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Rushden Fire Station
Minute Book of the Rushden Fire Brigade 1943 - 1945

new equipment
Fire brigade practice with new equipment

Rushden NFS Entertainment Committee held on Sunday February 21st 1943

Those present: S/L Green, D Okins, T Daniels, L/F S Newton, S Harbour.

It was agreed to hold a meeting the second Wednesday of each month.

A J Green.

Rushden NFS Entertainment Committee Meeting

Wednesday 10th March 1943 19.30 hours

Those present: S L Green in the Chair, Fm Okins, Fm Fensome, Fm Harbour, Fm Daniels and Fm Whiting.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.

Fm Okins presented the balance sheet of the old time dances and reported a profit of £5.13.0 on the first dance and £11.3.0 to date on the second. It was decided that this money be held by the Committee for the present. Thanks of the Committee were expressed to Fm Fensome for his duties as MC and to Fm Okins for his organising of the dances.

A request was received from LF Bailey for a General Meeting to be called and it was decided that this should take place during April.

Fm Fensome was elected to represent the Station Committee on the Sub District Committee, the first meeting of which was to be held at Sub Division 3 on Friday 12th March.

It was proposed by Fm Harbour, seconded by Fm Fensome and carried, that a part-time Firewoman should be attached to the Committee and that she should be selected by the Firewomen.

The British Legion Hall and Leon and his Dance Band have been booked for The Firemen’s Ball which is to be held on Thursday 29th April from 7.30 to 11.15. Fm Fensome proposed that the charge for admission should be 2/- by ticket and 2/6 at the door. Forces to be admitted at half price providing the number attending was not too great. This was seconded by Fm Harbour and carried. Fm Okins suggested that an order be made by CoyO Timpson regarding the wearing of uniform and the attendance of firemen at the dance. It was decided that the firewomen be responsible for the refreshments and that Fm Okins should order 18 bills and 300 Tickets to be printed. It was proposed and carried that the bills be headed ‘Firemen’s Annual Ball’ and that the proceeds were for the Benevolent and Station [NFBA crossed through] Funds. It was also to be stated on the Bills that the dance would be limited and that tickets could be obtained from NFS Personnel or The Station. Fm Fensome consented to be the Master of Ceremonies.

Fm Daniels proposed that a Whist Drive be held on the Station but this was left open until it could be found if tables, chairs and cards could be borrowed.

The following teams were selected to take part in the matches against the Police on March 15th at 19.00 hrs at the Conservative Club.

Billiards: Fm Cook, Fm Daniels, Fm Chapman, Fm E Perkins.

Snooker: Fm Burton, Fm R Warner, Fm H Robinson, Fm D Okins.

Darts: LF Newton, Fm Cross, Fm Sawford, LF Marriott, Fm Valentine, Fm E Dickens, Fm H Chettle, Fm S Chettle, Fm B Beeby, Fm A Rose.

Cribbage: Mangr Sears, Fm Sawford, Fm F Millard, Fm G Ward, SL A J Green, Fm B Beeby.

Skittles: LF Newton, Fm Cross, Fm Sawford, Fm F Millard, Fm G Ward, Fm Warner, Fm Daniels, Fm Valentine, Fm E Dickens.

The meeting was closed at 20.45 hours.

Annual General Meeting held at the Station on Tuesday April 13th 1943

Those Present: Chairman, C/O Timpson, SL Dawson, SL Green and members of the NFS.

The meeting was opened with a few words from the chairman who then called upon SL Green to present the balance sheet, who, after explaining the main outlines of the balance sheet asked for questions of the above. As there were none, the chairman gave a short explanation of the Death Levy which appeared so many times on the Balance Sheet. As no comments were made it was proposed by Fm Fensome and seconded by Fm Daniels to adopt the Balance Sheet. This was carried.

The Chairman then spoke of the raising of a cricket team and explained the future matches between Stations, Sub Divisions and Divisions.

Fm Okins proposed that Fm Harbour be elected Captain of our station team but an amendment was made Fm Fensome and he suggested all those interested should elect their own captain, this was seconded by Fm Dickens and carried. Fm Okins then withdrew his proposition.

Names were asked for entries for swimming competitions.

Suggestions and Complaints were then asked for by the Chairman and Fm Marriott asked if it were possible to promote more Leading Firemen owing to the increasing number of personnel and the Chairman explained the Leading Firemen were made according to the number of pumps on the station and not the number of personnel, but a review is being made on the matter and names will be submitted.

Fm Penness then asked for an explanation of the NFS Insurance Scheme and this was explained by the Chairman.

Fm Daniels inquired about the new members joining the station fund and it was proposed to put it to all new members and telephonists.

Fm Mayes then raised the question about blankets and the Chairman promised to do his best about the matter. LF Marriott also brought up the question of an hour break and the Chairman agreeing with the unfairness of it promised to keep on fighting to put this right.

A short discussion was then made on Toy making among the whole time firemen.

Fm Okins thanked Fm Fensome for his work in helping to promote and acting as MC to Dances held during the year, also thanks to Fm Tassell and all members who took part in games and competitions etc.

Fm Daniels proposed a vote of thanks to Fm Okins and to the Sec SL Green for services during the passed year. These were seconded and carried.

The Chairman then thanked all personnel for their cooperation during the past year and Fm Fensome proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman and this was seconded by Fm Daniels and was carried.

The meeting was then closed. A P Timpson SCO Chairman.

Entertainment Committee Meeting 13th April 1943 21.00 hrs

Those present: SL Green in the Chair, Fm Okins, Fm Fensome, Fm Daniels, Fm Harbour, Fm Whiting.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. It was announced that at the general Meeting held previously the Entertainment Committee had been re-elected. It was proposed by Fm Daniels and carried that Fm Fensome and Fm Whiting should continue to represent the Station on the Sub Div Committee.

Fm Fensome made a report on the last Sub Div Committee meeting. It was decided that a meeting of all personnel interested in cricket should be called and that a team should be picked to play a trial match against personnel of Station 3W early in May. Final arrangements for the dance to take place on 29th April were made. Firemen in charge of the door to be appointed on Sunday. Firewomen to be responsible for the refreshments. Fm Fensome proposed that Fm Okins obtain refreshments for the social at the Station on Friday April 16th. This was decided upon and the meeting was closed.

Entertainment Committee Meeting 20th May 1943 20.00 hrs

Those present: SL Green in the Chair, Fm Daniels and Fm Harbour, SL Okins, Fm Green and Fm Whiting.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.

It was proposed that a Selection Committee for the Cricket tem be elected, and that it should consist of Fm Palmer (Captain), SL Okins (Sec), Fm Harbour (Vice-Captain), this was carried unanimously. It was announced that cricket matches have been arranged 3V against 3W at Higham on May 29th and 3V and 3W against Higham Town on June 19th, also at Higham. SL Okins was asked to inquire if the Town Ground would be available for home matches on 12th and 26th June. It was proposed that the Baptist Chapel Cricket Team and the RAF MU 204 be challenged. It was suggested that steps be taken to arrange a dance at the Windmill Hall in June or July on a Thursday and that dances should be arranged at the Legion Hall at a later date. The next meeting was arranged for June 9th at 19.30 hrs.

Entertainment Committee Meeting 9th June 1943 19.30 hrs

Those present: SL Okins in the Chair, LFm Newton, Fm Perkins, Fm Harbour, Fm Fensome, Fm Daniels, Fm Green, Fm Whiting.

Apologies were received from SL Green who was unable to be present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and on the proposal of Fm Fensome seconded by Fm Daniels were adopted.

Fm Fensome proposed that one dance per month be arranged during the Autumn and Winter. This was carried and SL Okins proposed that Fm Fensome be given power to book dates at the British Legion Hall and the Highfield Road Hall. This was agreed upon. Col Swoger of the US Army was approached regarding the use of the Windmill Hall for a dance but he was unable to give permission for this.

Fm Fensome proposed that a concert be arranged to take place in the Sub Station on a Sunday Evening. Fm Perkins seconded and the proposal was carried. It was decided that firemen’s wives and children be invited in permission can be obtained. No charge to be made for admission but a collection taken. It was agreed that Fm Fensome should obtain minerals to be sold during the concert. Fm Perkins proposed and LFm Newton seconded that Fm Fensome be MC and the date and time were fixed on July 4th at 19.15 hours. A list of proposed artistes was taken by SL Okins and it was decided that these people be approached immediately permission has been obtained for wives and children to attend.

It was moved by SL Green and seconded by Fm Fensome that £25 be forwarded to the Divisional Benevolent fund from the proceeds of the last three dances. This was carried.

Cricket: Fm Harbour proposed that the RAF Podington be challenged and games should be played away on a Thursday and home on a Saturday. It was decided that SL Green should contact the RAf giving open dates as July 3rd,17th, 24th and 31st. the cost of the upkeep of the cricket ground was discussed and it was decided that costs amounting to £3.5.0 be paid by Fm Fensome and the money refunded. SL Okins agreed to approach the ATC regarding the sharing of the costs.

It was reported that £1.1.0 had been forwarded to DO Haylett for the Area Training School Fund and a letter of thanks was read.

It was decided that a return shooting match should be arranged with the Home Guard.

Toy making was discussed but it was decided that more cooperation would be obtained during the winter months.

LFm Newton proposed and Fm Fensome seconded that a Pairs Bowls Competition be organised for NFS Personnel. Fm Green agreed to approach Messrs John Cave Ltd regarding the use of their ground.

It was decided that a notice be put on the board for names to be attached and that a draw for partners should take place. Entrance fee to be 1/- per pair.

LFm Newton moved that in future all business should be carried out by the Committee and that no money should be paid out without full approval. Fm Fensome seconded and this was carried. It was agreed that SL Okins and LFm Newton should approach CoyO Timpson regarding this.

The next meeting was arranged to take place on July 14th at 19.30 hours.

Entertainment Committee Meeting Thursday 24th June 1943 20.00 hrs

Those present: SL Green, SL Okins, LF Newton, Fm Daniels, Fm Harbour, Fm Fensome, Fm Green and Fm Whiting.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and on the proposal of LF Newton seconded by Fm Harbour were adopted.

SL Okins reported that a shooting match has been arranged, NFS against Home Guard, to take place at Crabb Street on July 14th at 20.00 hrs. Also that a Cricket match, NFS against RAF had been fixed to be played at the Town Cricket Ground on July 17th.

A permit was received from Messrs John Cave Ltd for the use of their bowling green and July 21st was the date chosen for the Pairs Bowls Competition to take place, to commence at 19.20 hrs.

It was decided that the programme for the Concert on July 4th could not be arranged until Mr Rice had been approached regarding the use of his cinematograph and the time he would take to show the films. It was arranged that Fm Fensome approach the secretary of the BWTA with a request to borrow chairs (100) for the Concert. After discussion it was found that the room and platform would have to be made ready during the Sunday morning and afternoon and the clearing would be necessary after the concert. Several artists have been approached and it was decided that those artists travelling from Irthlingborough be provided with transport. It was agreed that the artists should receive payment if they wished to do so. Fm Fensome agreed to obtain minerals to be sold during the interval and it was decided that 1 gross would be needed if this amount could be obtained.

Fm Fensome reported £2.5.0 paid for the upkeep of the sports ground. LF Newton proposed that proper application be made to the committee regarding any monies to be paid out and this was seconded by Fm Fensome. It was decided that the matter of £3.0.8 lost on the Station belonging to LF Clark should be left over until a written report be received.

Fm Harbour reported Sub Div Cricket Match was to be played at Higham Ferrers on June 26th. Sub Div 3 against Sub Div 4. Fm Fensome reported that Sub Div Sports would take place on July 10th at Higham Ferrers.

The next meeting was fixed for 13th July at 19.30 hrs.

Entertainment Committee Meeting Tuesday 20th July 1943 19.30 hrs

Those present: CoyO Timpson, SL Green, SL Okins, LF Newton, Fm Perkins, Fm Harbour, Fm Fensome, Fm Green and Fm Whiting.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and on the proposal of LF Newton, seconded by Fm Perkins were adopted.

SL Okins reported that the shooting match arranged for July 14th was postponed until a later date and that the cricket match against the RAF was postponed until Thursday 22nd July to be played at John White’s Sports Ground.

LF Newton moved that proceedings be taken to recover the enamel mugs and teapot and 2 kettles which have been entered on the Station inventory and returned to stores although they were purchased by Station personnel. Fm Harbour seconded and SL Okins proposed that CoyO Timpson approach the Column Officer. CoyO Timpson agreed to do this and the resolution was passed.

A letter was received from LF Clark regarding wages amounting to £3.0.8 which had been lost on the Station. CoyO Timpson made a report on the loss. LF Newton then moved that the money be paid to LF Clark from the Welfare Fund. Fm Fensome seconded and the proposal was carried.

SL Okins proposed that a safe be purchased if possible for the safety of all money in future on the Station. CoyO Timpson agreed to inquire from ColO Kemp if one could be provided. CoyO Timpson suggested that a notice be placed on the Station Notice Board informing whole time firemen that LF Clark was their representative on the Station Committee and all matters for the attention of the Committee must be submitted through him. SL Okins then asked the view of the Committee on the purchase of Cricket Gear for the Station. He reported that in several matches he had been grateful for equipment loaned by Messrs Denton Ltd. Fm Fensome reported that he had approached CoyO Hulett regarding a priority order and CoyO Hulett agreed that one could be obtained. LF Newton suggested that if any secondhand gear could be bought the expense would be lessened. Fm Fensome then moved that an order be obtained for 2 bats, 2 balls and a set of wickets and bails. This was seconded by LF Newton and carried.

Repayment of 3/9 to SL Okins for a Cricket Book was sanctioned. SL Okins thanked all members of the Committee for cooperation and help at the Station Concert on July 4th. He announced that £4.8.9 was collected and that cost amounted to £4.1.3. The Committee agreed that letters of appreciation be forwarded to all artists.

The next meeting was arranged for August 11th at 19.30 hrs. Items placed on the agenda were: Donation to the Benevolent Fund from the Station and a concert to be arranged at the Ritz Cinema on a Sunday evening.

A P Timpson, Chairman.

Entertainment Committee Meeting Monday 14th August 1943 19.30 hrs

Those present: CoyO Timpson, SL Okins, LF Newton, Fm Perkins, Fm Daniels, Fm Fensome, Fm Harbour, Fm Whiting.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and on the motion of Fm Fensome seconded by Fm Daniels were adopted.

CoyO Timpson reported that he had contacted ColO Kemp regarding a safe for the Station and the ColO thought these were impossible to obtain and suggested that a cash box be indented for. CoyO Timpson said that this had been done.

Fm Harbour reported that he and Fm Newton had obtained cricket gear from the Coxton Shoe Co. There are 2 bats, 3 sets batting pads, 2 sets batting gloves,1 set wickets and bails, 1 set wicket keeping gloves and 1 ball for the price of £4.10.0. SL Okins thanked LF Newton on behalf of the committee for his help in obtaining these. Payment of the £4.10.0 was sanctioned by the committee and SL Okins proposed that Fm Harbour and Fm Palmer be responsible for the safe keeping of the equipment.

The proposed Sunday evening concert was next brought forward and CoyO Timpson proposed that the London Fire force Band and Artists be engaged, he himself to approach the ColO regarding booking and expenses. It was decided that CoyO Timpson should inquire into the expenses of booking the Ritz Cinema or the Royal Theatre for the concert and that an open date should be accepted at the most suitable cinema.

SL Okins reported that a swimming team was entered in the Gala on August 5th and thanked all supporters.

An invitation was received from the Factory Darts League for a member of the NFS to attend their committee meetings and for a team of players from this Station to enter the League. It was proposed that a notice be placed on the board inviting all firemen interested to submit names, a captain would then be picked from the selected team. Fm Harbour proposed and Fm Perkins seconded that LF Newton represent the Station on this committee.

SL Okins reported that the cricket match arranged for August 14th with Sub Div 4 was postponed by Sub Div 4 and that a match would be played against Kettering at Higham Ferrers on August 21st. It was decided that matches against the RAF Podington be arranged by SL Okins to be played in September and that Fm Fensome should approach J. Whites Ltd regarding the use of their Sports Ground.

Fm Fensome reported that he was unable to book any dates for dances at the British Legion Hall until after Christmas and that he would book any dates obtainable at the St Peter’s Hall, Highfield Road.

A receipt was received from LF Clark for £3.0.8 paid to him in place of lost wages.

It was reported that letters of thanks were sent to all artists who helped at the Station Concert on July4th.

The next meeting was arranged for 8th September at 19.30 hrs.

A P Timpson CoyO.

Entertainment Committee Meeting Wednesday 8th September 1943 19.30 hrs.

Those present: CoyO Timpson, SL Okins, SL Green, LF Newton, LF Clark, Fm Perkins, Fm Daniels, Fm Whiting, Fm Green.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.

LF Newton submitted a report on the Factory Dart League. The team has been picked and the first match will be played on the Station on Friday 10th September. Rules and fixtures have been posted on the Station notice boards and each player will contribute 1d per match to charity. CoyO Timpson reminded those in charge that no strong drink may be had on the Station without the Div Officer’s permission. SL Okins proposed and CoyO Timpson seconded that the 5/- entrance fee to the League be paid from the Station Fund.

CoyO Timpson reported that a strong box has been received and will be used for all monies on the Station. The keys will be kept on the Station.

CoyO Timpson also reported that £25 have been forwarded to the Benevolent Fund from the Station and £16.10.9 from the Sub Div Sports Day and a receipt for £61.10.9 was handed to the treasurer.

The proposed Sunday concert at the Ritz was then discussed and CoyO Timpson informed the committee that he had approached the management of the Ritz and they were willing to loan the cinema free of charge providing the show be good and clean. The whole time cinema staff and electricians would have to be paid. GO Blackburn is attempting to contact the London Fire Force Band for a booking but failing that a BBC band was suggested. CoyO Timpson suggested that the FFC Thomas be invited.

SL Okins reported that Fm Fensome had booked the Highfield Road Hall and a band for an Old Time Dance on September 16th. Tickets would be on sale on Friday and it was agreed that Fm Green take charge of the refreshments. CoyO Timson said that any fireman on duty who wished to attend must obtain a stand-in.

The Station Benevolent Fund was then discussed and it was agreed the fund was for the relief of distress and for accidents and that all applications to the committee would be considered each on its own merits.

Fm Daniels then proposed that SL Green be the committee vice-chairman. Fm Perkins seconded and this was carried.

The next meeting was fixed for Wednesday 13th October at 19.30 hrs.

Entertainment Committee Meeting Wednesday 13th October 1943 19.30 hours.

Those present: SL Green in the Chair, SL Okins, Fm Daniels, Fm Perkins, Fm House, Fm Harbour, Fm Green and Fm Whiting.

Apologies were received from Fm Fensome for non attendance.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and on the proposal of Fm Perkins, seconded by Fm Daniels were adopted.

Fm House was welcomed to the committee by the Chairman in place of LF Newton who was now in the RAF.

The first item to be discussed was the concert to be held at the Ritz. SL Okins moved that CoyO Timpson approach GO Blackburn regarding the fixing of a date. Fm Harbour seconded this.

It was reported that a grate had been built in the Sub Stn by the whole time man, the cost of materials being £1.1.4. Fm Perkins proposed that this be paid from the Station Fund. Fm House seconded and it was carried.

SL Okins reported that 30/- had been paid for use of town ground instead of £3. One football match had been played at Wellingborough Dog & Duck ground and that Mr Fursey had been approached regarding the loan of football equipment for future matches. Fm Hindmarsh has been elected temporarily to act as Captain. Fm Daniels moved and Fm Perkins seconded that SL Okins and Fm Harbour select teams in the future.

SL Green then informed the committee that Fm Banks had been released from the service owing to ill health and was now in a sanatorium. He suggested that a grant of £2.2.0 be made to Fm Banks. Fm Perkins seconded this but Fm Daniels moved an amendment that the grant be £3.3.0. SL Okins seconded and this was carried.

Fm Perkins proposed that personnel of the Station be informed of any monies paid out by the committee at Sunday morning Roll Call.

The Christmas Handicaps were next discussed and it was decided that these should commence without delay. The games would be: Snooker, Billiards, Skittles, Darts, Partner Whist and Cribbage. Entrance fee to each, 6d per man. It was proposed that this be announced on Sunday 17th October and the closing date for entries be October 31st.

SL Okins then moved that a Serving Men’s Fund be founded but SL Green proposed that this be left for discussion when non-members of the committee were present.

The date of the next Old Time Dance was announced as Thursday October 28th.

Fm Daniels reported that a Billiards cue loaned by him to the Station had been broken.

The next meeting was arranged for 10th November at 19.30 hrs.

Entertainment Committee Meeting Wednesday 10th November 1943 19.30 hrs.

Those present: SL Okins in the Chair, LFm Perkins, LFm Daniels, LFm Clark, LFm Harbour, Fm Fensome, Fm House, Fm Whiting.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and on the proposal of LFm Daniels, seconded by LFm Perkins were adopted.

The first item discussed was the payment for the grate in the Sub Station. Fm Fensome asked why it took 4 weeks for the payment to be made and in reply SL Okins stated that CoyO Timpson withheld the money. CoyO Timpson then attended the meeting and explained that he held back the payment because the grate had been fixed without his knowledge and permission. He also informed the Committee that all things were subject to his approval after being passed by the Committee. SL Okins then requested CoyO Timpson to attend whenever possible. LFm Perkins suggested that if the CoyO was unable to attend the meeting he should read the minutes as early as possible after the meeting.

CoyO Timpson reported that Sydney Kyte and his Mayfair Orchestra had been booked for a concert at the Ritz on January 8th 1944 at a cost of £75. He also stated that the cinema was booked and that the pricing of the seats was in hand.

CoyO Timpson also reported that the Divisional Dance Band had been booked for a Modern Dance at the British Legion Hall on January 27th 1944.

Fm Perkins asked that the billiards table be renovated if possible and it was decided an estimate for this be obtained from Mr Jack Old. Complaints were received regarding the careless use of the table and cues etc. and it was agreed that a notice be placed over the collection box inviting players to make a contribution after each game for upkeep.

CoyO Timpson asked that in future all breakages or damage be reported at once. It was agreed that SL Okins approach Fm Whiting regarding the repair of cues. CoyO Timpson then left the meeting.

SL Okins then informed the committee that an invitation had been received from the Rushden Juniors for a Football Match on Boxing Day morning. Fm Perkins proposed that a team be selected and the invitation was accepted.

The forming of a Serving Men’s Fund was next discussed but Fm Fensome moved that this again be left until a later date. LFm Perkins seconded and this was carried.

LFm Perkins asked the chairman if the Div Benevolent Committee had been notified of the illness of PT Fm Banks. It was not known if this had yet been done.

Fm Fensome then moved that inquiries be made why no Sub Div Committee meetings had been called recently.

SL Okins reported that CoyO Timpson wished the half payment of the Bill for the visitors at the Cricket Supper be made from this Station fund and the other half from the fund of Station 3W. This was opposed and it was suggested that the cricket committee arrange payment.

It was decided that the proceeds of the dance on January 27th be for Benevolent and Station Funds and that the bills be worded to this effect. Prices of admission were fixed at 2/- by ticket and 2/6 at the door and it was agreed that it would be called The Fireman’s Annual Ball and admission would be limited. It was proposed that SL Okins obtain 18 bills and 300 tickets. Fm Fensome agreed to be Master of Ceremonies.

It was announced that £5.13.0 will be received as entrance fees to the Christmas Handicap and it was proposed by Fm Fensome and seconded by Fm House that the 1st prizes for Billiards, Snooker, Skittles and Darts be 10/- and the 2nd prizes 5/- and that the 1st prizes for Whist and Cribbage be 10/- per pair and 2nd prizes 5/- per pair. Fm Fensome than proposed that the 1st round in all handicaps be over by 20th November, the 2nd round by 1st December, the 3rd by 11th December and the 4th by 15th December, leaving a week for the finals. This was carried and it was agreed that no extra time should be allowed. LFm Clark was elected to collect the entrance fees and he agreed to do so. He informed the committee that the Skittle matches could be played in the W/T Men’s Recreation Room. SL Okins reported that handicaps were arranged by LFm Harbour and himself and it was proposed by Fm Fensome and seconded by Fm Daniels that these be accepted.

Fm Fensome then proposed that a clock be obtained for the P/T sleeping quarters, if possible from Div Stores and if not purchased from the Station Fund. LFm Perkins seconded and this was carried.

Committee Meeting 16th January 1944

Several small meetings have been called by CoyO Timpson during the past month owing to the difficulties which arose in arranging the Sunday concert by Sydney Kyte. The concert was eventually held at Wellingborough on January 9th. CoyO Timpson presented the Balance Sheet which showed the net loss to be £7.10.10. CoyO Timpson also informed the committee that letters of thanks had been sent to Mr l Miller and all the other helpers.

A meeting was arranged for January 23rd to complete the arrangements for the Annual Ball on January 27th.

Meeting of Sports and Welfare Committee held on Sunday January 30th 1944

Those present: Chairman C/O Timpson, S/L Green, S/L Okins, F/W Green, L/F Daniels, L/F Perkins, F Fensome, F House.

The claim of A W Clarke was discussed and C/O Timpson said he did not think anything could be done from the NFS Benevolent Fund. F Fensome proposed that a grant should be made from our own fund and this was seconded by S/L Okins. L/F Perkins proposed the sum of £2.2.0 for that purpose and this was seconded by F Fensome.

Next, the Claim of F Warren was discussed and it was decided for C/O Timpson to approach the Column for this to be settled by the NFS Benevolent Fund.

F House proposed a grant of £3.3.0 be given to F Banks to carry on with while his claim is being put before the NFS Fund. This was seconded by L/F Perkins.

Entertainment, Sports and Welfare Committee Meeting Sunday May 12th 1944

Those present: Sn C/O Timpson, S/L Okins, S/L Green, F House, F Tassell & FW Green.

C/O Timpson gave a report on the result of the election of the NFS Benevolent and Divisional Council. F Wildman was elected as full time representative and Sn C/O Timpson as part time representative.

In a short talk C/O Timpson stated that £39 had been paid out of the NFS Benevolent Fund to members of this Station and application had been made to the above fund with regard to F Ball.

S/L Okins proposed that £25 should be sent to the above fund, this was seconded by F House.

S/L Okins also proposed that £1.1.0 be sent to the Factory Darts league. S/L Green seconded.

The meeting then closed.

Entertainment, Sports & Welfare Committee Meeting March 22nd 1944 20.00 hrs.

Those present: SCoyO Timpson, SL Green SL Okins, LFm Daniels, LFm Perkins, LFm Tassell, Fm Fensome, Fm House, FW Green, FW Whiting.

SCoyO Timpson gave a report on the recent orders regarding funds. In future all social functions must be billed in aid of Area Station Fund or NFS Benevolent Fund and all proceeds and balance sheets forwarded to HQ.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.

SCoyO Timpson informed the committee that he had received a wallet from Fm Banks in appreciation of help received from the committee.

Money received from the Ritz re picture duties was discussed and Fm Fensome proposed that this be held over and not shown on a balance sheet until some ruling is made. LFm Daniels seconded this and this was carried.

It was proposed by Fm Fensome, seconded by SL Green that SCoyO Timpson made inquiries regarding the amount expected by the Benevolent Fund from this Station.

LF Okins reported that Fm Tyler, Bull and Fathers had been away from work for some time and suggested a grant from the Station Fund. LFm Perkins proposed, Fm Fensome seconded £2.2.0 for Fm Fathers. Fm Fensome proposed and Fm House seconded £3.3.0 for Fm Tyler, and an application to Benevolent Fund. Fm House proposed and Fm Fensome seconded £2.2.0 for Fm Bull.

SL Okins suggested that if possible a dance be arranged at the Imperial House, Duck Street and SCoyO Timpson was asked to contact the directors re the loan of the room.

It was suggested that a Children’s Party be arranged in the nice weather, to take place in the pump room or if possible in the army quarters, Robinson Road.

The next meeting was arranged for after the General Meeting.

A P Timpson SCoyO.

Entertainment, Sport & Welfare Committee Meeting April 19th 1944

Those present: SCoyO Timpson, SL Green, SL Okins, LFm Tassell, LFm Daniels, LFm Perkins, Fm House, Fm Fensome, FW Green, FW Whiting.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.

SCoyO Timpson gave a report on the NFS Benevolent Fund and its activities and on grants received from it by Station Personnel. He suggested that the committee help this fund in every way possible. He reported that collecting boxes for this purpose were now on all stations and that Flag days and Football matches were being arranged to give the fund good support.

SL Green then presented the Station Fund balance sheet for the year and on the proposal of Fm Fensome, seconded by LFm Daniels this was adopted.

SCoyO Timpson then thanked the committee for its work during the past year, mentioning especially SL Okins, Fm Fensome and SL Green.

It was decided that £1.1.0 should be paid to the No. 3 District Committee Fund.

Arrangements for the Dance at The Imperial House were discussed and CoyO Timpson stated that permission for the use of the room had been received. SL Okins reported that Leon and Star Players have been booked for the evening. It was decided that 200 tickets and 1 doz bills be obtained and that the price of admission be 4/- including refreshments. Fm Fensome proposed that SL Okins be given a free hand with arrangements. It was decided that all tickets and money must be returned at least a week before the dance. LFm Perkins was asked to arrange a raffle.

FFO 215 was discussed and the committee were opposed. Further information was required and SCoyO Timpson informed the committee that he would do his best in the matter. Fm Fensome proposed that a protest be registered at the next Div Committee meeting.

The Annual General Meeting was arranged for 3rd May at 19.30 hrs and a ballot is to be held to elect the committee for the coming year. The meeting then closed.

A P Timpson, Chairman.

Annual General Meeting held at the Station on May 3rd 1944

Those present: SC/O Timpson (Chairman), S/L Okins, S/L Green, L/F Daniels, L/F Tassell, L/F Perkins, F House (F Fensome was unable to attend) and other members of the NFS.

The Chairman opened the Meeting by calling on the treasurer to present the Balance

Sheet, who, after explaining the main outlines asked for comments on same, as there were none L/F Palmer proposed that the Balance Sheet be adopted, this was seconded by L/F Bollard.

The Chairman then spoke on various sports and congratulated the Firewomen on the splendid toys they made during the Winter months. F Ward proposed that F Burton and F Wildman be added to the Committee to represent the full time firemen. This was seconded by L/F Bollard. The remainder of the committee was elected en bloc. Proposer L/F Palmer, seconder F Mayes.

The Chairman then thanked the Committee for their past services, also to S/L Okiins, F Fensome, F/W Whiting and S/L Green.

The Chairman then spoke on various things. Which included playing cards, dances, etc. also the Welfare Fund and NFS Benevolent Fund. S/L Okins also spoke on the above funds.

After a discussion on the above subjects and after several questions had been asked and answered L/F Perkins proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman and this was seconded by L/F Bollard.

The meeting then closed.

D R Dawson S/L. 6/6/45.

Entertainment Sport and Welfare Committee Meeting 2nd May 1944 20.00 hrs.

Those present: SCoyO Timpson, S/L Okins, S/L Green, LFm Tassell, LFm Perkins, L/Fm Daniels, Fm Burton, Fm Fensome, Fm House, FW Green, FW Whiting.

The minutes of the previous meeting (April 19th) were read and adopted.

SCotO Timpson gave a report on the Divisional Benevolent Committee Meeting and stated that a flag day for the Benevolent Fund was being arranged in the Company Area in August. He informed the Committee that letters of appeal were being sent from Fire Force to business houses all over the area. He reported an amendment to FFO 215 which allowed that Station Funds already in hand would not be touched.

The Dance arranged for May 27th was next discussed and S/L Okins reported that tickets were selling well and that arrangements for refreshments, doorkeepers and helpers were in hand. 4 packets of 20 Players cigs. have been received for prizes. LFm Perkins reported that a prize for a raffle had been received.

Fm Burton asked if it was possible for a Piano to be obtained for the station, also if darts could be supplied. SCoyO Timpson agreed to inquire regarding both and to inquire if priority orders for sports equipment were obtainable.

It was decided to purchase an ‘Evening Telegraph’ from the funds to be delivered to the Station each day.

A letter was received from S/L Dawson asking for a gas ring to be purchased at 6/6 for the use of W/T men. Fm Fensome seconded and this was carried.

S/L Okins stated that there was some ill feeling between Whole and Part time men regarding the use of the recreation room. It was decided that the part time men should have the use of the Billiard Table from 2100 hrs to 2230 in future and that members of the Committee must make every effort to promote better feelings.

S/L Okins reported that arrangements were in hand for bowls and cricket matches for station personnel and the Divisional League.

It was proposed by L/Fm Perkins, seconded by Fm Fensome that £3.3.0 be granted to Fm Packwood from the Station fund. Fm Fensome proposed and L/Fm Perkins seconded that Fm Bailey be granted £3.3.0. Fm Burton proposed and Fm House seconded that Fm Millard be granted £3.3.0. S/L Okins proposed that FW Green be appointed collector from the Firewomen for the Station Benevolent fund. Fm Fensome seconded and this was carried.

The next meeting was arranged for June 14th 1944.

Entertainment Sport and Welfare Committee Meeting 20th July 1944 2000 hrs.

Those present: SL Green, SL Okins, LFm Tassell, Fm Wildman, FW Green, FW Whiting.

On the motion of SL Okins, seconded by LFm Tassell the minutes of the previous meeting were carried.

SL Okins reported that £1 had been forwarded to the Benevolent Fund from the Bowls Match held recently at Higham. He informed the committee that the Concert at the Salvation Army raised £5.8 for the SA Serving Men’s Fund. He was pleased at the good feeling which now exists between the SA and the NFS.

An application was received for a Wireless and two loud speakers to be purchased for the station. The Wireless to be fixed in the canteen and an extension in the girls’ rest room and the bottom station. SL Okins proposed and Fm Wildman seconded that £17.12.0 be granted from the Station fund to cover the cost of this. SL Green agreed to approach Mr Clark regarding the delivering and fixing of the set.

Owing to the poor attendance at the meeting it was decided that the Balance in Hand of the Picture Money be discussed at the next meeting.

The next meeting was arranged for Wednesday, August 2nd at 2000hrs.

Entertainment Sport and Welfare Committee Meeting 13/9/44.

Those present: SCoyO Timpson, S/L Green, S/L Okins, L/Fm Perkins, L/Fm Tassell, L/Fm Daniels, Fm Burton, L/Fm Green, FW Whiting.

The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted.

It was proposed by L/Fm Tassell, seconded by L/Fm Perkins that £2.0.0 be granted to Fm Fathers from the Station Fund. SCoyO Timpson proposed and L/Fm Tassell seconded that £1.1.0 be granted to Fm Bailey.

S/L Okins reported that Fm Banks had made and presented a Handbag to be disposed of for the Benevolent Fund and that the W/T Firemen were willing to make two toys for the same purpose. He also reminded the committee that our Target for the year is £159 and suggested that dances be arranged to help reach this amount. SCoyO Timpson agreed to approach the authorities regarding the hire of the Windmill Hall and the Imperial House.

It was decided to arrange a Sunday Evening Concert to take place in the Station on October 15th. A meeting to discuss this was fixed for 2000 hrs 20th September.

Sports & Welfare Committee Meeting held on October 11th 1944.

Those present: SC/O Timpson, S/L Okins, S/L Green, L/F Daniels, L/F Tassell, F House, F Burton, F Wildman.

Minutes were read and passed of the last meeting. The programme of the Concert to be held on October 15th was inspected. Refreshments for the artists discussed and arrangements were left in the hands of F Burton, also the selling of programmes was left to F Burton. Transport of the piano and chairs was left to L/F Tassell.

Christmas Handicap and forthcoming dances was discussed.

L/FW Green was complimented on her work on the programmes.

The meeting was then closed.

Entertainment, Sport & Welfare Committee Meeting 1/11/44.

Those present: SL Okins, SL Green, LFm Tassell, LFm Perkins, Fm Burton, Fm Wildman, Fm House, LFW Green.

The minutes of the lat meeting were read and adopted.

SL Green proposed thanks to the Whole Time men for their paying for the refreshments given to the Artistes of the Concert held on October 15th, also to all the personnel who helped, this was seconded by Fm House.

The dance to be held at Bignells on December 2nd was discussed. The committee was informed by SL Okins that ‘D’ Division band had been obtained. SL Okins to see about the printing of tickets and bills, and also to see about the loan of crockery from the British Legion. LFm Perkins and LFm Tassell promised to obtain prizes for a raffle to be held at the dance. Arrangements were also made regarding helpers at the dance.

The next meeting was arranged for Tuesday November 21st at 2000 hrs.

A P Timpson SCoyO.

Committee Meeting 21/11/44.

Those present: SCoyO Timpson, S/L Okins, L/Fm Daniels, Tassell, Fm Burton, L/FW Green and FW Whiting.

The minutes of meeting 1/11/44 were read and adopted.

Arrangements for the dance on December 2nd were made as follows: Fm Burton to be in charge of preparing the room, S/L Okins to obtain crockery, L/Fm Tassell to get prizes for the raffle and L/FW Green to get prizes for the Spot Waltz etc. Firewomen and Firemen’s wives to help with refreshments and to report to L/FW Green at the Station at 14.30 hrs. It was decided that the MC be asked to wear uniform, and that British forces should be admitted by ticket at 2/6.

Benevolent Fund: SCoyO Timpson reported on the activities of the Benevolent Committee and read a letter re the Spitfire Fund. It was decided that nothing should be done at the present time regarding this.

S/L Okins reported that a grant of £2 be made to Fm Martin from the Station fund. L/Fm Tassell seconded and this was carried. SCoyO Timpson proposed that a feed be arranged for all personnel to take place early in January at the Station or at the Athletic Club. Details to be fixed at the next meeting.

It was agreed that the next meeting be on December 5th at 2000 hrs.

Entertainment, Sport & Welfare Committee meeting 2/1/45.

Those present: SCoyO Timpson, L/Fm Tassell, Daniels, Perkins, Fm Burton and House, L/FW Green and FW Whiting.

SCoyO Timpson opened the meeting by thanking the Committee who helped at the dance on December 2nd. He announced that the Station reached the Target for 1944 for the Benevolent Fund. A grant of £2.2.0 to Fm Newill from the Station Fund was approved. SCoyO Timpson stated that a Claims Committee has been appointed by the Div Comm and it is hoped that claims on the Benevolent Fund will be dealt with in a much shorter time.

A Football Match between the NFS and Rushden Firemen has been arranged for Saturday at the Town Ground.

Supper for all Personnel – It was decided that Mr Warner of Finedon be asked to cater at 3/- per head and that the Athletic Club room be booked for February 15th if possible. It was suggested that Complimentary Tickets be given to – The FFC, Fm Henig, the DO, Col O Kemp & Craggs, CoyO Tarry, Parsons and Wilson, S/L Hyde, Mead & Jennings, Inspector Valentine of the Police, Mr Bailey and Mr Dean of the Wardens and the Secretary and President of the Athletic Club. The total number attending would be 160 and 40 of these would be seated at the Station.

Fm House tendered his resignation.

The next meeting was arranged for January 23rd at 2000 hrs.

Entertainment, Sports & Welfare Committee Meeting 9/1/45.

Those present: SCoyo Timpson, SL Okins, SL Green, LFm Daniels, Tassell, Fm Wildman, LFW Whiting (crossed through later), LFW Green.

The minutes for the last meeting were read and adopted.

Supper – SCoyO Timpson read the letter from the Athletic Club agreeing to loan us the room for February 15th. He stated that he had contacted Mr Warner of Finedon, re catering, but he couldn’t do anything until March. He also asked the Co-op, but they couldn’t do anything. It was agreed that SCoyO Timpson should fix up with Mr Warner the earliest possible date in March.

Fm Fensome proposed that anyone leaving the Service from January 1st 1945 until the date of the supper may be included, also older members who have been released, but this was to be left to the discretion of the Committee, this was seconded by LFm Daniels. It was decided to keep it a straight feed and each person to buy his own drinks. It was also decided to engage a few Artistes, but this was to be arranged after the date is fixed by SCoyO Timpson with Mr Warner.

Fm Fensome proposed and Fm Wildman seconded that Fm House be interviewed re his resignation.

SCoyO Timpson stated that the discussion on the Kiddies’ Party would take place at the next meeting. A P Timpson SCoyO.

Entertainment, Sport & Welfare Committee Meeting 23/1/45.

Those present: SCoyO Timpson, S/L Green, S/L Okins, L/Fm Tassell, Daniels, Perkins, Fm Wildman, Fensome, House, FW Whiting.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.

SCoyO Timpson asked Fm House to give the reason for his resignation. Fm House stated that recently several decisions have been made without the sanction of the committee and he felt that he was failing to fulfil his obligations to the men he represented. SCoyO Timpson replied that there were definite reasons why the decisions were made of which the committee were aware and after a discussion Fm House agreed to continue to be a member of the committee.

It was decided that W/T S/L Dawson & S/L Green should be co-opted to the committee.

SCoyO Timpson reported that Mr Warner the caterer had been contacted again regarding the Supper for all personnel and his only available date was March 29th. The Athletic Club committee have been approached re the hire of a room for this date but no reply has been received. S/L Okins proposed and Fm Wildman seconded that 16 complimentary tickets as decided at the meeting 2/1/45 be sent out.

It was decided that a Party for Wives and Children be arranged in the near future.

A grant from the Station Fund of £2.2.0 was made to L/Fm Hart and £2.2.0 to Fm Townsend, both of whom have been sick for some time.

Fm Fensome proposed and L/Fm Daniels seconded that a football be purchased from Fm Hindmarsh for 5/-.

SCoyO Timpson asked the committee to accept his resignation from the chairmanship owing to pressure of work. L/Fm Perkins proposed that a new chairman and vice chairman be elected. Fm House seconded and this was carried. Two names were put forward, S/L Okins and L/Fm Daniels and a vote was taken, the result being S/L Okins 7 and L/Fm Daniels1. S/L Okins proposed a vote of thanks to SCoyO Timpson for his services and SCoyO Timpson agreed to attend the meetings when possible. S/L Okins then took the chair.

It was proposed by L/Fm Perkins, seconded by S/L Green that cards would be sent to committee members to notify them of the dates of future meetings. The secretary agreed to do this and the next meeting was arranged for February 6th at 2000 hrs. The chairman then closed the meeting.

Entertainment, Sport & Welfare Committee Meeting 6/2/45.

Those present: LFm Daniels (Chairman), S/L Green A J, S/L Dawson, S/L Green K, L/Fm Tassell, Perkins, Fm House, L/FW Green, FW Whiting.

L/Fm Daniels opened the meeting by welcoming S/L Dawson and S/L Green K to the committee. Apologies for absence were received from S/L Okins owing to illness and Fm Wildman owing to Annual leave.

S/L Green A J reported that the £2.2.0 grant from the Station Fund to Fm Townsend had been returned with thanks and Fm Townsend wished it to be handed to the Benevolent Fund.

It was reported that the Caterer and the Room have been booked for the Supper on March 29th and it was suggested that the supper commences at 1930 hrs. It was proposed by S/L Green A J, seconded by S/L Dawson that tickets with a perforated margin for reply be obtained as soon as possible and sent out to all personnel. It was agreed that helpers for the Caterer could be obtained if required. L/Fm Tassell proposed that the committee be divided to deal with arrangements and FW Whiting should be responsible for the catering and S/L Dawson, L/Fm Perkins, Fm House and Fm Fensome and L/FW Green for the entertainment. Powers of the Sub Committee were discussed and it was decided that the Entertainment Committee should be allowed £10.0.0 and that the entertainment should commence at 2030 hrs.

It was proposed that the Social Evening for firemen’s wives and children should take place on April 28th or May 5th if possible in the Wesleyan School Room, Queen Street and that it should commence at 1700 hrs for the children. It was decided that the first part of the evening should be films and entertainment with games and dancing to follow.

It was arranged that the next meeting should take place at 2000hrs on March 6th.

D Okins, March 6/45.

Committee Meeting Tuesday 6th March 1945.

Those present: SL Okins in the chair, SCoyO Timpson, SL Green K, SL Dawson, SL Green A J, LFm Daniels, LFm Perkins, LFm Tassell, Fm House, Fm Wildman, LFW Green, FW Whiting.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.

A letter of thanks for the grant of £2.2.0 was read from LFm Hart.

The Committee was informed that approval for the Supper on 29th March was received from DO Haylett.

The Entertainment Sub Committee made a report stating that Mr Archie Tear, Mr Kenneth McCloud and R Bridgeford, Fm Fairey and Mr Sam Wheatley have been engaged for the Supper and that attempts to engage a Compere were in hand.

The Catering Sub Committee reported that tickets have been obtained and addressed, that Mr Adams (Athletic Club Sec) has promised help with tables and arrangements and that a Toast List has been prepared. Toast Master, LFm Daniels. Toast to the King proposed by SL A J Green. To ‘C’ Div and the NFS, Col O Kemp, the FFC Thomas to respond. SCoyO Timpson to propose Station IQ and DO Haylett to respond. The Visitors, proposed SL Okins and Mr Walsh responding. The Toast to absent friends proposed by LFm Hart and a vote of thanks to Caterers and the Club proposed by LFm Daniels.

It was decided that no tickets would be sent to ex members who were released before January 1st until after the 17th March so that the members attending could be checked.

SCoyO Timpson informed the Committee that permission to make a presentation to ex Fm Whiting has been obtained and it was decided that S/L Dawson, S/L Green, Fm Wildman and Fm Burton should form a Sub Committee to deal with the matter.

SCoyO Timpson proposed and L/Fm Tassell seconded that a grant of £2.2.0 be made to S/L Okins. This was carried.

It was decided that 10/- be refunded to SCoyO Timpson who subscribed for the Station 5/- to a collection for EGO Hatton and 5/- to a memorial fund to CoyO Bates.

SCoyO Timpson agreed to notify all clubs etc of which Fm Robinson is a member that he is serving overseas and is entitled to the rights of a serving soldier.

The next meeting was arranged for 20th March at 2000 hrs.

D A Okins 20/3/45.

Committee Meeting Tuesday 20th March 1945.

Those present: S/L Okins, S/L Green K, S/L Green A J, S/L Dawson, SCoyO Timpson, L/Fm Tassell, L/Fm Daniels, L/Fm Perkins, Fm House, Fm Wildman, L/FW Green, FW Whiting.

It was moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be adopted, but it was decided that the second toast should be to the NFS and not ‘C’ Division. A letter regarding the delivery of extra beer to the club for the occasion of the Supper was read. S/L Okins asked that payment be made to Mr Neville for prize draw and dance tickets and it was agreed that this be done immediately. A copy of the letter sent by SCoyO Timpson to the Clubs of which Fm Robinson is a member was read and S/L Okins thanked SCoyO Timpson for attending to this and other matters. S/L Okins thanked the committee for the £2.2.0 grant from the Station Fund, during his illness.

It was found that of the Supper invitations sent out 146 have been accepted and it was decided that of the remaining 14 tickets one should be sent to ex Fm Banks who could be classed as a visitor with ex Fm Tyler. Others should be sent to ex members – G Millard, E Dickens, G Gray, L Jubb, and Burditt, leaving a few spare tickets in case of emergency.

S/L Dawson suggested that the Divisional Officer be asked to act as Chairman and Compere and SCoyO Timpson agreed to approach the DO regarding this, also for permission for beer to be consumed on the Station by the duty personnel. L/Fm Tassell reported that the tables will be put up by members of the club and that he would contact Mr Adams regarding tips etc for waiters.

It was announced that two raffles have been held on the station recently, Eggs given by L/Fm Clifton making 16/2 and Onions given by L/Fm Bailey making 9/-, the money was handed to the Benevolent Fund.

A reply was received regarding the use of the Queens Street Schools for the Wives’ and Children’s Social Evening and it was decided to accept April 28th and that a reply should be sent accordingly. L/Fm Tassell agreed to approach Fm Rice regarding a film show.

Fm Wildman asked that a date be set for the completion of the Christmas Handicaps and it was decided that a notice should posted stating that they must be played off by April 7th or the prize money would go to the Benevolent Fund.

SCoyO Timpson reported that a letter has been sent to Mrs Dixon regarding ex DC Dixon who is reported missing on operations and a reply was read.

The next meeting was arranged for April 5th at 2000 hrs.

D A Okins 5/4/45.

Entertainment, Sport & Welfare Meeting April 19th

Those present: SCoyO Timpson, SL Green K, SL Dawson, SL Green A J, SL Okins, LFm Daniels, Tassell, Fm Wildman, House, LFw Green, Perkins, . . .

The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. An apology was sent by LFm Perkins for non attendance.

SL Green A J reported that the total cost of the dinner was £21.6.3, other expenses amounted to £10.7.6, making a total of £31.13.9.

SCoyO Timpson reported that he had contacted Mr H Tear & Trio to play at the Social evening on April 28th, but he had already been engaged for that date. It was decided that SL Jennings be contacted re the loan of his radiogramme for the evening. LFm Tassell stated that he had ordered Minerals and also Ice-Cream. Fm Wildman had contacted the caretaker about the loan of crockery and he said approx 100 could be supplied.

It was suggested by SCoyO Timpson that an advert be inserted in the Evening Telegraph announcing the Social. This was carried, and it was decided that it should be for one night only – April 23rd.

The whole of the programme will be left for the arrangement of LFm Perkins & Fm House. FW Whiting and LFW Green to obtain small prizes for games, etc. – approx 2 doz.

SL Green A J reported on the Balance Sheet. He stated that the money in the bank amounted to £39.3.8, cash in hand £15.14.7 1/2, making the total of £54.18.3½. LFm Daniels moved that the Balance Sheet be adopted with thanks to the treasurer, this was seconded by LFm Tassell.

Handicaps – Fm Wildman reported that all handicaps had been completed with the exception of Skittles. Entrance fees amounted to £3.1.6 and 48/- of this to be paid in prizes. The prizes to be 5 1st prizes@ 7/6 and 3 2nd prizes @ 3/6, leaving the balance of 13/6 for the Benevolent Fund.

LFm Daniels moved that an Annual General Meeting be held on Sunday Morning, May 6th at 1000 hrs. This was seconded by LFm Tassell.

The next meeting was arranged for May 6th.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting on May 6th 1945.

Those present: S/L Dawson, S/L Okins, S/L Green and a good attendance of Leading Firemen and Firemen.

Apology was received from SCoyO Timpson for his non attendance.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and L/F Penness proposed they should be passed, this was seconded by F Faulkner.

The Balance Sheet was then read by S/L Green who explained in detail all the items. L/F Penness proposed the balance sheet should be adopted and this was seconded by F Fensome. A vote of thanks to S/L Green was proposed by L/F Penness and seconded by F Ward.

The Sports and Welfare Committee was elected En Block on the proposition of L/F Clifton who also praised and thanked the committee on their work during the passed year. This was seconded by L/F Penness. S/L Okins thanked L/F Clifton for his remarks and also thanked the meeting for the election of the committee.

S/L Dawson remarked on the work done during the past year by all ranks and gave praise for the attendance, which was the best on the area. The prizes for the Christmas Handicap were then distributed. A General discussion was then held as to the future and many suggestions were made, among them were a reunion dinner, a monthly gathering, Bowls, fishing and other sports. The outcome was a suggestion by L/F Perkins that the first Monday of every month to be devoted as a club night, this was seconded by L/F Bollard and was carried. F House thanked S/L Dawson for the good work he had put in. F Rice thanked S/L Okins for his work and as there was no other business the meeting then closed.

Sports and Welfare Committee on May 6th 1945.

Those present: S/L Okins, S/L Dawson, S/L K Green, S/L A Green, L/F Tassell. L/F Perkins, F House and F Fensome.

Apologies were received from SC/O Timpson, L/F Daniels and FW Whiting.

S/L Okins commented on the orderly way in which the General Meeting was conducted and other remarks.

The proposal of re-electing S/L Okins as Chairman for the ensuing year was made by F Fensome and seconded by S/L Dawson. The chairman then remarked on the Committee’s work and thanked them for the support they had given him.

Correspondence was then read and it was decided to make a grant to F Brayfield of £3.0.0. The Children’s Social proved a huge success. It was decided to keep up the Station funds. A fund for the retained men was discussed and it was decided to leave this over until a future meeting. The date of the next meeting was fixed for May 28th.

The meeting then closed.

Social, Welfare and Entertainment Committee Meeting Monday 25th May 1945. 2000 hrs.

Those present: SL Okins, SL Dawson, SCoyO Timpson, LFm Tassell, Fm Burton, Fensome, Perkins and FW Whiting.

The Minutes of the General Meeting were read and the minutes of the previous Welfare Meeting were read and adopted.

SL Okins read a letter from the Div Offices regarding the formation of a Comrades’ Association and gave a short explanation of its rules and functions. It was decided that this matter be dealt with fully at the meeting of personnel on Monday next.

Thanks from ex F Brayfield for the £3.0.0 grant fro this Station fund were received.

SL Okins gave a report of the Stand-down Parade at Leicester.

SCoyO Timpson asked for continued support to the Benevolent Fund and proposed that an approach be made to the Authorities regarding the hire of the Windmill Hall for a dance in the early autumn. F Fensome seconded this and it was decided to hold the money now in hand as a backing in hand for the dance.

Cricket – SL Okins suggested that a cricket team be formed and matches arranged against personnel of other stations. It was agreed that L/Fm Jolley be contacted re the use of the St Mary’s Institute ground and that Irchester personnel be challenged for the first match. The cricket gear was reported to be in order with the exception of the ball and inquiries are to be made for a permit to purchase one.

Fm Fensome moved and SCoyO Timpson seconded that billiard chalk be purchased for 5/-.

The committee approved payment for valve for Canteen wireless set.

It was agreed that the 6d per month Station fund should continue and Fm Burton was appointed to collect from W/T Personnel.

SL Okins asked the committee to sit at the meeting of personnel on Monday next and the next committee meeting is to be arranged after that date.

D A Okins July 31/45.

Station Welfare & Entertainment Committee Meeting Tuesday July 31st 1945 at 2000 hrs.

Those present: SCoyO Timpson, SL Green, Okins, LFm Tassell, Fm House, Daniels, Burton & Perkins.

The minutes of the last meeting were read. SCoyO Timpson moved that they should be adopted, this was seconded by Fm House.

Cricket. Sl Okins stated that no cricket fixtures had been arranged owing to the fact that Irchester could not produce a team. He had also contacted the RAF but had had no reply.

Bowls. The bowls match arranged to take place at Raunds was not played owing to wet weather. It was left to SL Okins to fix a game with Raunds on Thursday, August 16th to be played at the Raunds Conservative Club.

It was decided to hold a Social and Dance in the Sub-Station. It was proposed by Fm House that it should be held on a Tuesday, this was seconded by Fm Burton. It was finally arranged for August 21st. It was left for SCoyO Timpson to contact SL Jennings re radiogramme for dancing.

A notice advertising the Social will be placed outside the Station on the notice board. It was arranged that it should begin at 8pm and end at 11pm. Fm Burton to see about refreshments.

A letter from DO Spence was read, regarding a collection for the Dr Barnardo’s Home. It was decided that Fm Burton should collect for this.

It has been proposed that Retained Firemen be given a start in funds from the Station Fund, this was proposed by Fm House and seconded by SCoyO Timpson who agreed to ascertain the present balance in hand before proceeding to give the grant.

A proposition was made that £2.2.0 be sent to an Ex Firewoman. It was left to LFW Green to deal with the matter.

It was agreed that Committee members have supplies of Comrades Association Membership tickets when available and contact the personnel. This was moved by SCoyO Timpson and seconded by Fm Perkins.

The next meeting was arranged for Tuesday August 14th at 2000 hrs. Notices will be sent out to that effect.

D A Okins. October 24/45.

Station Welfare & Entertainment Committee Meeting Wednesday October 24th 1945.

Those present: SCO Timpson, SL Okins, LFm Tassell, Fm House, Perkins, Burton, Wildman.

The minutes of the last meeting were read. LFm Tassell moved that they be adopted, this was seconded by Fm Perkins and carried.

LFm Tassell proposed a vote of thanks to Fm Burton for the excellent way in which he provided the Refreshments for the Social Evening held on the Station on August 21st last.

SL Okins announced that a profit of 10/- was made from the Sale of Refreshments at the Social & with other efforts raised on the same night, a profit of 25/- was made on the Social.

A discussion took place regarding the Darts League and LFm Tassell spoke of the difficulties of raising a team for last match.

It was generally agreed that a meeting of all past and present members was essential to discuss the Old Comrades Association and SCO Timpson proposed an advertisement be inserted in the Local Press inviting all members to attend a meeting in the Recreation room on Monday October 29th. This was seconded by Fm Perkins and carried unanimously.

SCO Timpson gave a report of the meeting held at Thrapston on Monday October 22nd concerning the NFS Benevolent Fund.

Fm House proposed that a grant of £5 be given to the Retained personnel to start a fund of their own. Fm Wildman seconded and the proposal was carried.

D A Okins. November 12/45.

The Rushden NFS Comrades Association

General Meeting November 12 1945 1945 hrs.

Those present: SCO Timpson, SL Okins, LF Tassell, LF Bailey, Fm Burton, Fensome, Dickins, Barrett, FW Walker.

Apologies were received from LF Daniels and FW Whiting.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. SL Okins proposed a vote of thanks to SL Green, SL Dawson, Fm Perkins, House, Wildman and FW Green of the old committee in appreciation for the good work they have done in the past, and welcomed all new members.

SCO Timpson then read a letter from the Dramatic Society Old Comrades Association Northampton regarding their new play which will commence in February. It has not yet however been decided whether to accept their invitation but the letter has been acknowledged and a report will be made at some future date.

It was proposed by Fm Fensome and seconded by Fm Barrett that chairman and Treasurer should sign all cheques and all payments be made by cheque. The books and cash of the old account handed over to the treasurer and the Rushden NFS Comrades Association to have a new account opened.

It was generally agreed that SCO Timpson should still remain on the committee for the NFS Benevolent Fund.

The date of the next meeting was arranged for Tuesday December 4th 1945 hrs. the meeting then closed.

[Added later] Omitted from Report: Proposed by LFm Bailey, seconded Fm Burton that LFm Tassell be Treasurer. Proposed by Fm Fensome, seconded Fm Barratt M Whiting be Secretary. A P Timson, Chairman.

A B Smith 5/8/47.

The Rushden NFS Old Comrades Association Committee Meeting

Tuesday December 4th 1945.

Those present: SCO Timpson, S/L Okins, S/L Green, LFm Tassell, LFm Bailey, Fm Fensome, Dickens, Burton.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and on the proposal of Fm Fensome, seconded LFm Bailey were adopted.

Proposed by Fm Fensome, seconded SCO Timpson that Fm Burton be Secretary Tempo.

Committee passed that a reply be sent to Northampton Old Comrades Association Dramatic Society re a performance at Rushden. Passed by Committee that the cost of printing Old Comrades membership cards be paid.

The Committee passed that SCO Timpson be Station Representative on Benevolent Fund meetings. Proposed by SCO Timpson, seconded by S/L Green that LFW Green be given grant of £2.2.0 owing to her illness.

Proposed by LFm Tassell, seconded by Fm Dickens that SCO Timpson to ask SL Norton why no letter as promised not sent to ex Fm Brayfield. S/L Okins gave a report on the darts league now being run.

Committee proposed that Tuesday January 8th 1946 at 19.45 be next meeting.

The meeting closed at 21.30.

D A Okins. 8/1/46.

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