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Fire Service notes 1920-1945

14th Jan. 1920
It was resolved that the large room at the Fire Station be colour washed and the front entrance doors repainted.

30th Jan. 1920
The Fire Brigade Sub Committee have received tenders for renovating the Fire   Station and have accepted that of Messrs. A. Jacques for £27/15/0.

28th July 1920
The Depot Sub Committee reported that it is the intention of the Council that the Road Foreman should be resident in the Fire Station Cottage so that he would be near to and have the general overlooking of the Depot.

23rd March 1921
The question of the tenancy of the Fire Station Cottage referred back to the Committee by the Council at their last meeting was considered. The Captain and Hon. Sec. of the Fire Brigade attended the meeting and urged upon the Committee the desirability of a fireman residing in the Cottage.

Having regards to the stock and machinery now stored at the Depot, the Committee were of the opinion that the foreman should reside on the premises and with his experience as a fireman, they had no doubt that he would be able to perform all the duties hitherto undertaken by the resident fireman. Under these circumstances they saw no reason to alter decision arrived at their last meeting.

13th April 1921
A notice was received from the District Manager of the Post Office Telephone terminating the present agreement of the Fireman Bells substituting a new one at an increased charge of £19/10/0. The Clerk signed the new agreement.

11th May 1921
The question of the Fire Station Cottage came up and the clerk was instructed to give notice to the present occupier so that it can be occupied by the Road Foreman.

8th June 1921
It was passed by a majority of the Council that the question of occupancy of the Cottage be deferred, for 6 months 

29th June 1921
An application for the services of the Fire Brigade was received from Ringstead Parish Council.

The clerk was instructed to reply that the Brigade would be pleased to attend if not otherwise engaged and to enclose a scale of charges for out of town fires.

12th Oct 1921
Mr. Horrell gave notice that it was his intention at the next meeting to put a resolution to provide a motor appliance for use in the Brigade.

9th Nov. 1921
Mr. Horrell moved that a motor tender be provided for use of the Brigade and the Sub. Committee be requested to meet and Confer as to the best and most suitable moved appliance.

25th Jan 1922
The Fire Brigade Sub Committee reported that they had received and considered quotations for the supply of a motor tender and now recommends that Mr. D. Nicholson's offer be accepted to supply a30hp Schneider motor with body, fittings complete for £685. Mr. Nicholson had agreed to take the No. 2 Steam Engine, less fittings required by the Brigade, and allow therefore a sum of £35.

5th Jun2 1922
The Fire Brigade Sub Committee reported that at least 4 new tunics were required and recommended that an order for them at 56/6 each be approved.

12th July 1922
Mr. Willmott of the Fire Brigade Sub Committee reported that the new motor tender had been delivered and the Brigade proposed to give a demonstration near Jacques & Clarke factory on Thursday 20th July at 6.50p.m. He hoped that as many of the Council as possible could attend.

27th Sept. 1922
The Fire Brigade Sub Committee recommends that the Station and Cottage be repainted. The Surveyor is to obtain estimates and the Sub Committee are authorised to accept the lowest tender.

Report also received that the heating appliance had been examined by J. E. Smith and noted that certain repairs were necessary and estimated at £7. He said that the front plates were badly worn and would not last much longer. A new boiler would cost £31/16/0. Resolved to accept.

2nd Aug. 1923
It was resolved to allow the Fire Brigade to organise positions in the Park on 23rd Aug. and a collection made for the widows and orphans to mark the Jubilee of the Brigade.

20th Sept. 1923
A requisition was received from the Brigade to purchase three 500 lengths of hose, one pair of Couplings and a quantity of binding at a total estimate of £13/10/5.

30th Jan. 1924
A letter was received from the Town Clerk of Northampton with particulars of two steam fire engines for sale. The Clerk was instructed to reply that the Council were not contemplating the purchase of further engines at present.

27th Feb 1924
The Chairman reported that the Fire-Escape was in need of slight repair and also required renovating, an estimate had been obtained for £5/5/0. Resolved to accept.

10th June 1925
The Chairman reported that the members of the Brigade had recently engaged in   various competitions at Spalding and had been successful in winning the Hose Cart Competition (Silver Challenge Cup), the Escape Competition (Silver Challenge Cup), and being placed 2nd. 3rd. and 4th. Respectively in the Dressing (Hose Cart), Junior   Steamer and Senior Steamer Competitions.

The Clerk was instructed to convey the congratulations of the Council to the Brigade   on their achievements.

14th April 1926
The Sub Committee reported that they received a requisition for various equipment as follows:-




Six Fireman's Tunics
Three pairs of Trousers
Six pairs of Wellington Boots
Six Nelson Caps
Five lengths of Hose 75’ each







14th April 1926
It was resolved that the congratulations of the round to the Fire brigade for their smart work in connection with the recent fire at Hinwick Hall.

The Annual Report of the Fire Brigade was received in which it appeared that the year ending 25th. Feb. 1924, 46 attendances had been made by the Brigade at the station for the purpose of drills etc. They had attended various competitions with the following results:-

N E District of The N.F.B.A. held at Spalding.

Hose Cart  
1st. Place.
1st. Place.
Junior Steamer 
2nd. Place.
Senior Steamer  
4th. Place.
Dressing Hose Cart 
2nd. Place.

Competition held at Raunds:-
 1st. Place.

National Championship held at Torquay (Open to All England)
Junior Escape 
3rd. Place.
Junior Hose Cart 
4th. Place.
Junior Steamer 
4th. Place.
National Hose Cart  
4th. Place.

Competition held at Raunds:-
Hose Cart 
  2nd. Place.

The fires attended during the year were as follows:-

Wargate Motors, Wellingborough Road.
Holts Farm, Higham Park.
Knuston Hall.
W. Whiteslaws Farm, Hargrave.
National Provincial Bank, High Street.
W. W. Smith's Farm, Wymington.
2 Unfurnished Cottages, Higham Ferrers.
Parsons Factory, Irchester.
Pettit Jane Shop, Harborough Road.
Smart's House, Midland Road.
Clark's, Duck Street.

The average time at the above fires from the time the Brigade turning out had been five minutes from receiving the calls. Members of the Brigade had performed the necessary fire duties at the Palace Theatre when required. The Committee considered the report very satisfactory.

26th Nov. 1926
Application to move a fire bell from North Street to Cromwell Road was referred to the Sub Committee.

23rd Dec 1927
A letter was received from the Sec. of the Brigade asking the Council to consider the purchase of an additional Motor Pump and to make arrangements with outlying towns and villages for the payment of a retaining fee to the Council for the use of the Fire Appliance.

It was resolved to ask a deputation from the Brigade to "attend" the next meeting of the committee to discuss the matter with them.

30th March 1926
A deputation of Captain and Secretary attended the meeting and conferred with the Committee on the question of the purchase of an additional motor pump. The Committee agreed that it was essential that the  Brigade should be supplied with all necessary up to date equipment and authorise them to arrange for a demonstration given by Dennis Bros. Ltd. and Markins of their motor pumps.

23rd April 1927
A letter was received from the Hon. Sec. of the Fire Brigade stating that a demonstration had taken place with two makes of motor pumps and the Brigade recommended that the Dennis be purchased at the price of £810. Curtain equipment would be required in connection therewith at a cost of £73/2/-.

It was resolved to recommend the Council to apply to the Ministry of Health for the sanction of a loan to cover the cost of the pump and equipment and subject to such sanction being granted, to make the purchase accordingly.

12th July 1927
Clerk laid before the Council the engrossment for £920 authorised by the Ministry of Health dated 27th. June 1927 to be borrowed by the Council on the security of the District and General District Fund Rate and now to be loaned to the Council by Mrs. Clara Groome of 32 Park Road, Rushden, with interest thereon of £5 per cent per annum to be charged to the District Fund and Rate, the repayment and principal and interest to be made of 10 equal annual instalments of £119/2/10.

11th Aug. 1927
Celebration of the Jubilee of the Fire Brigade in Spencer Park on 4th. Sept.

29th Aug. 1928
A tender of £14/9/- for the painting of the Cottage was received from Messrs. Mitchell and Dunkley and was accepted.

The Surveyor reported that the cooking range in the kitchen was worn out and virtually useless. He suggested that it be removed and a new register grate be substituted.

27th Feb. 1929
A requisition was received for equipment amounting to £25/6/11.

The Clerk informed the committee that there was an unexpended balance on the loan of the motor pump out of which it was proposed to pay the sum.

29th April 1929
The Surveyor was instructed to obtain tenders for the painting of the Fire Station and Cottage. Tender from Messrs. Prickett & Dunkley of £8/19/6 wad accepted.

..March 1931
The Clerk submitted two accounts for extinguishing expenses in arrears for two small fires as follows:-

Campion, Church Street      £3/15/0.
Carmell. High Street South  £5/15/6.

Which it had not been possible to collect. It was resolved that the account be written off as irrecoverable. 

27th Nov. 1929
A letter was received from the Captain of the Fire Brigade asking the Committee to consider the advisability of installing electric lighting in the Fire Station. 

1st Jan.1930
The Lighting Committee reported that they had obtained an estimate for electrifying the Fire Station and provide a charging board for charging accumulators at an inclusive price of £24/7/6. They had accepted the estimate and the work had been completed.

27th Aug. 1930
A requisite was received from the Captain asking for permission to purchase a quantity of hose and fittings at a cost of £24/9/0.

5th Feb 1931
The Clerk reported that the expenses of the Brigade in con­nection with the fire at Mrs. S. Wright's house 87 Robinson Road, on the 20th November last had been duly, forwarded to the Co-operative Insurance Co. Ltd. who however have refused to pay them but have offered the sum of two guineas as an ex gratia payment. It was pointed out that the expenses were the actual amount paid by the Council to the Brigade and were usually paid in full by the Insurers. The Committee accepted the sum offered.

5th Nov. 1931
The Clerk reported that the expenses of the Brigade amounting to £6/6/0 in connection with the fire at Mr. G.S. North's poultry farm on 30th April last had been forwarded to the Royal Exchange Assurance who had refused to pay but had offered an ex gratia payment of six guineas.

24th Feb. 1932
The annual report of the Brigade for the year ending 31st Dec. 1931 was received, from which it appeared that the Brigade was called to 19 fires, 6 of them chimneys. The average time taken to turn out was 4 minutes.

Various competitions had been attended and at Morecambe, the 2nd. prize in the Junior Steamer was secured, and the 4th prize in the National Steamer. At Skegness, the 1st. and 2nd. prizes in the Hook Ladder competition had been won and the 2nd. prize in the Junior Steamer.

The drills had been regularly attended, all clothing and equipment was in good order and the Station had been thoroughly Cleaned. The Committee considered the report satisfactory and agreed that the thanks of the Council be accorded to the Captain thereto.

7th April 1932
A letter was received from Messrs. B. Ladds Limited with reg­ards to the expenses of the Brigade in attending a fire at their field, on the Bedford Road on 27th. Feb. last. The letter stated that they could not be responsible for charges insomuch that they did not call the Brigade nor was it necessary for them to be present. It was recommended that the charges amounting to £2/14/- be written off as irrecoverable.

28th Sept. 1932
An application was received for permission to purchase 6 lengths of hose at a cost of £26/5/0.

30th Nov. 1932.
A letter was received from the County Council stating that a communication from the Fire Brigade Ass. suggested that the Licensing Authority might reasonably consider whether it is desirable in the interests of public safety to receive reports on the appliances installed in cinemas for fire extinction. The letter further stated that the County Council were of the opinion that it was desirable that reported should, be submitted to the Licensing Authority to whom the powers under the Act had been delegated. It was suggested that these inspections be made by a Police Officer and an Officer of the local Fire Brigade and the letter authorised the Council to nominate an Officer. It was understood that the Captain R.F.Knight had agreed to undertake the duties.

13th Feb. 1933
Death of Mr. F. Knight former Chairman of the Council and Captain of the Fire Brigade.

26th July 1933
The tender of £28 by Packwood and Son for redecorating of the Station Hose Tower and Cottage was accepted.

23rd October 1933
The Chairman reported that an application had been received from the Odell Leather Co. for permission for the Brigade to visit their works and pump water from the river thereto. The Company would pay the usual Brigade charges. £4/15/-.

31st Jan 1934
A letter was received from Mr. W. C. Packwood stating that owing to the death of his father, his business did not permit him the time necessary to perform the duties of Sec. and therefore tendered his resignation as such Sec. It was resolved to accept with regret.

A letter received from the Captain stating that his members had recommended to the Council that Mr. T. Muxlow of 87 Newton Road be appointed as Sec. It was resolved to recommand the Council to give instructions for new fire bells to be fitted at the residence of Mr. F. Tassell and Mr. T. Muxlow.

25th Oct. 1935
A requisition was received for the following:-

5X75’ 2½X24 Ply Fire Chief Hose.
2 Sets of Salvus Breathing Apparatus.
2 Pairs of Rubber Gloves
2 Pairs of Asbestos Thumb Gloves.

And being satisfied by the Captain that the equipment was necessary recommended the Committee to accept an estimate of £50/15/9.

1st Jan. 1936
The Fire Brigade Sub Committee reported that they had attended a conference of neighbouring Local Authorities convened by Kettering Council at Kettering on 17th  Dec. last on the question of the desirability of such Authorities co-operating in relation to Fire Brigade Service's when the following resolution was passed:-

1) That in the opinion of the Conference, it is desirable that Local Authorities possessing Fire Brigades should render assistance to one another in case of need.

The intention was that the Committee would prepare a draft Scheme of Mutual Assistance and the Draft would be submitted to each Authority for consideration and modified if necessary.

A communication was received from the Captain stating that in connection with the new equipment already purchased, the following accessories were required:-

2 spare cylinders with valve at £2 each
4 charges of Protosorb C.02. absorbant at 2/9 each.
2 special japanned steel boxes for containing the apparatus at £1/10/.

26th Feb. 1936
The letter of resignation was received from Mr. R.F. Knight resigning his Office on 1st. April next on account of his necessitating him leaving Rushden.

It was resolved to recommend to the Council that the resignation be accepted with regret and that an appreciation of Mr. Knight's many years of service with the brigade be recorded in the Minutes, also that the Clerk conveys to him the greatful thanks of the town for his efforts in bringing the Brigade to its high state of efficiency.

The question of the appointment of a new Captain was considered at length, and the claim of the various likely aspirants for the post investigated, ultimately Fireman Albert Percy Timpson, who has upwards of 13 years service with the Brigade be appointed Captain and First Officer as from the 1st April next. It was resolved to recommend Fireman James Whiting as Second Officer and Fireman T. Muxlow as Hon. Sec. and Third Officer.

29th April 1936
The Sub Committee met the new officers and received a requisition for new uniforms for £21/19/6 and also for overalls for the firemen at £5.

29th July 1936
The Sub Committee had received an application for a Resuscitator for use in case of asphyxiation of any firemen at a cost of £2/-/- including 6 bulbs of C.O2.

A letter was received from the Captain stressed the need for the purchase of a new Motor Pump and Escape. The present Escape, which was hand propelled, and only capable of reaching 40ft. would be useless in case of fire at the high buildings in the Town. The new vehicle proposed was a Dennis Ace 550/450 gallons Turbine Motor Pump Escape and the escape would reach a height of 50ft. The net price was £857/10/-. The Sub Committee stated that in their opinion it was essential that the Brigade equipment was up to date. The Committee considered at length the report of the Sub Committee but before making a Decision they should visit other Brigades in the area.

30th Sept. 1936
A letter was received from the Captain stating that the price quoted for the Resuscitator with face mask and Air Mixture Filter had increased by £2/3/- to £3/15/-.

A further letter was received stating that the Captain and third officer had passed the exam admitting them to the A.R.P. Reserve, and they had duly received their certificates.

28th Oct. 1936
The Sub Committee reported, that they had visited Wellingborough, Kettering and Northampton all of which were now supplied with up to date motor pump escapes with first aid equipment and carrying 50ft. escapes (sliding carriage) and a demonstration was given at each place.

The Committee had also inspected the equipment of The Rushden Fire Brigade which Comprised the following:-

Mason Shand & Co. Steam Fire Engine purchased 1907.
Schneider Motor Tender purchased 1919.
Dennis Motor Pump purchased 1927.
40ft. hand propelled Escape purchased 1900.

The Council, after careful consideration, decided that, in the interests of saving life and property, the Brigade should be equipped with the latest fire fighting appliances and resolved that the Council should purchase a Dennis Ace appliance carrying first aid equipment, and a 50ft. sliding carriage escape at £800 and application be made to the M of H for consent to raise a loan. The steamer and Schneider should be sold at the best price possible.

30th Dec 1937
The Council received the formal receipt of sanction from the M of H for permission to raise a loan for the Dennis Ace. It was resolved to ask Dennis to demonstrate the Ace before purchase.

6th Jan. 1937
The Council decided to borrow from the Housing Repair Fund Account over a period of 10 years at the rate of 3% the money for the Ace.

24th Feb. 1937
An order was placed with Dennis Bros, but they regretted that they were unable to give a demonstration of this model with escape because they were only made to special order.

28th April 1937
The Captain of the Brigade submitted a report of a recent Camp at Lowestoft in July and stated that much useful information on fire-fighting had been obtained.

The clerk submitted a requisition for the following items:-

£  s. d.
1)  10 lengths of hose
42 10 0
2)  Foam Extinguishers
9 15 0
3) Fireman's Peaked Caps
4 16 0
4) 6 Tunics
10 15 0
5) 2 Variable Nozzles
9 0 0
6)  1 Ceiling Hook  
2 0 0
7) 2 Officers Caps
2 0 0
80 16 0

The Committee gave careful consideration to each item and ultimately resolved to recommend items 1,2,5,6.

27th Oct. 1937
The Sub Committee resolved to recommend the items previously omitted from the 27th. Nov. list. [?28th April]

24th Nov. 1937
A letter was received from the Bedfordshire Rural District Council stating that the whole of the area was covered by fire made under an agreement by the Bedford Fire Brigade, but it was considered that certain parishes could be easily covered by Rushden Fire Brigade and inquired if the Council would be prepared to enter into an agreement with the Rural Council to cover the parishes of Wymington, Podington, Souldrop, and Yelden.

After due consideration, particularly to the commitments already entered into with the Wellingborough Rural District Council, it was resolved to recommend the following terms:-

i)  The Bedfordshire R.D.C. to pay an annual retaining fee of £20
ii) Charges to be made in accordance with national Fire Brigade Scales. 
iii)The Brigade only to attend if not otherwise engaged.

26th Jan 1938
A letter was received from the Captain stating that accordance with the Sub Committee's instructions he had approached the local garages with a view to submitting an estimate for the conversion of the old Schneider motor tender into a vehicle for carrying hose and various equipment to fires but none of them considered it a good proposition.

The Brigade asked for the Committee to consider the purchase of a suitable vehicle for the purpose.

25th May 1938
The Fire Brigade, as instructed had purchased a second-hand Bedford Motor Van from the Lightstrung Co. Ltd. for use by the Brigade duly re-painted and lettered and in a road-worthy condition for the sum of £40.

They also received a tender for the old Schneider Tender of £15 from H.E. Freeman which they recommended to accept.

26th Sept. 1938
The Sub Committee reported that they had met at the Fire Station and considered a requisite submitted by-the Chief Officer as follows:-

i) An Electric Steiner Hose Repairer
ii) A Dummy Man for Drill 
iii) 4 Oil Trays for placing under the Engines when at rest
£1: 0:0.

5th Oct. 1938
The Clerk reported, that in accordance with the General Scheme of Air Raid Precautions, the Captain had recruited 26 Auxiliary Firemen for training and that it was necessary that such firemen should be covered against risk of accident whilst undergoing training. A quote was obtained from the Municipal Mutual Ins. Co. Ltd. at 3/- per capita per man.

20th Oct. 1938
The Sub Committee reported that they had met the Chief Officer at the Fire Station and discussed the proposed scheme for Emergency Brigade Arrangements in accordance with Air Raid Precautions.

A draft of the proposed scheme was to provide for an Auxiliary Fire Station in Station Road, either on the spare ground adjoining the Baths or on the store yard opposite and the equipping of 32 A.F.S, firemen who had already been enrolled and on a course of training, and for the additional appliances and equipment was submitted.

The draft also contained a proposal for certain alterations at Newton Road which would provide for a new drill tower which was necessary before ladder drills could be undertaken by the A.F.S.

26th Oct. 1938
Estimate for painting of the Station accepted from Rushden Co-op Soc. at £2:18:0.

Estimate for renovation of 3 rooms at the Cottage accepted from Messrs. A. T. Nicholls at £3:19.0.

28th Nov. 1938
A letter was received from the Sec. for permission to purchase various books on fire-fighting for A.F.S. at £1:1:8.

4th Jan. 1939
The Sub Committee reported that the Bedford Van was defective and the repairs included a cracked cylinder block. The Lightstrung Co. Ltd. would repair the van for £30.
1st Feb. 1939
The Clerk was instructed to take out a policy with the Municipal Mutual Ins. in respect of 3rd. party risks in connection with the 36 A.F.S. enrolled in the Brigade at a price of 6d. per capita for Indemnity of £5000 inclusive with a minimum of £1.

22nd Feb. 1939
Report received from the Captain for permission to purchase a portable cupboard   for keeping books in, at £3:10:0.

22nd Feb. 1939.
The Fire Brigade Sub Committee reported that in response to the Council's tender for equipment for A.F.S., 46 have been received. The equipment required was as follows:-

30 AFS Tunics (double Breasted) with badge.
 "  Pairs of rubber boots.
 "  Uniform Caps complete with badge.
 "  Pairs of AFS serge trousers.
 "  Belts and Pouches.
 "  Axes. 
 "  Pairs of Oilskin Leggings
 "  Dungarees Training Overalls.
all made to H.O. specification.

Recommended that Rego Clothing Ltd. London be requested to provide samples of materials to satisfy the tender of £124:2:6.

26th April 1939
The Captain and 3rd. Officer attended a Conference at Bedford for preparing practical proposals for mutual assistance under Section I (5) of the Fire Brigade Act 1938.

May 1939
Requisition received for the following:-





75ft. lengths of hose





Pairs of Fireman’s Boots





Insulated Helmets





Officers Overcoats





Sets of Epaulettes





Officers Belts and Pouches





Pairs of Fireman's Trousers





Hose Ramps





Chief Officer's Full Dress





Set of Hose Couplings







14th June 1939
A letter was received from the Home Office stating that instructions had been given for three Beresford light trailer pumps, hose and equipment on the lines set out in the Appendix to the Memorandum on the Emergency Fire Brigade Organisation forwarded with Home Office Circular ?5I/865/I of the 23rd. Feb. 1937 to be supplied to the Council for use in connection with the Emergency Scheme. The pumps would be available in a few weeks time.

July 1949
The Clerk reported that as instructed at the last meeting he had obtained a quote from the Municipal Mutual Ins. Co. for the necessary cover, in respect of the trailer pumps and equipment to be loaned by the H.O. as follows:-

1/- for each journey indicated by the pump with a minimum of 20 journeys plus 10% for accidental damage risk as regards the pump when they are being used for the purpose of attending peace time fires and plus a further 20% to cover legal liability for accidents to vehicles whilst being conveyed thereby. The premium paid would be subject to a 15% commission.
12th July 1939

2 Beresford light trailer pumps being delivered to the Fire Station on Monday next.

Sept. 1939
The Fire Brigade Sub Committee reported that 30 men have passed for enrolment into the A.F.3. Under para.45 of the H.O. Memo on Fire Brigade Organisation the Council are authorised to pay a small bonus of £1 after satisfactory enrolment.

15th Oct. 1939
A.F.S. Station
The Clerk has given an order to the Post Office Telephone Dept. for an extension line from the Fire Station to the A.F.S. Station in the Council yard at a cost of 5/- plus an annual payment of 13/6.
Water Main
The Sub Committee reported that for the purposes of the A.F. S., that 4 ball valve standpipes at a cost of £2/17/6 and 5 standpipe tubes at a cost of £4/5/0 be purchased.

The Sub Committee considered the application from Captain Timpson for a retaining fee and agreed on £50 per annum from the 1st. Sept.

21st Nov. 1939
A.F.S. Whole Time personnel wages of one fireman at £3 per week and two lady watchroom attendants at £2 per week. Home Office agreed to pay 70%.

28th Oct. 1939
A letter was received from the Home Office stating that in their view it was agreed that under the present conditions it was not necessary to employ the A.F.S. on a whole time basis. The employment of 2 watchroom attendants a on a wholetime basis was approved as was also the expenditure by the Council in connection with the employment of a retained member on the regular Brigade on wholetime duties.

Identity discs received from F. Webb of High Street at 1/1 each.

28th Feb. 1940
The Clerk reported that in accordance with a Home Office suggestion, he has made application to the Area Food Executive Office for the registration Establishment of the Fire Station in order that rationed supplies could be obtained in connection with provision of messing facilities for the personnel of the A.F.S. when on duty for considerable periods of time.

24th April 1940
£10 was authorised for the purchase of a second-hand typewriter because of pressure of work.

The Fire Brigade Sub Committee reported that the whole of the Trailer Pump (one large four small) allocated to Rushden had been delivered and it was necessary, for additional accommodation to be provided. After due consideration it was agreed that the Surveyor should obtain, an estimate for the conversion of the open sheds at the NE end of the Depot into a A.F.S. Station capable of housing the whole of the equipment.

29th May 1940
Agreement reached between RUSHDEN U.D.C., WELLINGBOROUGH. U.D.C., WELLINGBOROUGH R.D.C. for co-ordination of Fire Brigade Services as follows:

Brigade Parishes
Wellingborough Wilby, Doddington, The Harrowdens, Sywell, Orlingbury, Lt. Irchester, Earls Barton, Mears Ashby, Isham.
Rushden Parishes
Irchester, Wollaston, Bozeat, Strixton, Grendon, Easton Maudit.

Provision made for 16 stirrup pumps i.e. one for each 50 houses on the Council Housing estates and the Housing Manager was instructed to organise a squad of 6-9 tenants for each street to be trained in the use of the equipment by the Chief Officer of the Brigade. 16 bins of sand will be equally distributed over the same area.

26th June 1940
40 more A.F.S. and 4messengers were enrolled.

31st July 1940
Tender accepted from C. R. Abbott for the conversion of the old buildings for the A.F.S. Station at £195.

Question of beds at the A.F.S. Station and Memo No .70/1939 duty personnel of first line appliances should have bedding and serving of food arrangements and it was agreed that 8 beds together with the mattresses be purchased at a cost of 13/3 each. The expenditure would rate for a grant.

25th Sept. 1940
The Sub Committee met and Considered the question of the purchase of two high-powered cars, one for the transportation of the canvas water dam unit and one for the hauling the trailer pumps and conveying a squad of A.F.S. firemen and the necessary equipment to where required. The Committee carefully re-considered the present arrangements which consisted of lorries kindly loaned by various tradesmen in the district, and although they were adequate for drill and training, it was considered that if they were required in an emergency either by day or night there may be a delay in obtaining the transport they therefore recommended that they be empowered to purchase two suitable second-hand cars suitably adapted for fire brigade use. A grant was available from the Home Office.

26 A.F.S. had been enrolled.

Old Steam Engine:- it was agreed to sell the old steamer at the best price available.

A.F.S. Station:- The two slow-combustion stoves, specified by the Home Office for heating the station were not adequate and recommended that two large ones be purchased.

9th Oct. 1940
A letter was received from the County Council and the County Controller conveying the congratulations of the County War Emergency Committee to the Organisers of the ARP Services of the town and to the various Services for the splendid work done on the above occasion and stated the rapidity with which the parties turned out and the skill and resource which they showed was of the highest recommendation.

30th Oct. 1940
Application was received from Harris Bros. Ltd. for use of Fire Brigade equipment for the purpose of pumping water to their works in Kimbolton Road from a well they had constructed. N.F.B. Scale of charges would apply.                                                                             

13th Nov. 1940
A letter was received from the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society conveying the thanks and appreciation of the real fine work given to them by the Council employees on the occasion of the recent raid.

A report was received that two high-powered cars had been purchased for £65 and £55 complete. The cost would rate for a grant to the extent of £40 for each vehicle.

A letter was received from the Regional Commission of the Civil Defence stating that it was imperative that whole-time AFS should be employed. The Council empowered the C.O. to recruit seven men at a weekly wage of £3:5:0. which would be reimbursed by the Home Office.

25th Nov. 1940
Reference was made to the great assistance given by the Military and Wellingborough U.D.C. and others clearing debris and removal of furniture from damaged homes after the recent enemy air raid.

27th Nov. 1940
A letter was received from the Raunds U.D.C. to see if the Council were prepared to enter into any arrangements under Sect. I (5) of the Fire Brigade Act 1938.      

20th Dec. 1940
The Council recommended the purchase of 19000 ear plugs for the population of the town.

The F.B.S.C. reported that seven whole time AFS had been appointed and Mr. A. F. Raymond Clark be appointed Leading Fireman at an increase of 5/- per week.

29th Jan 1941
The F.B.S.C. require another high-powered trailer for pump duties.

28th April 1941
The F.B.S.C. reported that an electrical compressor be purchased for use by the F.B. At present some garages charge 1/- per wheel. Agreed to purchase one for £35.

A letter was received from the Director of Salvage reporting that he had 4 Gallon petrol cans for sale that could be used as containers for fire-fighting purposes. The price was £6:5:0 per thousand. The Clerk reported that he had 18 fire parties under the control of the Council and agreed to buy 108 for use by these parties.

A 16h.p. Austin car in good running order was purchased for £50.

5th March 1941
The Clerk reported that the estimate cost of damage to property in the towm at present this year rendered by enemy action was £6750.

28th May 1941
A letter was received from the Home Office stressing the need and importance of having ample supplies of stand pipes available for reinforcing crews when required. The provision would qualify for a grant, The C.O. suggested 3 at a cost of £26:5:0.

30th July 1941
The F.B.S.C. met the Regional Works Adviser and decided on 5 Water Basins containing 150,000 gallons each at various high points in the town. The H.O. would pay for the construction.

Old Steamer:- the F.B.S.C. reported that as instructed they had obtained three offers for the purchase of the old steamer. It was resolved that the tender received from Messrs. Redden Bros. and Sheppard of Wellingborough at £16, the highest be accepted.

5th Nov. 1941
The Clerk reported that an account amounting to £29:9 :7. owing by Messrs. Harris Bros. Ltd. of Kimbolton Road Rushden for the use of Fire Brigade equipment in connection with the pumping of water from a well to fill an empty lake on the premises in Oct. 1940 was still unpaid although every endeavour had been made to collect.
It was resolved that a letter be sent to Messrs. Harris informing them that if the account is not paid by the 14th inst. proceedings would be taken for the recovery thereof without further notice.

It was also resolved to Commence proceedings should they fail to pay the account by the date mentioned

3rd Dec. 1941
A letter was received from the Solicitors of Messrs. Harris Bros, stating that the National Scale of Charges should not be applicable to work of the kind which the Brigade undertook. They agree that payment should be made for the use of the Council equipment, and that the firemen should be rewarded for their work but they consider that the "turn out-fee" should be remitted.
The committee gave careful consideration to the question and agreed that provided the account is paid promptly in order to avoid litigation, to remit the sum of £5:10:0 reducing the account to £23:19:7.

28th Jan 1942
Provisional sites for the water supply basins as follows:-

Mr. Tomlin's Land in Queen Street.
Birch Bros, spare land in Higham Road.
Moor Road School playground.
Rear of the SE side of St. Mary's Avenue.
Park Avenue/Talbot Road junction.

25th Feb. 1942
A letter was received from the D.O. of C. Division of the N.F.S. stating that he was unable to recommend that a basin be constructed in the Talbot Road area because of the low risk there. He suggested that two sites be provided in St. Mary's Avenue, this being one of the most congested part of the town.

11th March 1942
Reference was made to the recent merger of the Brigade with the N.F.S. and to the resignation of the following members in con­sequence:- Messrs. J. Sparrow, C.Green, F. Bayes, L. Britchford, T. Smith, and F. Tear.

The Council, while regretting the circumstances which prompted the men to tender their resignations from the Service, expressed their deep appreciation and thanks for their very valuable service for so many years in connection with the protection of the town for the late Brigade from ravage by fire.

25th June 1942
The D.O. of the NFS suggests that the site at Birch Bros. for the EWS should be moved to the Spencer Park.

28th Oct. 1942
A letter was received from Company Officer Timpson (Late Captain of the Brigade) stating that certain members of the old Brigade were entitled to medals and bars for long service and good conduct. The medals and the bars could be obtained from the National Fire Brigade Ass. for £8.

The Regional Works Adviser instructed that three more sites be provided at West Street, Coffee Tavern Lane, and Park Avenue for EWS.

27th Jan. 1943
An application received from the NFS for permission to erect a new Control Room, lavatory, sleeping accommodation for both sexes and a boiler house all on the East side of the Depot. The Service also applied to extend the existing Trailer Pump house on the North side.

24th Feb. 1943
Three more EWS sites approved at Portland Road/Kings Road, Shirley Road, and the South End of Duck Street.

12th May 1943
New site for EWS at Allen Road. Application for new Sub Control at the Fire Station.

28th July 1943
The Surveyor, submitted a letter from the D.O. NFS applying for consent to lay a 6" steel pipeline in street channels from the terminal point of an existing pipeline at Washbrook Road Bridge to the water basin in Moor Road, then along Station Road to the junction with the High Street.

27th Oct. 1942
A fire at the Newton Road Depot on the night of the 9th. Inst. caused damage of £98/5/8.

22nd Dec. 1943
A letter received from the Area Fire Force Commander stated that the wooden tower in the yard has been condemned and it will be replaced by a tubular steel construction. The Council raised no objection provided that the Fire Force Commander undertakes to have it removed after the conclusion of hostilities.

8th March 1943
Before the meeting started the Chairman presented nine Long Service Medals and Bars to nine members of the Councils former Volunteer Fire Brigade.

28th March 1945
The Surveyor reported an application from the NFS for consent to proposed alterations of the Tower (back elevation) at the Fire Station, Newton Road, involving the removal of the two top windows and arches, cutting away of the brickwork of the jambs, making good and substituting small roll steel joists for the arches. The Surveyor stated that the work might weaken the structure, therefore the Council decided not to give consent.

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