Offices in Fitzwilliam Street adjoining the factory
Up until the age of 13 we lived at No. 17 Fitzwilliam Street, backing onto the factory. My younger brother and I would play with others in the large alleyway that led to Horrell's factory and canteen. The canteen had doors left and right that were usually open and we would feel very daring if any of us managed to put a foot inside those doors.
When Mum worked at Horrells, my brother and I would wait for her outside the factory. I think we were latchkey kids but didnt know that term then as many kids were the same in those days. We would wait underneath a huge noisy dust extractor, fascinated by both the dust and the noise!
We waited outside a few shoe factories as Mum, like many, moved around town for work.
I still remember with fondness the smell of a shoe factory, part of my childhood.