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Found and retyped in 2024:
Rushden Fire Station
Early Notes 1891-1902

Fire Service - Notes typed up at early times – actual source unknown!

The Local Authority at this time was the Rushden Local District Board, and the meetings were held at the Vestry Hall.

The half-yearly rent of the barn for storing the Fire Engine was due for payment to Dr. E. J. Freeman, at £3/10/- in accordance with an agreement made with the Rural Sanitary Authority.                      

16th July 1891
Mr. F. Knight attended the meeting to make representations to the Board to purchase ladders to attach to the Manual. It was agreed to obtain the ladders at a cost not exceeding £4.

18th Feb. 1892
Receipts for £9/15/6 were produced for fire at Smart's on the 29th. The Clerk was instructed to apply for payment.

9th June 1892

Estimate expenditure of the Brigade was £27 for 1892/1893.

8th Dec. 1892

Thomas Brightwell will be paid £8 per annum for the position of Caretaker to the Fire Engine House.

9th Nov. 1893

The Brigade applied for a hose cart at a cost not exceeding £10.

3rd Jan. 1895

The following are perhaps extracts from a sub-committee?

First meeting of the Rushden U.D.C.

Mr. F. Knight appointed to highways and lighting committee.

30th Jan. 1895

12 new tunics purchased at a cost of 27/- each.

21st Jan. 1897

Mr. Brightwell resigned as Caretaker. It was resolved that Mr. Claude Green be appointed to the position.

5th Jan. 1998
The Sec. of the Fire Brigade wrote to say that the Brigade attended a fire at Messrs. Brown’s factory in the Rectory Road on Tuesday evening at 6.50p.m. Twelve Officers and men attended and extinguished the fire by the use of two standpipes and 15 lengths of hose. The damage to the building consisted of a burnt partition, burnt, joists, and windows broken. The supply of water was good - The Chairman having read this remarked that he was glad the fire was got under as it was. Mr. Wilkins stated that the report did not say what time the alarm was given; that was always done in the case of fires reported in London.

Mr. Knight replied that it is really complimentary that a report should have been sent at all.

2nd Feb. 1898
Requisition for the following items :-

12 Bell Cords
Hydrant plates
Boards for Houses
12 Hose Straps
1 Long Line
Sheet to cover the Engine and for use as a jump-sheet

7th Dec. 1898
A book was purchased for use at the Fire Station giving information as to the exact position of the hydrants in the town.

Sept. 1898
Land for FIRE STATION and TOWN DEPOT bought for £150 (2 acres 10 poles).

28th March 1899
Report received from Sec. re High Street fire.

16th May 1899
Report received from Sec. of fire at Podington.


Wymington fire 
£14 1s. 4d.

£7 0 0.
Podington fire
£17 11s. 0d.
Expences etc.
  £5 0 0.
Fire Escape 
£60 0 0.
Calls etc.
£15 0 0.
Podington Fire  
   £14 8 0.
£108 8 0.

25th July 1900
It was resolved by Council that an application be made to the Local Government Board for sanction to a loan of £3750 for the provision of a Fire Station and Town Depot in accordance with plans prepared and submitted by the Surveyor and approved by the Council.

31st Oct. 1900
A discussion took place as to the provision of a Fire Escape and to see if it would fit into the Fire Engine Station.

21st Nov. 1900
The Chairman reported that he and the Surveyor had visited the present Fire Station and after taking measurements it was found that a Fire Escape could be stored there and it was resolved that a Fire Escape be purchased from Messrs. Shand Mason & Co. at £48.

11th March 1900
Chimneys on Fire
Under the Town Police Clauses Act. A fine of 2/6 could be imposed by a Magistrates Court or by the Sanitary Authority without proceedings. It was resolved that the latter be adopted and await a report from the Police to assist in reporting cases.

I27th March 1900
By-law to come into force local on May 1st. and that a notice should be displayed in the local paper.

27th April 1900
The Clerk reported that had seen the Superintendant of Police who asked for instructions to pass on to the Police Constable.

The Committee authorised the Clerk to

a) The Police assist the Council by reporting all cases coming to their knowledge.

b)That on receipt of a report, the Council will cause a circular to be submitted and sent to the person reported, stating that if the offence is admitted and a fine of 2/6 is paid no further proceedings will be taken.

c) If the offence is not admitted proceedings will be taken in the Magistrates Court where a fine of 2/6 will be imposed if found guilty.

d) All penalties received will paid to the Police Superannuation Fund.

8th May 1901
The formal sanction of the Local Government Board to the borrowing of £1400 and £2350 for the erection of a Fire Station and Town Depot was received and referred to the Lighting and Finance Committee as to proceeding with the work and arranging of a loan.

Mr. Bazeley called attention to the present organisation of the Fire Brigade but after some discussion it was postponed, moving any resolution until the new Fire Station is built.

19th Jun 1901
The Surveyor was instructed to proceed with quantities

for the new Fire Station and Cottage.

23rd July 1901
The Clerk reported the receipt from the Police of 3 reports of chimney on fire in respect of the following:-

Geo. Baker    Duck Street            May 22nd

Edwin Wish   9 Crabb Street        Jun 18th

Thompson    High Street South   Jun 30th

Baker and Wish paid 2/6.

Proceedings to recover the penalty from Thompson.

28th August 1901
Report of fire at Messrs. Caves Factory, High Street.

The report of the Hon. Sec. of the Fire Brigade on the fire which occurred on 10th. July was read. It appeared that the Fire Brigade was called at 1.35 and got to work with great promptitude.

The Brigade were quick to see that the saving of Messrs. Caves Factory was an impossible task and the attention was therefore entirely devoted to the saving of adjoining property with most satisfactory results.

The Wellingborough and Higham Ferrers and Irthlingborough Fire Brigades rendered great assistance. The report speaks of the efficient work rendered by these Brigades and concluded by drawing attention to the excellent work performed by the Police.

An appendix at the end of the report gives details of the properties destroyed and damaged. (No report available)

2nd Sept. 1901
The Planning Committee that they had this evening opened the following tenders for erection of the new Fire Station.

Henry Spencer                           £1805 0 0.

Whittington & Tomlin                  £1635 00.

Hackersley Bros.                         £1590 0 0.

T. Willmott.                               £1588 0 0.

R. Marriott                                 £1585 0 0.

C. E. Bayes                                £1575 0 0.

Application by Messrs. C. E. Bayes approved.

23rd Oct. 1901
Council seal attached to Contract.

22nd Jan 1902
The Clerk reported that he had negotiated with the West Ham Corporation and had received an offer from the Borough Treasurer to advance to the Council £3000 at 3¾% for the erection of the Fire Station and Town Depot.

Feb. 15th 1902
Fire Engine Station

The Clerk was instructed to give notice to terminate the tenancy of the premises now occupied for the purpose of the Fire Station off High Street on 24th June next.

Feb 26th 1902
The Committee approved a contract for heating appliances to J.E.Smith, of  Higham for £51 0 0.

18th March
Loan of £3000 for FIRE STATION and TOWN DEPOT.

£3 15 0% per annum to be made by 30 equal yearly payments of £168 5 3.

8th Oct.
Council approved of £10 for repairs to the engine and £5 8 0. for new uniforms.

20th Nov.
The Clerk was authorised to sign the Contract with the National Telephone Co. for use of their system at the Fire Station.

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