Northampton Mercury 3rd March 1916, transcribed by Richard Hall
Most Sanguine Expectations Exceeded
At the fourth annual meeting of the Rushden and District Electric Supply Co., Ltd., held at 2 St. Giles’- square, Northampton this morning a dividend of 3% was declared. Mr F.H. Thornton (chairman of the directors) presided and was supported by Mr Brook Sampson, Mr J. Clark (directors), Mr E.M. Browne (acting secretary) Mr G.H. Jackson (engineer), Mr W. Tomes, Mr F. Ince ones, Mr A.G.Copson and Mr T. Sargent.
In moving the adoption of the report the Chairman said Rushden was a go-ahead place, and the company had had a successful year, during which the number of consumers rose from 79 to 123, and the revenue from £463 to £1699. They hoped soon to get extensions to the generating plant into commission. For the first proper working year they had a dividend of 3%.
Mr Clark seconded and the report was adopted.
Mr John Clark was re-elected director, and Mr F. Roberts was re-appointed auditor.
In moving a dividend of 3% Mr W. Tomes said the undertaking had exceeded the most sanguine expectations.
A vote of thanks to the chairman, directors and staff concluded the meeting.
Northampton Mercury 25th February 1921, transcribed by Richard Hall
AGM and Annual Report 1921
The annual general meeting of the Rushden and district Electric Supply Company Limited, was held at the offices of the Northampton electric light and power company, Bridge Street on Wednesday morning. Mr F.H. Thornton JP presided and there were also present Mr A.E. Marlow JP, Mr John Clark ,(Directors), Alderman E.W. Sykes, Mr J.J. Harrison, Mr H. St.John Browne, (Secretary), Mr G.H. Jackson, M.I.E.E., M.I.M.E.(Engineer).
Annual Report
In moving the adoption of the Annual report—which has already appeared in our columns—the Chairman said that during the year the had been an expenditure on the capital account of £5,055, chiefly on machinery and mains. Th machinery item of £1,453 consists of the balance of the steam generating set purchased late in the previous year, as a temporary measure to meet the increasing demands for current.
Extensions to distributing mains and feeder mains in various parts of the town accounted for the item £2098 on the mains.
As regarded the expenditure side of the revenue account, there was an increase in the cost of fuel per unit sold, as might be expected. The fuel oil contract arranged at the latter part of 1919, which covered the year under review, proved to be an exceedingly favourable one. During the latter part of the year fuel oil rose to as high as £15 per ton, but the Company’s contract at £8. 1s per ton secured them against such a heavy increase. Wages had again increased. Repairs and maintenance at the generating works were exceptionally heavy, and to meet the various increased costs it was necessary to advance the price of current. There was a useful increase in revenue from hired motors to cover the additional costs incurred. As regarded the future it was hoped shortly to obtain a bulk supply from the Northampton Company. It would undoubtedly be the most satisfactory way of supplying the demands in the Rushden area for power and light. To generate it themselves would only involve charging a higher rate to the public.
Although just at the present time the Company was unable to give any further large supplies of power, so soon as the bulk supply from Northampton becomes available considerable developments would be looked for. The Company were anxious to carry the supply to Irthlingborough at the earliest possible moment.
Mr A.E. Marlow seconded the resolution, which was agreed to.
Mr F.H. Thornton was re-elected a director and Messrs F. Roberts & Co. auditors. On the proposition of Mr A.E. Marlow, seconded by Alderman Sykes the recommendation of the Directors of a final dividend of 4% making, with the interim dividend already paid, 6½% for the year, was agreed to.
Hearty thanks were accorded the Chairman and the staff.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo 1923 , transcribed by Richard Hall
Annual Meeting at Northampton
The annual meeting of the Northampton Electric Light and Power Company and the Rushden and District Electric Supply Company were held at the offices of the Northampton Electric Light Co. this morning.
The meeting of the Rushden company was held first. Mr F.H.Thornton J.P., C.A., (Chairman of directors) presided supported by Mr J. Clark (Rushden), Mr G.H. Jackson M.I.E.F, M.I.M.E. (directors), Mr J.J. Houghton, Mr Kennard, Mr E.M. Browne and Mr H.St.J. Browne (secretary).
The report of the directors and the balance sheet had already been published.
The Chairman, in proposing the adoption of the report and the balance sheet, said: The past year had been one of marking time while they were waiting for the confirmation by the Minister of Transport of the order for the Northampton Company to supply their company with current in bulk. This confirmation had now been obtained and the Northampton Company were taking steps to commence the work. The Rushden Company was also inviting tenders for the necessary transforming plant in connection with the bulk supply, which it is hoped they might be able to obtain before the close of the year. Considerable developments were anticipated when this was obtainable. Irthlingborough would receive their first and immediate attention but in addition to present powers they were making application to the Electricity Commissioners for an extension of their area of supply. This area would include Raunds and a portion of the Rural District of Bedford covering amongst other places; Sharnbrook and Harrold.
Their expenditure durian the year on the capital account had been £647, chiefly spent on mains and meters. They were setting aside an ample sum for depreciation, and as they completed the extinction of their preliminary expenses last year they felt justified in raising the dividend from 7½% to 8%.
Mr J.J. Houghton seconded and the reports were adopted.
Mr Kennard proposed the re-election of Mr F.H. Thornton and Mr G.H.Jackson as directors. This was seconded by Mr E.M. Browne and carried unanimously. Messrs F. Roberts and Co. were re-appointed auditors
Mr J.J. Houghton proposed that a final dividend of 4½% be paid, making with the interim dividend of 3½% already paid a total of 8% for the year.- Mr G.H. Jackson seconded and the proposition was carried.
Mr F.M.Browne proposed that £100 as directors remuneration be divided among the directors as they thought fit.—Mr Kennard seconded and the proposition was carried.
A vote of thanks to the staff concluded the meeting.
Northampton Mercury 20th February 1925, transcribed by Richard Hall
The Rushden Company
The annual meeting of the Rushden and District Electric Supply Co. Ltd., was held at the offices of the Northampton Electric Light Co. Ltd, Bridge St on Tuesday. The chairman of the directors, Mr F.H. Thornton J.P, C.A., presided and was supported by Mr G.H. Jackson, M.I.E.E., Alderman E.W.Sykes, Messrs E.M. Browne, E. Kennard and A.G. Copson with the secretary (Mr H. St.J. Browne).
The Chairman, presenting the report of the directors, said a great step forward had been made in the position of the company by obtaining bulk supply from Northampton, so that it was no longer necessary to restrict output. The capital expenditure for the year was £17,459, chiefly for buildings and plant. The directors hoped to commence very shortly an extension to Sharnbrook and a further extension to Raunds was receiving attention.
A final dividend of 4½% was declared making with the interim dividend of 3½% already paid 8% for the year, the same as last year.
Mr F.H. Thornton and Mr T.A. Dickson were re-elected directors and thanks were accorded to the engineer and staff.
An apology was received from Mr T.A. Dickson who is abroad.