From ‘R22’ Note Book of J E Smith, transcribed by Kay Collins
Page 62 - extract from the weekly paper Jun 19 1914
Mrs M A Smart of Ringstead late of Rushden.
Born at Rushden June 13 1817. Died June 18th 1914. She lived under 6 Monarchs, Born when George III was on the throne. She remembered the Stage Coaches thro’ Rushden, she remembered Rushden St Mary’s Church being draped in Black at the death of King George IV. At Coronation of Queen Victoria they had legs of Mutton, pieces of Beef & Cherries for Dessert. At that time population was about 1,200.
June 25th 1914 “Airship”
An Airship passed over Rushden on Thursday between 12 & 2 o’clock. It came over Rushden Hall Park about 12.30 (during the SALE of Furniture at Hall) it went towards Wellingboro Station, turned back to Park, curved round again towards Sanders’s Lodge & grounded near Wymington Ballast-hole, he ascended again about 1.30 for Higham & Raunds. I had a splendid view from up the Park. J E Smith