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Rushden Echo, 2nd July 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mr. Joseph Perkins
who is leaving England

Property Sale—By order of Mr. Joseph Perkins, who is leaving England, a property sale was conducted by Mr. John S. Mason at the Coffee Tavern on Monday.

Lot 1 was a double-fronted residence, on the east side of Bedford-road, having a frontage of 372 feet containing an entrance hall, dining and drawing rooms, etc., and four bedrooms; besides a garden with fruit trees. Bidding started at £500, but the lot was withdrawn at £725.

Lot 2 was a dwelling house, containing front room, three bedrooms, bathroom, etc., adjoining Lot 1, with a frontage of 222 feet. There are 6a. 2r. 38p. of pasture and arable land. Starting at £300, the property was sold at £440 to Mr. George Meadows, of Rushden.

Messrs Heygate and James, of Wellingborough, were the solicitors.

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