Interior of 32 Purvis Road in 1966
Barrie joined the Association
of Private Traders (APT) and stocked many of their goods,
as well as the brand leaders.
Bacon could be cut as thick or
thin as the customer preferred, and cheese was cut from large blocks to the size required.
Living accommodation was
above the shop.
Inside the shop in 1966 - the wines and spirits and cigarettes, the greengrocery display, and the dry goods.
On offer this week: Kellogg's Cornflakes at 1/6d, Bird's custard powder at 1/4½d, and Royal lemon pie filling at 8½d.
Barrie left this shop in 1972 to do wholesale supply of fresh vegetables and fruit to local shopkeepers,
but then moved into light haulage, until he retired.
Collins' haulage van in 1990