Rushden store, and later took it over. Later George also took over the Higham shop.

Rushden Argus, May 26 1893, transcribed by Kay Collins


On Tuesday afternoon as Mr C R S Palmer’s man (late S J Joll) of Higham Ferrers and Irchester, was delivering grocery in the village near Mr Sargent’s shoe factory, the horse suddenly bolted, jumping at a gate, the entrance to Mr Tye’s farm. The animal fell down inflicting serious injury to itself, besides smashing up the vehicle and upsetting all the groceries, paraffin oil, &c, into the road. It was thought at first that the horse would have to be killed, but it is hoped that it will now recover.

In 1899 and 1904 Charles was Mayor of the borough.

In 1888 Samuel Joll was party to the deed drawn up for a Methodist Chapel at Knotting. He returned (possibly in 1893) to Lincolnshire, where he died in 1900 aged 43.

Rushden Argus, 7th May 1897

The Irchester Pork Pies are the choicest.—Special agent: C.S.R. Palmer, High-street, Rushden.

Palmer's Stores by Market Square & Church Walk

Two postcards of delivery vans for Palmer's - posted in November 1905.

One postcard had been sent from Lucy to George Battersby, telling
him she would 'visit Annie and the Baby on Wednesday.'

George Battersby took over this shop in the 1920s.

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