First Meeting in New Station
Monday January 5th 1903
All Present
After a long discussion relative to providing refreshments for the supper the meeting was adjourned till the following evening.
Meeting January 6th 1903
All Present
On the Motion of G R Turner, sec by Capt Fred Knight, it was resolved that the Brigade find refreshments out of the funds on the occasion of the Opening dinner on Monday January 12th. Carried.
Meeting held January 19th 1903
Present: Capt Knight, Engineer Colson, C Green, G Burgess, H Seckington, H Staniland, J Sparrow, R Twelftree, J Wheeler, F Underwood, J Whiting, G R Turner.
The Secretary presented the account for the opening dinner. The same being passed by the Brigade.
The question of introducing a Steam Fire Engine for Rushden was brought forward by the Secretary and after a long discussion the matter was adjourned.
Signed: G R Turner
Meeting held March 11th 1904
Present: Full Brigade
The Captain & Secretary presented New Rules.
On the motion of the Captain it was decided that the rules as read be adopted and that 6 months trial be given the same.
Meeting held April 18th 1904
Present: F Knight, J S Colson, G R Turner, C Green, H Seckington, J Sparrow, R Twelftree, F Underwood, J Whiting.
The Captain undertook to report to Council & to arrange a meeting with them to test hose.
Meeting held on February 5th 1912
Present: G R Turner, C Green, J Sparrow, J Whiting, M Wildman, H Payne, C Simpson, M Jaques, A Jaques, L Britchford, E Bollard, Berridge.
It was proposed by C Green, sec by J Whiting that a competition be held during the forthcoming season amongst the members of the Brigade, the same as held by other Brigades. (Carried).
It was proposed by M Wildman, sec by C Simpson that funds be provided for the same & that a collection be made in the town for not only the competition but to defray the expences of the Brigade in attending the different Meetings & competitions. (Carried).
Proposed by E Bollard, sec by L Britchford that the unanimously carried propositions be submitted to the Captain for his sanction & approval. Carried.
Signed: Fred Knight. February 12th 1912.
Special Meeting February 13th 1912
Present: Capt F Knight, G R Turner, C Green, J Sparrow, J Whiting, M Wildman, H Payne, C Simpson, W Jaques, A Jaques, L Britchford, E Bollard.
Capt Knight in a few remarks quite agreed with the resolutions at the previous meetings & produced a circular to be presented to the inhabitants.
On the proposition of G R Turner, sec by M Wildman that the circular be printed & distributed as soon as possible.
It was also resolved that the congratulations of the Brigade be sent to Sec Dix of Raunds Fire Brigade for his fine [skating] performance.
Signed: G R Turner.
Meeting held March 11th 1912
All Present
The sum of £26-6-6 was paid over to the Treasurer G R Turner as the result of collection.
It was ordered that £1-1-0 be paid to the Union & 2/6 to the Prize Fund.
The Death Levy fund was collected being 14/- or 1/- per member.
A resolution by C Simpson on the suggestion of G R Turner was postponed until Monday March 18th 1912.
Signed: G R Turner.
Meeting held March 18th 1912
A Loan of 30/- was ordered to be repaid.
A Proposition by C Simpson, sec by J Sparrow that the firemen take duty on Wednesday & Sunday for a spell of 2 hours.
An Amendment was moved by C Green, sec by H Payne that application be made to the Council to pay some person or persons to stand by whilst the Caretaker went on leave.
After a lot of argument the amendment was lost only the mover and seconder voting for it.
Present: G R Turner, C Green, J Whiting, J Sparrow, H Payne, M Wildman, L Britchford, A Jaques, W Jaques, E Bollard, W Berridge, C Timson.
Signed: G R Turner.
Meeting held May 20th 1912
All Present
Proposed that the following team be sent to Spalding on June 6th 1912: C Green, J Sparrow, J Whiting, M Wildman, L Britchford, H Payne, C Simpson & G R Turner.
Proposed by E Bollard, sec F Knight. (Carried).
Proposed by G R Turner, sec by M Wildman that the sum of £8-10-0 be drawn for expenses. Carried.
It was also in the proposition of C Simpson, sec by H Payne to take part in the Free Gardeners’ Church Parade June 26th 1912.
Signed: F Knight Capt. Aug 12th 1912.
Meeting held August 12th 1912
Present: Capt F Knight, G R Turner, C Green. J Sparrow, J Whitney, M Wildman, L Britchford, H Payne, C Jaques, E Bollard.
It was decided on the motion of the Capt that the train fare & 10/- be paid to each man attending the Palace OW August 23rd.
The following Team contesting in the Escape Drill with the addition of 4 viz. Capt or G R Turner, J Sparrow, J Whitiing, L Britchford, C Simpson, A Jaques, M Jaques, E Bollard.
Signed: Fred Knight Capt. December 9th 1912.
10th Annual Meeting December 9th 1912
Present: Capt Knight, G R Turner, J T Colson, Engineer Green, A Jaques, J Whiting, H Payne, E Bollard, L Britchford, J Sparrow, C Simpson.
The Hon Sec presented his Balance Sheet for the year & on the motion of J T Colson, sec J Whiting it was decided to pass the Balance Sheet as read.
Proposed by L Britchford & sec by C Simpson that R F Knight be added to the Brigade in place of W Berridge.
It was also decided to see what clothing etc. was required & to report December16th.
Meeting held October 13th 1919
Present: Capt F Knight, 3rd Officer R F Knight, C Green, J Sparrow, J Whiting, H Payne, L Britchford, A Jaques, C Timson, J Wooding, Allen, W Packwood.
Report received from Council with reference to payment for Cleaning up & the scale of charges for Fires as laid down by the N.F.U. this was fully discussed & in the proposition of W Packwood, 2nd by C Timson it was unanimously decided to accept the Council’s offer, viz. Pay for Fire as N.F.U. Rate & 20/- for Cleaning up after each practice.
The opinion was unanimous that it would be to the best interest of the Brigade if the Cleaning up was done by the whole of the Firemen & not by one man residing at the Fire Station as suggested by the Council.
A notification was received from the Council stating that the resignation had been received of Mr G R Turner, 2nd Officer, Secretary & Treasurer of the Brigade & asking for the nomination of some gentleman to fill the vacancy.
Before this was discussed Capt Knight notified the meeting that it was his intention to resign also, he had been Capt of the Brigade for 35 years & he now felt that the time had come when a younger man should fill the position, his resignation would go before the Council at their next Meeting. He thought that by giving the Meeting this information at the present time it would be advisable to nominate persons to fill both the vacant positions.
Proposed by L Britchford
Seconded by H Payne
That Mr W Packwood be appointed 2nd Officer & Secretary & Treasurer.
This was carried.
Proposed by A Jaques
Seconded by J Wooding
That Mr R F Knight be appointed Captain.
This was carried unanimously.
Proposed by C Timson
Seconded by A Jaques
That a Supper be arranged at an early a date as possible. Suggested date November 14th.
Carried unanimously.
Meeting held October 27th 1919
Present: Capt R F Knight, 2nd Officer W Packwood, C Green, H Payne, L Bridgford, A Jaques, C Timson, J Wooding.
Supper & Social Evening
It was Proposed by C Timson and seconded by A Jaques that the charge for the Supper & Social Evening to be held in the Fire Station on Thursday, November 13th be 7/6 including refreshments. Carried.
Meeting held November 3rd 1919
Present: Capt R F Knight, 2nd Officer W Packwood, C Green, H Payne, L Bridgford, J Sparrow, A Jaques, C Timson, Allen.
Proposed by W Packwood and seconded by C Timson that E Walker be elected as a new member of the Brigade. Carried.
Meeting held December 1st 1919
Present: 2nd Officer W Packwood, C Green, J Sparrow, J Whiting, H Payne, L Bridgford, A Jaques, C Timson, J Wooding, Allen, E Walker.
On the Motion of C Green and seconded by C Timson it was resolved to Pass the Balance Sheet of the Supper and to make up the Deficiency out of Brigade Funds. Carried.
In appreciation of the good work of the Brigade at a Fire at Hinwick Hall on March 24th 1926, Gilbert Robinson Esq presented the Brigade with a cheque for £100.
Note: no further minutes entered until 1926