Rushden Echo, 23rd February 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins
The Angelus Quartette (Messrs. F. Ingram, Bernard Tomkins, Bert Sanders, and A. E. Bates, of Rushden) visited St. Albans for the last week-end. A social gathering was held on Saturday evening in the Friends’ Meeting house, under the auspices of the St. Albans Adult School. Unfortunately, after one quartette had been sung, Mr. Tomkins was taken ill and had to be taken to his temporary home, but Mr. Ingram and Mr. Sanders sang a number of songs. The arrangements for a musical service on Sunday morning, in connection with the Adult School, were interfered with in consequence of Mr. Tomkins’s illness, but the other members of the Quartette did their utmost under the circumstances, and a good programme of songs was rendered, Mr. Sanders contributing three items and Mr. Ingram two. On Sunday afternoon the Quartette were announced to sing at the Spicer-street Congregational Church. Mr Tomkins had sufficiently recovered to take part, and four quartettes were given, Mr. Ingram and Mr. Sanders each giving a solo. In the evening a concert was given by the Quartette in the Y.M.C.A. hut for soldiers. Mr. Sanders and Mr. Ingram each gave a couple of solos, and the party sang no fewer than six quartettes, to the great delight of the audience. The superb rendering of the quartette “The rosary” created quite a sensation, and it received a double encore. A lieutenant of the A.S.C. who is a doctor of music was enthusiastic in his praise of the quartette. Among the audience was a Rushden boy (the son of Mr. Crane, baker, of Higham-road), who is serving as a baker in the A.S.C. He made himself known to the vocalists, who were naturally glad to see a Rushden lad. The members of the Quartette were entertained by prominent members of the Adult School, including Mr. T. H. Bond, a former member of the Rushden school. [WWI bakers]