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Blousic Farm

Blousic Farm stood at the corner of Wellingborough Road and Fitzwilliam Street. It is an ancient name coming from Blosyk first noted in 1403 as a dike. There have been several variant spellings over the centuries such as Blowsick.

A farmhouse was built in 1862 by C. C. Mitchell, Esq. who had his initials and date on the stone above the window in the gable of the house.

By April 1866 he was living at Rushden Cottage, but later was ordered abroad for his health. He died in London in 1867, aged 34.

Northampton Mercury 07 December 1867
On the 29th Nov., at Belgrave Mansions, Charles Cecil Mitchell, Esq., late R.N., of Rushden, aged 34.

Blousic Farm built in 1862 by Charles Cecil Mitchell, Esq. pictured here about 1990

Northampton Mercury, 21 April 1866
Wellingborough Agricultural Society
C. C. Mitchell, Esq., Rushden Cottage, President.
Mr. William Bearn, Vice-President. A General Meeting of this Society will be held at the Exchange, Wellingborough, on Wednesday next, April 25th, at Four o’clock, for the purpose of passing the Accounts of last year, determining upon the Prizes, &c., to be offered for the present year, and other business.
John Wood Sharman, Hon Sec.

Northampton Mercury, 29 September 1866

….. with instructions from C. C. Mitchell, Esq., who is ordered abroad for his health, TO SELL BY AUCTION, On his Farm Premises, Rushden, on Thursday, the 11th of October, 1866, following Valuable HORSES and FARM STOCK. viz.:—Bay mare, 5 years,  …..

Plan drawn up 7th Sept 1881 showing the extensive range of farm buildings with a
Right of Road - Moor Road today and a Foot Way - Fitzwilliam Street today and Duck Street.

Blousic Farm
rear view c1987

The plan (left) was drawn for a sale in August 1887, and shows the extent of the farm.

A Deed of Conveyance was drawn up on 1st October 1888 for "a parcel of land & homestead" from The Hon. Chas. Wm. W. Fitzwilliam to Mr. George Wilmott.

Right: Plan copied from the deed


This pair of houses were built on part of this land. 54 & 52 Wellingboro Road, face Park Avenue, and have a stone plaque underneath the downpipe!

"Wilmotts 1892 View"

The large buidling beyond the side gate is one of the workshops of Ted Lockie, tinsmith and engineer.

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