Rushden Echo, 8th February 1918
An alarming accident occurred at the junction of Rectory-road and Newton-road on Tuesday at 7.20 a.m. to a young lady cyclist from Newton, who daily rides into Rushden. It appears that she was coasting down the Newton-road hill, and being unable to negotiate the Rectory-road corner owing to defective brakes, her machine mounted the curb and she was precipitated clean through the window of Mr. J. Litchfield’s shop, the entire pane, which was of a large size, being smashed. Marvellous to relate, although the girl was absolutely smothered with splinters of glass, she sustained no injury beyond a cut on the nose, and her machine was entirely undamaged. Mr. Ernest Pashler extricated the young lady from her curious position, and conveyed her into Mr. Litchfield’s house, from whence, after she had rested for an hour, she was able to proceed home.