The business started in Wellingborough Road about 1902 and was at 127 High Street in 1908, moving to 36 Higham Road by 1914.
In 1911 at 127 High Street, Rushden, David Nicholson, aged 35, a motor engineer and employer, born at Covington HUN, was living with his wife, Gertrude 37 born Kimbolton and their daughter, Brenda, aged 5 born Rushden. They had been married for 6 yrs.
Captioned : Nicholson's showroom at 127 High Street
Rushden Echo, 17th April 1908
D. Nicholson, the motor man, has now removed into High-street, where he has a good display of up-to-date cycles, such as Humbers, Singers, Rudge Whitworths, and all the leading makes; accessories; motors and motor parts of every description. Machines exchanged.
36 Higham Road
The garage (right) and sign for Humber Cycles
Behind the window on the left a car with number plate RP 416 can just be seen. David is standing outside with his dog. He was sole district agent for Schnieder cars. [Schneider cars were French despite the German sounding name - established at Besancon in France in 1910 and went bankrupt in 1930.]
A car was hired from here for a film "Love for Lydia", based on the book by H E Bates.
Receipt dated 1917 signed by David Nicholson - from a bundle stored on a 'spike' (traditional way to keep receipts) - for a Schneider car to Mr Joseph Knight.
Rushden Echo, 29th January 1915, transcribed by Kay Collins
Pleasing PresentationMr George Swingler, of Duck-street, Rushden, who for the last 29 years has been employed with Messrs John Cave and Sons, mainly in the engineering department, has now left that firm to join Mr D Nicholson, of Higham-road, Rushden, who is branching out into the general engineering trade.
Note: D Nicholson also supplied the chassis for a new fire engine in 1922.
From Higham Road, looking into North Street
Nicholson's Garage left - taken in the 1930s
Letterhead c1945
The property was taken with Crane's Bakery at number 38, as part of the Calor Gas complex,
and was where Netto is today (2009) in Peck Way.
[in 2015 trading as Home Bargains]