The Argus, 13th December 1889, transcribed by Kay Collins
Notes of the Week Local Failure—We regret to report the suspension of Messrs Colson and Co., shoe manufacturers, who discharged their employees on Wednesday last. The liabilities of the firm are reported to be considerable.
Northampton Mercury, February 22nd 1890, transcribed by Susan Manton
Re W. Colson and Co. under a deed of Assignment
Rushden Northamptonshire
To the Boot, Shoe and Leather Trades
Extensive Stock-in-trade of Leather, Boots and Shoes
Modern and Complete Machinery etc.
Messrs Pendered and Son are instructed by E. P. Steeds esq., chartered accountant, of Leicester and Nottingham, the trustee under a Deed of Assignment
To Sell by auction
On Monday and Tuesday 24th and 25th February 1890, upon the premises at Rushden, the whole of the Trade effects of Messrs. William Colson and Co., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Manufacturers.
Machinery – A five horse power Otto Gas Engine, a two and a half horse power Tangye ditto, Keat’s stitching machine, two Brake sewing machines, Cutlan heeling machine and two heel builders, Salmon and Jackson’s patent double press, Whitton’s press, three small cutting presses, a set of Keat’s finishing machines, pair of rollers, blocking and die punching machines; pricking, eyeleting, hooking, split-lifting, gimping, studding, splitting ditto; Jones cording ditto, nine Singers’ sewing ditto, two Wheeler’s ditto, cutting knives, 13 gallons gas-engine oil, two five cwt., patent weighing machines, iron lasts etc.
Rough and dressed leather, 5,000 pairs boots finished, unfinished and for making; cut rough and dressed leather, a large stock of closed and unclosed uppers, grindery, mercery, American cutting boards etc.; office furniture, fire-proof safe and other effects.
Also a stack of well-gotten Hay.
On view, by catalogue, Saturday 22nd February, from 10am to 4pm.
Catalogues of J. Pendred and Son, Auctioneers to the Leather and Shoe Trades, Market Square Wellingborough; or of
E.P. Steeds, Esq., Chartered Accountant, Friars Lane Leicester
And Rutland Chambers, St. Peter’s Gate Nottingham.
Sale to commence each day at Eleven a.m.
Wellingborough News, 28th February 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins
Re: W. COLSON AND Co.: SALE OF PLANT STOCK—On Monday and Tuesday last, Messrs. Pendered and Son, of Wellingborough, acting under instructions from Mr. E. P. Steeds, of Leicester, the trustee, sold (under a deed of assignment) on the premises, at Rushden, the whole of the trade effects of Messrs. William Colson and Co., shoe manufacturers. The stock-in-trade consisted of a large quantity of rough and dressed leather, cut rough and dressed leather, 5,000 pairs of boots and shoes, closed uppers, shoe mercery, &c., and an extensive and valuable collection of plant and machinery. There were a great number of manufacturers and machinists present, including representatives from most of the surrounding manufacturing villages, Northampton, Kettering, and Leicester, and most of the Rushden manufacturers were present. Good prices were realised throughout, more particularly for the plant and machinery, and in several instances some spirited competition took place. The following are some of the prices realised for machinery with the names of buyers. A five horse power vertical "Otto" gas engine, with fittings complete, £130, Clipstone, Rushden; a set of four "Keats" finishing machines, £105, H. Hanger, jun., Kettering; a Cutlan's heeling machine, with two builders, £90, H. Hanger; Keats stitching machine, with two winders, £55, Clipstone, Rushden; Blake sewing machine, and channeller, £50, Knight Brothers, Rushden; a ditto, £30, Denton, Rushden; large double press, with driving-wheel (by Salmon and Jackson), £20, Cave and Son, Rushden; the whole of the shafting and belting, £22, Cave and Sons, Rushden ; patent ranging press with seven knives (by Whitton), £10, Clipstone, Rushden; cutting press (by Whitfield), £11, E. Knight, Earls Barton; crimping press, £7, Parker; cutting press (by Whitfield), £6, Saxby, Irthlingborough; cutting press (by Whitfield), £6, Salomon, Northampton; pair rollers (by Smith, Thrapston), £6, Claridge and Sons, Rushden; 2½ horse power gas engine (by Tangye), £5, Smith; breasting machine, £4, Sanders and Sanders, Rushden.
Northampton Mercury, March 29th 1890 transcribed by Susan Manton
Re Wm Colson & Co.
Under a deed of Assignment, Rushden Northamptonshire.
To Shoe Manufacturers and others.
Important Sale of Valuable Property
Consisting of A Detached Villa Residence, with stabling, coach-house etc.
Capital Residence, with large Shoe Manufactory;
Extensive Range of Premises,
Dwelling House with Garden and Suitable Outbuildings at rear; also about two acres of valuable building land, situate in the centre of Rushden and a Butcher’s Shop on the Wellingborough Road.
Messrs. Pendered and Son are instructed by Mr. E.P. Steeds, the Trustee to sell by auction.
On Monday 31st March 1890, at the New Public Hall, Rushden at Five for Six o’clock in the evening, subject to such conditions of Sale, as will be then produced, the following valuable Property, in the under mentioned or such lots as may be determined upon via;
Lot 1 – All that substantially built dwelling house situate in and fronting the Wellingborough Rod, Rushden, with the garden and outbuildings, in the occupation of Mrs. Colson sen., and also the brick building used as a wash-house, and the footways at each end thereof, as occupied by the said Mrs. Colson, sen. together with the room or rooms over, now lately occupied by Messrs. Wm Colson and Co. as storerooms.
Lot 2 – All that extensive Shoe Manufactory and Premises, with long frontages to the Wellingborough Road and Duke Street, Rushden, lately in the occupation of Messrs. Wm. Colson and Co., together with the excellent and convenient residence and appurtenances, lately in the occupation of Mr. Haydn Packwood.
Lot 3 – All that substantially built detached Residence with the garden, outhouses and appurtenances and also the coach house, stabling and stable road at the rear, situate in Church Street, Rushden, in the occupation of Mr. Wm. Colson.
Lot 4 – All that valuable plot or parcel of Building Land, with long frontage to Church Street and extending thereof to White’s Lane, containing two acres or thereof.
Lot 5- All that valuable plot of land, containing 333½ square yards, with Butcher’s shop erected thereon, situate in the Wellingborough Road, Rushden, aforesaid, lately in the occupation of Mr. T. Lucy.
A plan of Lot 3 & 4 may be seen at the New Public Hall Rushden, and will be produced at the time of Sale. Lot 3,4 & 5 are freehold; Lots 1 & 2 are Copyhold of the Manor of Rushden, but being fine certain, are considered nearly equal in value to freehold.
Printed particulars and conditions of Sale may be obtained of Mr. E.P. Steeds, Chartered Accountant, Friar Lane Leicester and Rutland Chambers, St. Peter’s gate, Nottingham; of the Auctioneers, Wellingborough or of James Heygate Solicitor, Wellingborough.