10th November 1892
Mr William Penness
Mrs Hannah Louisa Wright
9th January 1899
Mrs Hannah Louisa Wright
Mr Robert F Smith
31st August 1900
Mr Robert F Smith
Messrs Samuel Shorley &
Edgar Noble
30th June 1904
Messrs Samuel Shorley &
Edgar Noble
Mr Robert F Smith
Conveyance of a plot of land, stable, coachhouse and premises in Montague Street
A Search under Land Charges Act was made on 12th November 1938 on behalf of William George Woodward, stationers’ agent, of Cambridge, and George Cecil Newland Fountain, boot factory foreman, of Park Road, Rushden:
A plot of land fronting Montague Street
Assignment & Conveyance on 24th August 1948
From Mrs M T Summers to Mr G W Smith:
Of a share and interest of and in a messuage and premises formerly known as "Greenways" Montague Street now No 69 Moor Road subject to a Mortgage thereon
Conveyance on 5th November 1970
From Mr G W Smith to Mr & Mrs F Treslove