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John Thompson Reid, a Scotsman, established himself in Rushden in the mid 1880s as a grocer in Wellingborough Road. He married Lizzie, a Rushden girl, and soon built up the business, by adding beer to his stock and also operating a post office service from 136 Wellingborough Road. He applied for planning permission to add new shop fronts in April 1897. In 1901 he traded as a draper from 136 and as a beer retailer from the next door premises at 138, and was still running the grocery with his daughter Margaret as his assistant. By 1908 he had extended again, and moved into number 142 and the family lived at 1 Dayton Street. The corner shop is the beer outlet, and the drapery adjoining. About 1926 they took over number 144, formerly Miss Harris' sub-post office and drapery, when she moved into 146.

Read about damage caused by a Storm in 1891

About 1905 when John Reid had moved to 142
J A Reid
Bottled Beer Retailer
142 Wellingboro' Rd

Their eldest son John Arthur trained as a plumber, and the second son James Bernard worked in the grocery shop.

John and James had taken over the business by 1926 when their father died; their mother Elizabeth died two years later.

James held the licence to sell wines and spirits. John took over the beer retailer licence from his mother.

When James died in 1937 his wife May continued the business and in about 1950 it was taken over by Campbell Praed's of Wellingborough. May died in 1965.

The shops about 1908
Above: the house & shops in about 1915, below: in about 1924 - note the postbox.
About 1925
Above left: J A Reid beer bottle - rather tall like a wine bottle.
With its cork still in place, it is now given to Rushden Museum.
Above right - the seal over the cork with 'J R' monogram.

John and Lizzie were both buried in Rushden Cemetery:

Grave E 1161 : In loving memory of John Thomson REID who passed away 26th Oct 1926 aged 68 years. I heard the voice of Jesus say come unto me and rest. Also of Elizabeth Anne REID who passed away 11th April 1928 aged 71 years. Until we meet again.

W'boro road shops
142 Wellingborough Road at corner of Dayton Street c1920 - Miss Harris' drapery was still at no 144

Wine catalogue 1930
Inside the catalogue
This Wine & Spirit price list dates from1929-30 and was found inside theshop when it was sold in about 1960.
Licensing Act 1921
letter 1952
May Reid bought a fireplace from
Messrs Dexter Ltd, Park Road, Wellingborough.
She wrote to them in February 1952 to say: “I have now got my fireplace fixed by the
Messrs Swindall & Sons, builders of Rushden,
and I am very pleased with it.
Thanks for all trouble taken.”
A price list from 1938
A price list from 1938 when May Reid was the licencee.

In the 1960s the shops were trading as Lankester's.

Numbers 142-146 Wellingborough Road and 1 Dayton Street
Number 136 where John began trading
The shop in 2008 is now Threshers, but remains a wine shop. The shop front has changed, the main building outwardly still in original state. No. 146 is a florists.
No. 136 is now Michael  Watts, Insurance (far right).
140 is now a Thai food take-away & 138 is a Kebab House.

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