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Rushden Fire Station
Minute Book of the Rushden Fire Brigade 1946 - 1951

The Fire Station
The Fire Station in Newton Road

The Rushden NFS Old Comrades Association Committee Meeting

Tuesday January 8th 1946

Those present: SCO Timpson, LFm Baily, Tassel, SL Okins, FWm Walker, Fm Burton, Dickens.

SCO Timpson reported on Ex Fm Brayfield’s Benevolent cash. SL Norton informed SCO Timpson that forms were sent to this Station’s representative. SCO Timpson reported that he had a form from the Benevolent Fund enclosing £10 for Ex Fm Brayfield. The Committee passed a vote of thanks to SCO Timpson in the way he had managed the case. SL Okins reported on the darts league and proposed a vote of thanks to LFm Baily & Fm Burton for the excellent way refreshments were provided.

Proposed by LFm Tassell, seconded SL Okins that Fm Burton & Fm Dickens take a stock of the Welfare kit on Station. Proposed by SCO Timpson, seconded Fm Walker that a Social evening be had at the Masonic Hall, Rushden. Proposed by LFm Tassell, seconded SL Okins tha a meeting be held on Tuesday 22-1-46 at 7.45 to see what could be arranged for Social evening at Masonic Hall. A notice to all Committee of next meeting. A letter of thanks was read from LFm Marriott. The meeting closed at 21.30.

D A Okins January 22/46.

The Rushden NFS Old Comrades Association Committee Meeting

Tuesday January 22nd 1946

Those present: SCO Timpson, SL Okins, LFm Tassell, LFm Baily, Fm Burton, Fm Barratt, FWm Walker, Fm Daniels.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Social evening, Thursday Feb 21st 1946, 7.30pm to 11pm at the Masonic Hall to be held. Proposed SCO Timpson, seconded Fm Daniels that SL Okins, LFm Tassell arrange the wording of the tickets. Admission free. Refreshments free. SCO Timpson had contacted SL Jennings re Radiogramme for Dancing & games.

SCO Timpson reported on the Divisional Benevolent Fund and that 5/- was being allowed for anyone in Hospital or Sanatorium.

The Committee proposed that something be done for the Benevolent Fund in the near future.

SCO Timpson to visit Fm Baily re his illness.

It was proposed next meeting Tuesday Feb 5th, 1946.

The meeting closed at 21.30.

D A Okins. April 10/1946.

The Rushden NFS Old Comrades Association Committee Meeting

Wednesday April 10th 1946.

Those present: SCO Timpson, SL Okins, LFm Tassell, LFm Baily, Fm Burton.

The Minutes of the last meeting wee read and adopted, this was seconded by LFm Baily and carried.

SCO Timpson proposed a vote of thanks to members of the committee regarding their work at Social evening held at Masonic Hall.

The Treasurer gave a report of the expense of the Social and that £7.10.0 was sent to the Benevolent Fund. Also that £2.0.0 had been granted to Fm Baily R. SL Okins gave report on the darts league, Rushden A & B teams v Irthlingborough at Athletic Club. Refreshments for the players. A district darts team to visit Northampton. This was put in the hands of SCO Timpson.

Proposed by SL Okins, seconded SCO Timpson that Annual Dinner to be held at Athletic Club on a Thursday in September. LFm Tassell to arrange catering for same. Proposed by Committee to run two dances at same Club, dates to be a Thursday in October and December, Boxing night or New Year’s eve. The Secretary to write to Mr Adams re dates.

Proposed SL Okins, seconded SCO Timpson that Firewomen get together and run a dance.

Proposed LF Baily that arrangements be made for a fishing outing in near future. Seconded SL Okins.

Proposed next meeting May 8th at 20.00 hrs.

The Meeting closed at 21.45 hrs.

D A Okins. March 8/1946.

The Rushden NFS Old Comrades Association Committee Meeting May 8th 1946

Those present: SCO Timpson, Mr Dickens, Mr Okins, LFm Baily, LFm Tassell, Fm Burton.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Dates for Annual Dinner and two dances to be held at the Athletic Club were approved by the committee. Annual Dinner September 26th 1946, Dance 31st October 1946, Dance December 12th 1946. The Secretary to send letter to Mr Adams (seeking) approval of dates.

A letter of thanks read from LFm Hart, who was granted £2.2.0. The Committee adopted that Mr Okins see Neville of Higham Ferrers re catering for dinner. SCO Timpson reported that Northampton NFS Old Comrades Association Sports for children and social in the evening. Sports at 2.30 pm Saturday 22nd June 1946. Proposed that Mr Okins see Higham, Raunds and Irthlingborough and that Old Comrades going to Northampton should take a little tea with them.

Proposed SCO Timpson, seconded Mr Dickens that only Grants from Station Fund be made where there was real hardship. A letter to be sent to Miss Whiting re committee duties. Proposed Fm Burton, seconded LFm Tassell that Evening Telegraph be stopped from Saturday 11th May 1946.

Committee proposed next meeting Tuesday May 21st at 8.0 pm.

The Meeting closed at 10.10 pm.

F Tassell. May 21st 1946.

The Rushden NFS Old Comrades Association Committee Meeting Tuesday May 21st 1946.

Those present: SCO Timpson, LFm Tassell, LFm Bailey, Mr Dickens, Fm Burton.

Minutes of the last Meeting were read and adopted.

Committee proposed that Mr Neville of Higham Ferrers cater for the Annual Dinner. Fm Marlow granted £2.2.0 from Station Fund.

The committee suggested that one bus be ordered for old comrades going to Northampton Lotus Sports Ground for Gala Garden Party on June 22nd 1946.

Proposed that SCO Timpson see SL Jenkins re bands for dances. Proposed LFm Tassell, seconded Mr Dickens that Old Comrades hold a Flower and Vegetable Show on Station in August. Proposed LFm Bailey, seconded Fm Burton that Fishing Outing be arranged. Committee suggest LFm Bailey look into dates and report to Committee at next meeting. Proposed Mr Dickens, seconded LFm Tassell that Ex Fm Brayfield’s case be interviewed by LFm Tassell.

The Committee proposed next Meeting June 4th 1946 at 8.00 pm.

D A Okins. June 4/46.

The Rushden NFS Old Comrades Association Committee Meeting June 4th 1946.

Those present: SCO Timpson, Mr Okins, Mr dickens, LFm Tassell, Fm Burton, LFm Bailey.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.

Proposed Mr Okins, seconded LFm Tassell that Flower & Vegetable Show be held on this Station at 10.30 am August 25th a Sunday. The Sunday morning to be Show. Proposed Judges, Mr B Palmer, SL Mead, Mr Jackson and Mr A E Hill. Sale of Show Sunday evening.

Proposed LFm Bailey, seconded Mr Dickens Fishing outing to be Sunday July 21st 1946. Townsends to be interviewed by LFm Baily. Committee proposed that SL Jennings hire dance bands for the dances, hours of dances 7.30 pm to 11 pm. Mr Brayfield’s Benevolent claim in hands of SCO Timpson and LFm Tassell.

The meeting closed at 9.40 pm. Proposed next meeting July 2nd 1946.

D A Okins. July 2/46.

The Rushden NFS Old Comrades Association Committee Meeting July 2nd 1946.

Those present: SCO Timpson, Mr Okins, Mr Dickens, LFm Bailey, LFm Tasell and Fm Burton.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. LFm Bailey and LFm Tassell reported to the committee arrangements for the fishing outing, Townsends’ vehicle. Also Townsends will cater for this party. The Committee suggested July 21st. Vehicle to leave this Station at 7.30 am for Helmdon lakes. Limited number 30 people. Tickets 7/6. Notice to be put outside Station by Fm Burton. Proposed by Mr Okins, seconded LFm Tassell that LFm Bailey be in charge of Party and ticket money.

The Committee expressed their thanks to SCO Timpson for his work done in the claims for the Benevolent Fund by Ex Fm Marlow and Ex Fm Hart. Dances bands. SCO Timpson to see SL Jennings.

A Report was given to the Committee by Mr Okins on the District Old Comrades Association.

It was suggested by the Committee to sell cricket kit. This was put off until next meeting. The Flower and Vegetable Show on Station at 10.30 am Sunday August 25th. Two classes. 1. Open to members and Ex Members of Rushden Fire Service. 2. Open to Members and Ex Members of the district Fire Service.

The Meeting closed at 10.30 pm. Proposed next meeting July 30th at 20.00 hrs.

D A Okins. July 30/46.

The Rushden NFS Old Comrades Association Committee Meeting 30th July 1946.

Those present: SCO Timpson, LFm Tassell, LFm Bailey, Fm Burton and Mr Okins.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted after LFm Bailey gave a report of the fishing outing intended for Helmdon lakes which had to be cancelled owing to poor attendance. It was proposed by SCO Timpson and seconded by LFm Tassell to cancel the Flower & Vegetable Show. This was done with the full support of the Committee.

The Dinner to be held in the Athletic Club was discussed. Committee suggested putting notice in the Evening Telegraph re Dinner on September 26th 1946. This notice to appear in Telegraph on 14th, 15th, 16th of August 1946. Those wishing to attend give their names to LFm Bailey or LFm Tassell. 12 tickets for the Press, Higham Ferrers NFS, Raunds NFS and Irthlingborough NFS. Committee also suggested Mrs Adams to be interviewed re beer. Closing date for names attending dinner 26th August.

As there was no more business to discuss meeting closed at 9.45 pm.

Next meeting August 27th 1946 Tuesday.

O W Daniels. 27/8/46.

Committee Meeting August 27th 1946.

Present: LFm Tassell, LFm Bailey, Fm Bailey, E Dickens.

The minutes were adopted and agreed. Letter from Phipps the Brewers that supply not possible. The NBC promised ½ barrel. Tickets for the Dinner, 100 to be printed. This was left to LFm Tassell. Proposed by E Dickens, seconded LF Bailey that the charge be 4/- Closing date Sept 19th. Concert, Mr D Okins to book Mr Wheatley and others for Dinner 7.30. Concert 9.0. Next meeting Sept 10. Meeting closed at 9.45.

Committee Meeting September 10 1946.

Present: LFm Tassell, LFm Bailey, Fm Daniels, Mr E Dickens.

Com. Tickets LFm Tassell, 1 Police, 2 Athletic Club, Sub Station Higham Ferrers, Raunds, 1 S Officer, 1 Welfare Officer. LFm Bailey re extra for Sub Station. Concert, J Wheatley 35/-, R Cooper 30/-, Mr Pack 21/-, expences £4.6.0. Officers who entertained E Jones, P House, A Loakes. Next Meeting Sept 24th.

Next Meeting. Sept 24th.

Present: SCO Timpson, LFm Tassell, LFm Bailey, Fm Daniels.

Number at Dinner 87. Speakers Mr Okins, LFm Tassell, DO Spence, Haylett, SCO Timpson. Vote of thanks to LFm Tassell. Next meeting Oct 24th.

Thursday October 24th 1946.

Those present: LFm Tassell, LFm Bailey, Fm Burton, Daniels.

Re Dance. MC W Fensome. Refreshments Mrs Neville. Helpers at Dance Mrs Timpson, Miss Timpson, Mrs Bailey, Tassell, Allan, Smith, Neville, A Smith, S Nutter, Ward, E Dickens. Re E Hart. Claim forwarded to Northampton. E W Marlow’s case to be looked into. E W Marlow granted £2.2.0 from Station fund. Resolve by the committee that A Smith, A Hilson, S Clifton, R Jolley be co-opted to the Committee. The next meeting to be 20th November 1946.

Meeting held 20th November 1946.

Those present: LFm Tassell, LFm Bailey, Fm Burton, Smith, Dickens.

The Minutes of last meeting adopted and signed.

LFm Tassell reported on the Dance. . . . 22/-.

The Dance for December 12 cancelled but one proposed in the New Year 30 January 1947, to be Old Fashioned. Proposed LFm Bailey, seconded A Smith. Benefits to LFm Hart, E Marlow were reported. The meeting closed at 9.00. Next meeting 10 December 1946.

Meeting held 10 December 1946 at 20.00 hrs.

Present: CO Timpson, LFm Tassell, LFm Bailey, Fm Smith, Burton, Hilson, Tassell, Dickens.

Dance for January 30 1947. Band, Impregnable Players. Old Fashioned. MC F Fensome. Refreshment, LFm Tassell. Proposed by LFm Bailey that the Balance Sheet be read at the next Meeting, seconded by Dickens. Decided to purchase 200 notice cards. Proposed by LFm Tassell, seconded CO Timpson that 10/- be granted to the bus charge to Irthlingborough. The grant to Mr Hart was for 13 weeks at £1.10.0 per week. The next meeting to be held on January 14th 1947.

Meeting held 14 January 1947.

Those present: LFm Tassell, LFm Bailey, F Smith, Hillson, Clifton, Dickens, CO Timpson.

Minutes were read by LFm Tassell. Proposed by E Dickens, seconded by J Clifton to be signed as read.

Prizes for Dance, E Dickens, A Smith. Crockery, Rushden Co-op. Refreshments, Mrs Neville. Balance sheet of Dinner read by LFm Tassell. Proposed by E Dickens, seconded by A Hillson to be passed as read. The Accounts of the Old Comrades Balance Sheet to be read at the General Meeting. Proposed by A Hillson, seconded by A Bailey. Proposed by J Clifton, seconded by A Hillson that all money involved should be deposited with Barclays Bank. All cheques to be signed by the Treasurer and Secretary. The General Meeting to be held 8 o’clock Wednesday February 19th 1947.

The next Meeting 11 February 1947.

Meeting held February 11th 1947.

Those present: LFm Bailey, Fm Smith, Hillson, Dickens.

Discussion on the Balance Sheet, but owing to the small company present nothing much could be done.

D A Okins. June 15/47.

The General Meeting was held on February 19th 1947, but owing to the bad weather only a few were present and it was decided to call another meeting later in the year.

Meeting held 15 June 1947.

Those present: Chairman Mr Okins, SCO Timpson, LFm Tassell, LFm Bailey, Fm Smith, Burton, Hillson, Clifton.

LFm Tassell read the Balance Sheet for the Dance. Proposed Clifton, seconded Hillson that it be passed as read. Fm Burton given permission to purchase tips and proceed with the repair of the cues. Fm Smith was thanked for carrying on the work in Mr Okins absence and carry on pro tem. Committee wished the Chairman the best of health on his return. Proposed by LFm Bailey, seconded by Fm Clifton that all members be notified that the General Meeting to be held on 2nd July 1947 at 19.30. The Chair to be taken by SCO Timpson.

S Clifton. July 15th.

General Meeting 2nd July 1947.

Chair taken by SCO Timpson.

The minutes of the last General Meeting were accepted by a good company of about 40 members. The Balance Sheet was read by LFm Tassell and was accepted. The proposer being Mr Bugby, seconder Mr Green. After a few words of thanks to the Committee and Officers for their work during the past year it was proposed by Mr Mayes and seconded Mr Valentine that the Committee be elected En Bloc with Mr R Jolley in addition. Proposer Mr Chapman, seconder Mr Allen.

Chairman Mr D Okins. Proposer LFm Bailey, seconder Mr Felce. Vice Chairman Mr S Clifton. Proposer W Bailey, seconder G Mayes.

Area Representative SCO Timpson. Hon Secretary A Smith. Treasurer F Tassell.

Mr A Clifton moved that there be an outing to the sea after August when all who put down their names shall pay a deposit. LFm Bailey put to the members that if anyone wished to go out Fishing on a Sunday there was always a party prepared to go. It was proposed by Mr Felce, seconded by Mr Green that they enter the Darts Leagues. Mr J Allen to attend on 15 July. It was proposed by Mr Dickens, seconded by Mr Chettle that Club night should start the first Wednesday in October.

S Clifton. July 15th.

D A Okins, Chairman. May 8th 1948.

Meeting held July 15th 1947.

Those present: S/CO Timpson, L/F Tassell, L/F Bailey, Fm Burton, Smith, Mr Hillson, Jolley, Clifton, Okins. Chairman Mr Okins.

The Minutes of the last (meeting) were read and adopted. Then came a discussion as to starting outings for members as proposed at the General Meeting. First Fishing: the date proposed by Mr Okins, seconded L/F Bailey was August 24th. Pavenham being proposed by S/CO Timpson, seconded L/F Tassell. Fishing to be from 9 oclock to 6 oclock. Mr Okins said he would make the arrangement at the Cock Inn. Harrold was taken as a second choice.

Second came Sunday outing to the sea. Clacton was the town selected by all members of the committee. 14th September was the date fixed. L/F Tassell to contact Seamarks Coaches as to the price and the booking up. Mr Curtis to print 100 papers to send to members to notify them of the outing. It was proposed by Mr Hillson, seconded by Fm Burton that a deposit of 5/- be made at notice of booking and the committee to arrange for the bus only. The Annual dinner was then proposed by Mr Hillson, seconded by F Burton at the Athletic Club on Thursday 23rd October 1947. L/F Bailey and L/F Tassell to make this date with the Club Sec.

Entertaining of Northampton was proposed by L/F Bailey, seconded by S/CO Timpson, the date to be arranged with the Club Sec and S/O Timpson to then make the arrangement with Northampton.

L/F Bailey proposed, seconded by Fm Burton that the next meeting be held Tuesday 12th August 1947 at 8 oclock. The meeting then closed.

Meeting held 12th August 1947.

Those present: L/F Bailey, Mr Dickens, Clifton, Hillson, Fm Smith, Mr Okins, S/CO Timpson.

Clacton outing was discussed. 2 Buses were to be booked. The arrangements were made too for the Fishing in Cock Inn waters at Pavenham. A team has been entered in the Factory Darts League. The Dinner arrangements are put in the hands of L/F Tassell.

Next meeting September 2nd.

S Clifton. 12/8/47.

Meeting held September 2nd 1947.

Those present: Chairman Mr S Clifton, L/F Bailey, Fm Smith, Mr Dickens, Hillson.

Clacton Outing. The 2 Buses were booked to seat 64 people. The Charge to be £21 per Bus. Proposed by Mr Clifton, seconded by E Dickens that charges be 13/6 Adults, 9/- Children. Time of starting, 7 oclock from the Fire Station. Proposed by L/F Bailey, seconded by S Clifton there to be a Steward in each bus. Fm Smith and Mr Clifton. Proposed by L/F Bailey, seconded by Mr Dickens that a 1/- be given to each Child going on the trip, this to come out of the Funds. Next meeting 16th September 1947.

S Clifton. 16/9/47.

The Meeting held on Tuesday, September 16th 1947.

Those present: Chairman Mr S Clifton, L/F Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith, Mr Jolley, E Dickens, A Hillson.

After a report on the Clacton Outing it was proposed by E Dickens, seconded by A Bailey that the outstanding money of the hiring of the buses should be taken from the Fund. The Dinner was fixed for October 23rd in the Athletic Club. On a report of L/F Tassell it was proposed by Mr E Dickens, seconded by L/F Tassell that Mrs Neville of Higham Ferrers be engaged to do the Catering. Mr Tassell then proposed that a 1/- refreshment to be fixed to each ticket, 1 ticket for Press and Police and 2 for the Athletic Club, these to be complimentary, seconder E Dickens. Four tickets to be sent to Raunds Station on a payment or return basis. Mr A Loakes had offered to book the Artists required for the Concert following the Dinner.

S Clifton. 13/10/47.

Meeting held 10th October 1947

Those present: SC/O Timpson, L/F Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith, Mr S Clifton, R Jolley, E Dickens, D Okins.

The meeting was called to get the final date for the Dinner. It was proposed by Mr S Clifton, seconder Mr E Dickens, that Irthlingborough and Higham Ferrers Old Comrades be invited. After a few words on the state of the Benevolent Fund by SC/O Timpson it was proposed by Mr Okins, seconder S Clifton, that a Raffle be run on the Dinner night to raise a little money to help the Fund. The prizes being given by Mr E Dickens and Fm Smith. SC/O Timpson being asked to speak at the Dinner Table. Chairman of the Concert, Mr D Okins. The closing time of the Concert to be 11 oclock. The next meeting to be called on 4th November 1947.

S Clifton. 4/11/47.

Meeting held November 4th at the Fire Station.

Those present: Mr D Okins, Mr S Clifton, R Jolley, A Hilson, SC/O Timpson, L/F Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith, Me E Dickens.

L/F Tassell read a brief statement of the Balance Sheet of the Annual Dinner and Concert and the small debt arising there from was to be taken from an old Fund, being proposed by Mr S Clifton, seconder Mr E Dickens. On a proposition by L/F Bailey the Bar help of two Ex Firemen at the Dinner that they be granted half the ticket price as a refund, the seconder L/F Tassell. Mr D Okins drew the attention of the Committee to the District Fund and said that he would like a meeting called in the near future. It was proposed by Mr S Clifton, seconder Mr A Hilson that the Secretary write to the District Fund Committee to a Meeting at Rushden on Friday, 21st November 1947 at 8 oclock. On a proposition by Mr R Jolley, seconder Mr Hilson, that £1 be granted to the Rushden Athletic Club Benevolent Fund from the Funds. A Social for Members and Families in the New Year at the Masonic Hall on a Saturday night was proposed by E Dickens, seconder D Okins and was carried. The date to be fixed later on the booking of L/F Tassell. The charges to be 6d and 3d for Adults and Children. Tickets to be printed in two colours by Messrs Curtis. The number 200 and the Social to be held from 7 oclock to 11 oclock, the proposer Mr S Clifton, seconder R Jolley. The next Meeting to be called on 2nd December 1947.

D A Okins. Dec 9/1947.

Meeting held December 9th 1947.

Those present: L/F Tassell, L/F Bailey, Mr Okins, Mr Clifton, A Hilson, Fm Smith.

The Social for Families and Members was discussed and was decided to hold it on Saturday, 24th January 1948 at the Masonic Hall. The hours to be from 7 oclock to 11 oclock. Tickets to be 150 at 6d being Adults, 50 at 3d for children. It was moved to ask Fm Perkins to be the MC for the night and ask him to come in for the next meeting. The Music for the evening, Mr T Jennings to be booked. Ice Cream, Minerals, Oranges to be provided if possible. Refreshments to be at flat rate per plate at fixed price. These to be supplied by Messrs Neville of Higham Ferrers. It was moved by L/F Bailey, seconded by S Clifton that Mr C Jones and family be invited. Mr Okins suggested that a Raffle be run during the evening. On a motion being moved by Mr S Clifton, seconded by A Hilson that a Christmas Gift be sent to Mr E Marlow of £1.1.0.

The next meeting to be 13th January 1948.

An Invitation should be sent to Stations at Higham, Raunds, Irthlingborough for the Social at the Masonic Hall.

D A Okins. January 13/48.

Meeting held January 13th 1948.

Committee present: L/F Tassell, L/F Bailey, Fm Smith, Mr Clifton, Mr Hilson, Mr D Okins taking the chair.

On report of the District Meeting at Higham Ferrers the sum of £2.0.8 was handed over to L/F Tassell, this being the share to Rushden from the disbanded District Fund. The Social was then discussed. Gifts for the Raffle were promised by Mr Clifton, Mr Hilson, Mr Okins, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith also promised Gifts for prizes for the evening. On a motion by Mr Hilson, seconded by L/F Bailey, that £1 be granted to Fm Perkins to get some prizes for the Games. The Pianist for the evening was left to L/F Perkins who had undertaken the duties of the MC, the proposer being Mr Clifton, seconder L/F Tassell. On the request of L/F Bailey the refreshments be sold from 9 to 9.15 on a ticket basis. The MC for the evening was asked to make an announcement for the Whitsuntide holidays to the gathering. The meeting then closed.

S Clifton. February 3/48.

Meeting held 3rd February 1948.

Those present: SC/O Timpson, L/F Tassell, L/F Bailey, Fm Smith, Mr Clifton, Mr Jolley, Mr Hilson. Mr Clifton taking the Chair.

The report of the Social was read over and SC/O Timpson moved that the profit of the Raffle should go to meet the expenses of the night. This was seconded by Mr Hilson. The deficit of the night to be taken out of the funds. Proposed by Mr Jolley, seconder Mr Hilson. It was proposed by L/F Bailey, seconder L/F Tassell tha a sum of 10/- be sent to Mr Jennings with a letter of thanks. A letter of thanks to be sent to Fm Perkins for the splendid work he put in at the Social, proposer was Mr Jolley, seconder Mr Clifton. An Outing to the Seaside was dicussed and L/F Tassell was asked to make a booking for 2 Buses for Whitsun Monday. The General Meeting was fixed for Monday May 8th. The next meeting to be Tuesday March 2nd.

S Clifton. March 2/1948.

A Meeting held March 2nd 1948.

Committee present: Mr Clifton, Mr Jolley, Mr Holson, L/F Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

L/F Tassell reported that he had a booking for two coaches with a seating accommodation for 70 persons for Clacton, this being for confirmation. It was agreed that April 17th be the date left open for booking. It was moved by Mr Jolley, seconded by Mr Clifton that all Funds be banked at Barclays Bank.

D A Okins. April 13/48.

A Meeting held on 13th April 1948.

Those present being Chairman Mr D Okins, Station Officer Timpson, L/F Bailey, Fm Mayes, Fm Smith, Mr S Clifton, Mr R Jolley.

Outing to Clacton was discussed at length and the time fixed was that the buses leave the Fire Station at 7 oclock and proceed by the way of the Oakley Arms and Washbrook Road.

It was proposed by Mr Clifton, seconded Mr Timpson that the members make their own arrangements for food for the day. Mr Okins said that he hoped that a Committee man would take charge of each bus, for the smooth carry out of the departure of the bus. The charge to be 15/- for Adults, 9/- Childrens with a deposit of 5/- each seat. Mr Timpson read through a circular of the Benevolent Fund and explained points arising there from. It was proposed by Mr Okins, seconder Mr Jolley that it would be accepted as said that he hoped we all would help support such a worthy fund.

D A Okins. May 11/48.

Meeting held 11 May 1948.

Those present: Chairman Mr D Okins, Station Officer Timpson, L/F Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith, Mr S Clifton, Mr R Jolley, Mr Hillson.

The Outing to Clacton was discussed and on a motion of Mr Okins that any debt of the outing should come out of the Funds, seconded by Mr Hilson. Mr Hilson moved, seconded Mr Clifton, that 1/- to be given to each child and 10/- to each driver was proposed by L/F Tassell, seconded by Mr Hilson, both these grants be taken out of the Fund. L/F Bailey and Mr S Clifton were to take charge of each buses travelling arrangement. Many thanks were given to L/F Bailey for the work he put in for Outings success by the whole of the Committee. The Annual Dinner was proposed by S/O Timpson, seconded by Mr Hillson the date to be either the 14th or 21st October. A Cold Supper was found to be most favoured, this being left to L/F Tassell and Bailey to interview the Caterers.

The next Meeting to be held on the 8th June.

D A Okins. July 13/48.

A Meeting held 8th June 1948.

Those present: L/F Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

Owing to the small attendance nothing was decided upon, but Fishing as an outing and a Social Evening were discussed and the feeling was that some thing be opened up for the members and families during the Summer. The Balance Sheet of Whitsun Outing was read over. Next Meeting 13th July.

Meeting held July 13th 1948.

Those present: Chairman Mr Okins, S/O Timpson, Mr Clifton, Mayes, Jolley, Hilson, Sub Off Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

The Summer Outing. S/O Timpson passed thanks to all for the arrangements that made the Outing a good day out. The Balance Sheet showed a loss of £2.16.0. This to be taken from the Funds, moved by Mr Clifton, seconder Mr Hilson. The Annual Dinner. This L/F Tasell has Booked on Terms with Mrs Box at 5/- each for 21st October to be a Cold Supper. The room to be booked according to tickets taken up. Fishing. This to be on a Sunday, the 29th August being mentioned.

Benevolent Fund. A/O Timpson spoke at length of the work done in recent times by the fund and he was thanked whole heartedly by the Committee who moved that something be done to help the Fund in its work. Social Evening. This was brought forward by Sub/Off Bailey to bring the members together as these Social Evenings had proved very successful in the past and were enjoyable to all. The next meeting 17th August.

D A Okins. August 17/48.

Meeting held 17th August 1948.

Those present: Chairman Mr Okins, S/O Timpson, Sub/O Bailey, Mr Clifton, R Jolley, Hilson, G Mayes, Fm Smith.

Dinner. Tickets to be printed by Messrs Curtis. Invitation to outside people to be made according to tickets taken by members. The first drink of the evening to be paid for by the Fund, proposed by Mr Jolley, seconder G Mayes. Raffle during the evening to help the Benevolent Fund. Social Evening. To be held in November as early a booking as allows in the Masonic Hall on a Saturday night. The charge to be 1/- Adults, 6d Children, proposed by Mr Clifton, seconder R Jolley. On a motion of G Mayes, seconder Hilson, that the money be for the Benevolent Funds. Next meeting September 7th.

D A Okins. September 7/48.

Meeting held 7th September 1948.

Those present: Mr D Okins, Mr Clifton, Mr Jolley, S/O Timpson, S/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

Dinner was discussed. Seats to be limited to 60. Artistes to book at about £1 apiece for the Evenings Entertainment. 1 Refreshment to be found at the Fund’s expense. Friends to be admitted after 8.30. Social Evenings for the Winter; the first to be 4th December and the 3rd week in January 1949. Mr Jennings to be booked for both dates. Benevolent Fund. Mr Clifton moved that a letter of thanks be sent to the Fund and to Mr Timpson for the work both had done for a late member.

D A Okins. October 5/48.

Meeting held 5th October 1948.

Those present: Mr Okins, Mr S Clifton, Hilson, Jolley, Mayes, Station/O Timpson, S/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

Dinner. The closing date for tickets to be October 14th. MC for the night Mr Frank Rice. Tickets for Social to be ready for Dinner night. Padre. A revisit of the Padre to the Station was put forward and decided that members be asked to attend and the date they required to be fixed, this to be announced in the speech from the Dinner table by the Chairman. Next meeting 2nd November 1948.

S Clifton. November 2.

Meeting 2nd November 1948.

Those present: Chairman Mr Okins, Mr Clifton, R Jolley, G Mayes, A Hillson, Sub/O Bailey, S/O Timpson, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

It was decided that the Artists for the Concert all be paid the same and Mr F Rice thanked for his services. A brief report of the Dinner night Balance sheet by L/F Tassell was moved by R Jolley, seconder A Hillson. The Benevolent Fund to receive £5.5.0. Social Evening. Mr Perkins be asked to MC and make the arrangements for games. Refreshments to be catered for by Messrs Nevilles. Ice Cream by Cooks, Messrs Jennings for the Music. Tickets to be taken by 27 November, 30 as to make arrangements for the Refreshments. Next meeting 30th November 1948.

D A Okins. November 30/48.

Meeting held 30th November 1948.

Those present: Chairman Mr Okins, S Clifton, R Jolley, A Hillson, Sub/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

The visit of the Padre. Arrangement of a date for a visit to the Station to meet Old Comrades before his leaving the country. Mr Hilson proposed, Mr Jolley seconded that £1.1.0 be given to the Padre as a Farewell Gift. Final arrangements for the Social were made. The next meeting called for 4th January 1949.

D A Okins. January 4th 1949.

Meeting held 4th January 1949.

Those present: S/O Timpson, Sub/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Mr Okins, Mr Clifton, Mr Jolley, Fm Smith.

Thanks were expressed for the services given by Mr Perkins at the Social Evening. It was proposed by Mr Clifton, seconder Mr Jolley that the Social Evening for the Early Part of the year be left over owing to the poor attendance in December. Station Wireless. S/O Timpson said he would look into this business. Benevolent Fund. S/O Timpson said that the cover money for the year had been paid in. Mr Okins was asked to attend the Farewell Dinner at Kettering on 25th January 1949 as the Padre is leaving the country in the near future. The Summer Outing to the Sea and the Annual Competitions at Grantham were discussed, but were left over till a later date. Next meeting 1st February 1949.

S Clifton. March 1st/49.

Meeting held on March 1st.

Those present: Chairman Mr Clifton, Mr Jolley, Mr Hllson, Mr Mayes, S/O Timpson, S/O Bailey, Fm Smith. The Station Wireless set was to be left in use to the Full-time Firemen as long as they take out a wireless licence, being proposed by Mr Jolley, seconder Mr Hillson. The Annual Outing was discussed as length and was decided to be left over till the Annual Meeting. S/O Bailey proposed, Mr Hillson seconded that the Annual Meeting be held on the 11th April 1949 at 7.45.

S Clifton. 5/4/49.

General Meeting 8th March 1948.

Chairman Mr D Okins.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read by Fm Smith and were adopted. All the Officers were proposed and adopted En Bloc but the places on the Committee served by Mr E Dickens and Fm Burton who retired, were voted to Mr Ainge and Mr Mayes. The Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts was read by L/F Tassell and adopted. Annual Outing was fixed for the Summer. The Venue to be Clacton. Socials to be arranged for the members and their families. The Factory Darts League to be entered by one Team, the fee to be paid from Fund. Mr Okins welcomed all members to the Station to take advantage of the games provided.

D A Okins. April 12/49.

Meeting held 5th April 1949.

Chairman Mr S Clifton. Committee present: Mr Jolley, Hillson, Mayes, S/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

Darts. A prize to be given at the Annual Dinner to the member of the Old Comrades’ team for the highest score. Proposed L/F Tassell, seconder S/O Timpson. The prize 50 Cigarettes. Balance Sheet read by L/F Tassell and adopted. Mover Jolley, seconder Hillson. S/O Bailey proposed, Mayes seconder that the Annual Fee be reduced to 1/- to encourage more members, the Motion to be put to the Annual Meeting.

S Clifton. May 3rd/49.

Meeting held 3rd May 1949.

Those present: Chairman Mr Clifton, Mr Hillson, Jolley, Mayes, S/O Timpson, S/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Mr Tyler, Fm Smith.

Mr Hillson proposed, L/F Tassell seconder, that Mr Tyler attend all the meetings as the Collecting Officer. Mr Tyler has undertaken the work of visiting all Old Comrades to build up the Association again. Mr Okins to ask to draft the letter to be delivered to all members, the number of letters to be typed 72. The next meeting to be held on the 14th of June.

D A Okins. June 14th 1949.

A Meeting held June 14th 1949.

Those present: Chairman Mr Okins, Mr Hillson, Tyler, Mayes, Clifton, S/O Timpson, Sub?o Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

Mr Tyler reported on the subscriptions he had collected for membership and the Committee voiced their thanks for the work he had done. A letter to be given to Mr Tyler for the time being was moved by L/F Tassell, seconder Mr Clifton. Sub/O Bailey put in an amendment that he be given another about September in relation to the Dinner. L/F Tassell gave a report of a meeting held at Kettering where Mr D Okins was elected to the Local Area Council. A Draw to be brought forward for the Funds was moved by L/F Tassell, seconder Mr Clifton. Next meeting 12th July.

S Clifton. July 12/49.

Meeting held 12th July 1949.

Those present: Chairman Mr Clifton, Mr Jolley, Hillson, Mayes, Sub/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Mr Tyler, Fm Smith.

Annual Dinner. To be held at Cox Café. The dinner to be hot. The date to be fixed for October 20th or 27th. Charges etc. to be left to L/F Tassell to make the arrangements. Proposed Mr Jolley, seconder Hillson. Prize Draw. Proposed Mayes, seconder Clifton that it be Manchester November Handicap. Tickets to be 6d each. Profits to be for Fire Service charities. Mr Hillson proposed, Sub/O Bailey seconder that £1 to be given to a sick member and the General Fund to be contacted for this member. Next meeting 9th August 1949.

D A Okins. 9/1949.

Meeting held 9th August 1949.

Those present: Chairman Mr Okins, S/O Timpson, Sub/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Mr Tyler, Fm Smith.

Annual Dinner. Mr Tyler proposed, Stat/Off Timpson seconder that the date to be October 20th 1949. 100 tickets to be printed by Messrs Curtis. Sub/Off Bailey to ask Mr Rice to arrange for the Artists for the nights entertainment. Draw Tickets. Prizes £10, £5, £2.10.0, any profits arising to be for the Benevolent Fund and the NFBA Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund. Stat/Officer Timpson read out a report of the Benevolent Fund of which proved very successful for a sick member and he was thanked by the chairman for the able work he done for the member concerned. Next meeting 6th September.

D A Okins. September 6th/1949.

Meeting held 6th September 1949.

Those present: Chairman Mr Okins, Mr Clifton, Jolley, Tyler, Hillson, S/O Timpson, Sub/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

The Annual Dinner was discussed at length and it was proposed by Mr Hillson, seconder Bailey that S/O Timpson be given 3 tickets for his perusal to other Officers for the Dinner. On a motion by Sub/O Bailey a Special prize will be given to the Darts Team for the ensuing year. Next meeting 4th October 1949.

S Clifton. October 4th/49.

Meeting held 4th October 1949.

Those present: S/O Timpson, Sub/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Mr Jolley, Hillson, Mayes, Fm Smith. Chairman Mr Clifton.

Dinner. It was moved by Mr Mayes, seconder Mr Hillson that 1 drink be given to each member, the money to be taken from the fund. 17th October to be the last day for the sale of tickets. Friends to be invited after the Dinner.

D A Okins. November 8/1949.

Meeting held 8th November 1949.

Those present: Chairman Mr Okins, Mr Clifton, R Jolley, A Hillson, G Tyler, S/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Mr G Mayes, Fm Smith. The report on the Annual Dinner was given by L/F Tassell, the adoption was moved by Mr Jolley, seconder Mr Clifton. The Chairman thanked everyone for the work done to make it a success. November Handicap Draw to be made at 8 pm on the 16th November. Mr G Adams and another to be asked to witness the Draw.

D A Okins. December 5/1949.

Meeting held December 5th 1949.

Those present: Chairman Mr D Okins, Mr Clifton, Mr Jolley, Mr Mayes, Mr Hillson, Sub/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

Balance sheet was read by L/F Tassell and moved by Mr Hillson, seconder Mr Clifton. Mr Clifton wished it to be recorded that thanks be to all who made it the success it was. Mr Mayes proposed, seconder Mr Jolley that £23.14.0 be for the Benevolent Fund, £5.5.0 for the Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund. Mr Clifton moved, seconder Mr Hillson that £1 be handed over to Mr Tyler for the work he had done for the Association.

D A Okins. January 9/1950.

Meeting held February 13th 1950.

Chairman Mr Okins. Those present: Mr Marks, Sub/O Bailey, Mr Jolley, Mr Clifton, Fm Smith, Mr Timpson.

The Balance Sheet was read over by Fm Smith in the absence of Mr Tassell and on the motion of Mr Jolley that it be checked over by Mr Okins and Sub/O Bailey. The General Meeting to be held on March 20th 1950 at 7.30 at the Fire Station, the Chairman Mr D Okins. All members to receive a Balance Sheet before the meeting.

S Clifton. 6/6/50.

General Meeting held at the Fire Station on the 12th April 1949.

Chairman Mr D Okins.

Minutes of the General Meeting of March 1948 were read and their adoption was moved by Mr G Ward, seconder G Owen. The Balance Sheet read by L/F Tassell was passed as read.

Darts. Station/O Timpson thanked members for the keeping the team going in the local league. Mr S Allen to continue as the representative to the league meetings.

Benevolent Fund. Station/O Timpson spoke of the work during the year and the Chairman moved a vote of thanks for the work he had done for the Fund.

Election of Officers. Officers to be elected en bloc was moved by G Ward, seconder Mr Valentine, with the exception of S/O Timpson who wished to stand ex officio and this was accepted.

Mr Barrett proposed, S/O Timpson seconder that Mr G Tyler takes the vacant seat.

Collecting Officer. Mr G Tyler to be appointed as the Collecting Officer for the Old Comrades’ Member’s subscriptions to the Fund.

D A Okins. May 16th 1950.

Meeting held May 16th 1950.

Those present: Chairman Mr Clifton, R Jolley, G Mayes, L/F Tassell, S/O Bailey, Fm Smith, S/O Hollis.

Darts Match to be held June 14th at 8 oclock. 70 prizes to be given for the past season for the Darts Team 7/6 and 5/-. National Competition. £1 to be paid for the entrance fee. Next meeting 4th July.

S Clifton. 11/7/50.

Meeting held 11th July 1950.

Those present: Chairman Mr S Clifton, Mr Jolley, Mayes, Hillson, Tyler, Sub/o Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

A letter of thanks to be sent to the Swineshead party for the Evenings entertainment. The bill for the Social Evening to be met by the fund.

Dinner. All members to be canvassed to get their feelings for the Dinner as to whether it should be for members only or members and wives, the notices to be printed for each member. Next meeting to be 1st August 1950.

S Clifton. 1/8/50.

Meeting held 1st August 1950.

Those present: Chairman Mr Clifton, Mr Mayes, Hillson, Sub/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Ogden, Fm Smith.

Apologies for absence were of Mr Jolley and Tyler. The Chairman asked the representative of the Full Time members to convey to them the thanks of all the Committee for their splendid performance at the County Competitions at Kettering by winning Three Cups, and of their donation to the Fund. The Entry Fee of the team in the Darts League to be paid from the Fund. Next meeting 5th September 1950.

S Clifton. 8/9/50.

Meeting held 8th September 1950.

Those present: Chairman Mr S Clifton, Mr Mayes, Sub/O Bailey, Stat/O Timpson, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

Flag Day for the National Fund was proposed by L/F Tassell, seconder Stat/O Timpson, for the Saturday September 30th or October 1st. The Chief Officer of the county to contact the Police. Entry to the county competitions of Darts and Skittles be left to the full and retained men. Dinner. It was decided to call a Special Meeting for the proposed Annual Dinner of Tuesday September 19th. This was held and it was proposed by L/F Tassell, seconder Mr Jolley that the Dinner be for members only and be held at the County Café in November on a Thursday the 9th or 16th which day was available . Flag Day. Officer Norton attended the Fire Station to give a report on the proposed Flag Day. The Police had given the day for the collection as October 14th which was accepted and he and his fellow officers of Kettering would give every possible assistance for the success of the day.

S Clifton. 3/10/50.

Meeting held 3rd October 1950.

Those present: Chairman Mr Clifton, Mr Jolley. Mayes, Hillson, S/O Timpson, Sub/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

Dinner. The charge for dinner to be 5/-. The refreshments to be arranged for by L/F Tassell and Mr Mayes proposed that one drink be given to each member, the charges of these drinks to come out of the funds. The seconder was Mr Hillson. Mr Frank Rice to be asked to arrange the entertainment for the evening. Any friends that wanted to attend after the dinner could do so. Flag Day. A list of Factories and Clubs of the town be made for the officers at Kettering so as to get their co-operation for the collection, also the Women’s Guilds and other helpers. All monies collected to be taken to Kettering as soon as possible.

S Clifton. 7/11/50.

Meeting held 7th November 1950.

Those present: Chairman Mr Clifton, Mr G Mayes, A Hillson, R Jolley, Station/Off Timpson, Sub/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Evans, Fm Smith.

Thanks were conveyed to all helpers of the Flag Day and the letters from the Chief Officer were also read. Flag Day receipts were £43.19.0.

Meeting held 5th December.

Chairman Mr Clifton, Mr R Jolley, Mr Hillson, Station/O Timpson, Sub/O Bailey, Fm Smith.

Station Off Timpson brought to the attention of the Committee of the Games that could be played at Swineshead? held at the house of an Old Friend and at Earls Barton in the coming year. A notice to this effect to be put on the notice board at the Station.

S Clifton. 27/2/51.

Meeting held 27th February 1951.

Those present: Chairman Mr Clifton, Mr Jolley, Mr Hillson, St/O Timpson, S/O Bailey, L/F Tassell, Fm Smith.

Balance Sheet of the Annual Dinner was read by L/F Tassell and passed as read. Darts prize for the highest score and the best average to be given from the funds. Mr Tyler to be given 30/- for help given to the funds. Flag Day 25th August or September 1st, the day most suitable to the Police.

Annual Meeting to be held on 25th April.

The next meeting to be held 3rd April.

S Clifton. 3/4/51.

Annual Meeting held at the Fire Station May 16th 1950.

Chairman Mr D Okins.

The minutes were read by Mr A E Smith and were passed at read on the motion of Mr Croft. Darts Representative to be Mr S Allen. Balance Sheet was read by L/F Tassell and passed on the movement of Mr Jolley. Secretary’s Report was moved and passed on the motion of R Jolley. Election of Officers. Mr Newell moved that they be elected en bloc. The Chairman Mr D Okins decided to take the motion but to turn the Chairmanship over to Mr Clifton. This was passed. The Collecting Officer of Subscriptions Mr G Tyler to receive 30/- for the ensuing year.

S Clifton. 25/4/51.

Meeting held 3rd April 1951.

Those present: Chairman Mr S Clifton, Mr Bailey, Tassell, Mayes, Smith.

Items of the year’s expenses were read over by Mr Tassell and the Committee then gave the order for the Balance Sheet to be printed and members given notice of the Annual Meeting to be held at the Fire Station on the 25th April 1951.

S Clifton. 1/5/51.

Meeting held 1st May 1951.

Chairman Mr S Clifton. Committee present: Mr Jolley, Timpson, Hillson, Billing, Allen, Bailey, Tassell, Simpson, Smith.

Prizes for the Darts Team to be 7/6 for the best average, 5/- highest score. A donation of £1 to be given to the Team. Mr Bailey to attend the Annual Darts Dinner on behalf of the Fund.

The Committee to approach members as to a trip by coach to Barnwell Castle to view the gardens on the opening Sunday. Next meeting June 5th.

S Clifton. 5/6/51.

Meeting held 5th June 1951.

Chairman Mr S Clifton. Others present: Mr Tassell, Bailey, Hillson, Mayes, Billing, Allen, Smith.

The Outing to Barnwell Castle was carried out as arranged and proved a success. Entrance fees for the Darts Team to e paid by the Fund. £1.1.0 was paid by Mr Tassell to the Rushden Athletic Club’s Benevolent fund for the use of this club’s darts boards during the season. The next meeting to be devoted to the Flag Day appeal.

S Clifton. 7/7/51.

Meeting held 17th July 1951.

Chairman Mr S Clifton. Others present: Mr Tassell, Bailey, Timpson, Smith, Hillson, Allen.

Circulars for Factory collections to be sent out by Mr Baxter of Kettering with a change from last year. Clubs to be asked for permission.

Sunday trip to Old Warden and Bedford on September 2nd, time of start 5 to 5.15 pm.

Next meeting 21st August at 8 o'clock.

S Clifton. 21/8/51.

Meeting held 21st August 1951.

Chairman Mr Clifton, Mr bailey, Tassell, Hillson, Timpson, Smith.

Arrangements for the Sunday trip were made, the charge to be 4/- for adults, 2/6 children. The trip to be made by Johnsons Motors. The tip for the driver to come from the Funds. Flag Day. Clubs had been asked for permission by letter from Rushden. Factories from Kettering and the replies to be sent back to Kettering. Mr Tassell to contact the Town, help through Miss Neal. All help to be at the Station the week previous to September 8th.

S Clifton. 2/9/51.

Meeting held October 2nd 1951.

Chairman Mr S Clifton, Mr Tassell, Mr Bailey, Hillson, Timpson, Billing, Allen, Simpson, Smith.

All Darts competition fees that come from the team be paid from the fund.

Annual dinner fixed for the 15th November at a price of 5/-, to be hot meal. For members only, but ladies and friends may attend after the dinner. The catering to be done to the best advantage to the members. The date for the closing of sale of tickets 7th November.

S Clifton. 6 /11/51.

Meeting held on the 6th November 1951.

Chairman Mr S Cliton. Committee present: Mr Bailey, Hillson, Jolley, Mayes, Billing, Simpson, Allen, Tassell, /smith.

The Committee agreed that two Complimentary tickets be given for the dinner, these to be used by Mr Timpson. One free drink for each member attending the Dinner, the expense to come from the Fund. Mr Frank Rice be asked to take charge of engaging the Artistes and the post of Toastmaster for the evening. His ticket for the Dinner to be free. Refreshments to be had on the ticket system and be provided by Mr Newell. A Raffle to be held during the evening for the Benevolent Fund. A request was made that in future all tickets printed for the Association must have the time of the function commencing. Three members who are sick in health be granted £1 each from the Fund.

S Clifton. 11/12/51.

Meeting held 11th December 1951.

Chairman Mr Clifton. Committee present: Mr Tassell, Allen, Simpson, Hillson, Jolley, Billing, Mayes, Bailey, Smith.

Balance Sheet of the Annual [Dinner] was taken as read by Mr Tassell. £2.7.9 was made on the Raffle for the Benevolent Fund. On request from members of the Old Comrades’ Association for a Dinner to which wives and sweethearts could attend with members it was decided to join with the Whole time personnel of the Station for the Dinner and evening. The date to be the 28th February, and to be held in the Athletic Club. The price to be 6/- per head. Children to be allowed to attend. Two representatives of the Old Comrades’ Association to sit on the Committee to be formed with Mr S Clifton as the Chairman. Any expenses in excess of the 6/- to be borne by the Fund.

S Clifton. 8/2/52.

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