Wellingborough & Kettering News, October 8th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins
Band Sports at Rushden—On Saturday afternoon some sports were held in the Cricket Gound, under the auspices and for the benefit of the National School Band. The Kettering Rifle Volunteer Band, under Mr. Foster (bandmaster), attended, and united with the National School Band, under Mr. Bacon, in playing a very choice selection of music between the races, including "The Heavens are telling," the "Hallelujah," and other choruses from the great masters, and "Chough and Crow," and other classical pieces of secular music. The weather was delightfully fine, but the company was not large, not more than 100 being present. The races were exceedingly good, the finish being so close in several of them that not more than three feet divided the first three competitors. The judging of Messrs. J. Claridge and S. Colson gave universal satisfaction, and the handicapping of Messrs. Wilby and Denton secured a large number of competitors and some very close finishes. In the boys race Pruden won after a sharp struggle by one yard, Bacon being close up for third. In the 100 yards professional Bamford won the first heat well by a yard from Foreman, with F. Owen close up. The second heat T. Parker managed to win by about a foot from Smith, a similar distance separating Whiteman and Small in the third heat, while Johnson only just took the fourth heat on the tape. Dobbs won the fifth heat easier, as did Allen the sixth. For the final a very good race was run, Allen winning by two feet, with Dobbs a good third. In the 100 yards amateurs' there was not much to notice, Mason winning on the tape the first heat; a foul occurred in the second between Ashford and Billingham, and won by G. Denton, G. Bull winning the third easy, as did Houghton the fourth. In the final J. Houghton was first, S. Denton second, and G. Bull third, not more than two feet dividing the three. In the 440 yards professional, first heat, only Evans passed the post, and in the second heat Johnson ran in as he liked, the others pulling up. In the third heat Stevenson won easily. The final was a capital race. Evans put on a spurt after 100 yards had been gone over, and took second place, but failed to overtake Stevenson, who won by three yards; Evans 2nd, and Johnson 3rd. 440 yards amateurs'race: In the first heat G. Denton was 1st by three yards, Mason 2nd; in the second heat Denton 1st, and Houghton 2nd; in the final Bull was 1st, Denton 2nd, and Mason 3rd; won easy. 880 yards professional race: N. Gilbert 1st, Ridley 2nd, and Mabbutt 3rd; a very exciting finish, not more than a yard dividing the three. After the sports the bands played for dancing.
In the evening a splendid supper was placed on the tables in the National Infant Schools by Mrs. Wood, to which the members of the two bands and their friends, to the number of about 60, did ample justice. The cloth having been removed, the Chairman, Mr. Bandmaster Bacon, said he had a very pleasant duty to perform, and as their friends would be wanting to leave to catch the train, he should like at once to propose the health of those gentry and tradespeople who had subscribed to the sports that day. The toast was very heartily responded to. The Chairman next said he found he should have to curtail the toast list so as to allow of a sing song together. But he had great pleasure in proposing "Success to the Kettering Rifle Volunteer Band," and to thank them for their assistance that day. This acquaintance with the band and its excellent conductor was only of short duration, and it was commenced as by accident, but the reception they met with at Kettering had placed them under an obligation to their Kettering friends that he felt a difficulty in discharging, and which he was sure the Rushden Band would never forget. The toast was given with musical honours. Mr. Foster responded, and said he was sure the Kettering Band were as well pleased with their reception at Rushden as the Rushden Band had been at Kettering, and he hoped the union of the bands might continue. He proposed the health of the Rushden Band. This was received with musical honours by the visitors from Kettering. The toasts of "The Handicappers," "The Judges," and "The Press," followed, after which the meeting took a convivial turn, songs and recitations being given by several of the company. The following was the programme of the sports:—
900 Yards Handicap Flat Race, for boys under 15, 7 yards allowed for each year under that age. First prize, 7s. 6d; second, 5s.; third 2s. 6a. 1 A Pruden, Rushden; 2 R. Clarke, Rushden; 3 A W Bacon, Rushden. Other competitors—A. Chettle, E. Greaves, A. Head, G. White T. Baker, R. Roberts, and W. Pantlin, all of Rushden.
100 Yards Handicap Flat Race (professional). First prize, £1 10s.; second, 10s.; third 5s.— First heat: 1 W. Bamford, Northampton, 2 yds.; 2 Foreman, Rushden, 7½. Other competitors: F. Owen, Kettering; and George Miles, Wellingborough.—Second heat: 1 T. Parker, Higham Ferrers, 44; 2 G. Smith, Bozeat, 2. Other competitors: G. Payne, Northampton; F. Tabor, Capt. N.R.F.C.; J. Dobbs, Bozeat; W. Darker, Kettering.—Third heat: 1 W. Whiteman, Irthlingborough, 5. Other competitors: G. Small, Northampton: G. Braines, Kettering: G. Stevenson, Kettering.—Fourth heat: 1 W. Johnson, Bozeat, 3½; 2 J. Cooper, Kettering, 12. Other competitors: W. Bennett and T. Alley, Northampton; T. Draper, Higham Ferrers.— Fifth heat: 1 Dobbs, Bozeat, 2 J. Wilson, Wellingborough, 6. Other competitors: J. Cockle and T. Abbott, Northampton; H. Bridgeford, Kettering. Sixth heat: 1 W. Allen, Northampton, 6½; 2 W. Evans, Higham Ferrers, scratch. Other competitors: H. Johnson, Kettering; A. Allen, Wellingborough; and W. Boswell. Final heat: 1 Allen.
100 Yards Handicap Flat Race (amateurs). First prize value £1; second 10s.; third 5s. — First heat: 1 C. Mason, Rushden, 5; 2 W. Lewis, Rushden, 54. Other competitors: D. Love, Northampton; C. Bull and H. Chettle, Rushden,— Second heat: 1 S. Denton, Rushden, 34; 2 W. Ashford, Irthlingborough, 4. Other competitors: J. Denton, and H. Billingham, Rushden.—Third heat: 1 G. Bull, Rushden, 4; 2 H. Felce, Higham Ferrers, scratch. Other competitors: L. Starmer, Northampton; T. Fuller, Rushden; E. Smith, Wellingborough. Fourth heat: 1, J. Houghton, Irthlingborough, 6; 2 A. Houghton, Irthlingborough, 5. Other competitors: F. Davey, Northampton; T. King and W. Gross, Rushden.—Final heat: 1 J. Houghton, 2 S. Denton, 3 G. Bull.
440 Yards Handicap Flat Race (professional). First prize £1; second 10s.; third 5s.—First beat: 1 W. Evans, Higham Ferrers, 15; 2 G. Smith, Yardley, 18. Other competitors: G. Brains and Bailey. Kettering: H. Ridley, Northampton; T. Parker, Higham Ferrers; T. Hall and W. Allen, Wellingborough. —Second heat: 1 W. Johnson, Bozeat. Other competitors: Cockle; G. Martin and C. Denton, Kettering; J. Stuart, Yardley; J. Mabbutt and A. Allen, Wellingborough; J. Byrne, Irthlingborough; N. Gilbert, Rushden.—Third heat: 1 G. Stevenson, Wellingborough, 28: 2 D. Dobbs, Bozeat, 25. Other competitors: H. Johnson, Kettering; T. Draper and P. Wright, Higham Ferrers; T. Wilson and T. Abbott,Wellingborough; C. Draper, W. Whiteman.—Final heat: 1 Stevenson, 2 Evans, 3 Johnson.
440 Yards Handicap Flat Race (amateurs). First prize value £1; second 10s.; third 5s.—First heat: 1 G. Bull, Rushden, 18; 2 C. Mason, Rushden, 20. Other competitors: D. Love, Northampton; J. Houghton and W. Ashford, Irthlingborough; J. Denton, Rushden.—Second heat: 1 S. Denton, Rushden, 18; 2 A. Houghton, Irthlingborough, 16. Other competitors: C. Bull, H. Billingham, T. King, and W. Lewis, Rushden.—Final heat: 1 Bull, 2 Denton, 3 Mason.
880 Yards Handicap Flat Race (professional). First prize £1; second 10s.; third 5s.—1 N. Gilbert, Rushden, 55 ; 2 H. Ridley, Northampton, 55; 3 J. Mabbutt, Wellingborough, 55. Other competitors: G. Martin, G. Brains, W. Bailey, L. Pratt, and J. Cooper, Kettering; J. Stuart, Yardley; J. Byrne, Irthlingborough; T. Abbott, Northampton; P. Wright, Higham Ferrers ; D. Dobbs, Bozeat; A. Allen and T. Hall, Wellingborough; and C. Draper, Higham Ferrers.
Wellingborough News, 3rd June 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
WHITSUNTIDE—The holiday season was proclaimed on Saturday evening by the National School Band parading the village playing some very excellent marches, and the Temperance Brass Band giving a promenade concert on the Green. The following programme was capitally rendered:—March, "Centenary," (C. Godfrey); overture, "Masquiello," (Auber); recit., trombone, "And God made the firmament," (Haydn); solo and chorus, "Marvellous works;" Bolero, from Verdi's opera; "Attilla," (by J. Rivers); selection, "Il Gurmento," (Merca-dante); valse, "Leila;" solo polka, "Empress;" nautical fantasia, "Honoria," (contest piece, R. Smith); "God Save the Queen."
Wellingborough News, 15th September 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
The Rushden National School Band
will hold their Annual Sports!
On Saturday, September 29th, 1883.
For further particulars see bills.
A. T. Ginns,
Wellingborough News, 22nd September 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
Rushden Feast.
The National School Band
Will Hold Their
Annual Sports!
On Saturday, September 29th, 1883.
The following is a list of events:—
1.—120 Yards Handicap Flat Race (Professional). First Prize £2, Second 10s., Third 5s., Fourth 2s. 6d. 2.—440 Yards Handicap Flat Race (Professional). First prize £1, second 7s. 6d., third 2s. 6d. 3.—880 Yards Handicap Flat Race (Professional). First prize £1. second 7s. 6d., third 2s. 6d. 4.—Half-hour Go-as-you-please Race—First prize £1 10s., second 10s., third 5s., fourth 2s. 6d. 5.—250 Yards Handicap Flat Race (Professional). First prize £1 10s., second 10s., third 5s. Entrance fee for each event 6d. 6.—150 Yards Race for Boys under 13.—First prize 10s., second 5s., third 2s. 6d.
The RUSHDEN NATIONAL SCHOOL BAND (under the leadership of Mr. W. Bridgford) will be in attendance, and after the Sports will play for Dancing.
Admission to the Ground, Two to Five, 6d.; after Five, 3d.
The Grounds will be opened at One o'clock, Handicapper, Mr. C. Wilby.
Entries close Wednesday, September 26, and may be made at Mr. Fitzhugh's, "Duke of Clarence," Northampton; Mr. G. Thompson, Wellingborough; Mr. Loasby, Talbot Inn, Kettering; Mr. Dunkley, Stag's Head Ian, Earl's Barton; or Mr. Ginns, Rushden.
REFRESHMENTS by Mr. S. Herbert.
Wellingborough News, 4th October 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
NATIONAL BRASS BAND SPORTS—These sports, which were to have taken place last Saturday, in consequence of the heavy downpour of rain, had to be adjourned until this Saturday.
Wellingborough News, 13th October 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
Athletic Sports at Rushden
The first annual sports of the Rushden National School Band, after being postponed from Saturday, the 29th. ult., in consequence of the unfavourable weather, were brought off on Saturday last, on the cricket ground. The attendance was but small, owing probably to the unavoidable alteration in the date, but this was to some extent made up for by the running, which was, with one or two exceptions, of an excellent character, and did credit to the handicapping capabilities of Mr. Wilby. The races included live handicap flat races, and half an hour go-as-you-please, and under energetic management were concluded before dark. In the 120 yards handicap flat race, J. Jones, of Northampton, proved successful, after an exciting finish; and in the boys' race of 150 yards, W. Pantling, a lad eight years old, secured, by good running, the premier position. The 440 yards race fell to J. Jeyes, of Higham Ferrers, who won by a clear ten yards. Wilson was best man at 250 yards, and in the 880 yards S. Pratt, a lad, of Kettering, was first in an easy race. The half hour go-as-you-please turned out a gift for J. York, of Kettering, who won by quite 50 yards.
The committee, under whom the excellent arrangements were carried out, were as follows:—Messrs. A. Ginns (secretary),T. West, E. Ladds, J. Newman, H. Thacker, and C. Baker (treasurer). The Rev. A. E. Disney and Mr. W. Pendered officiated as judges, and Mr. H. Gooderidge as starter. The detailed results of the racing are as follows: —
120 Yards Handicap Flat Race. First prize £2, second 10s., third 5s., fourth 2s. 6d.—Heat; 1: 1 S. Braines, Northampton, 3 yards. Also ran: Shaw, 7 yards, and C. Cook, Northampton 11 yards.— Heat 2: 1 H. Allen, Wellingborough, 8 yards. Also ran: J. Lucas, Northampton, 7½; and C. Foreman, Rushden, 12½.—Heat 3: 1 W. Evans, 3½. Also ran: A. George, Wollaston, 3½; W. Walker, Wellingborough, 7½; A. Martin, Rushden, 15. —Heat 4: 1 J. Jones, Northampton, 6½. Also ran: J. Reynolds, Northampton, 6; G. Wilson, Rushden, 9½—Final heat: 1 Jones, 2 Evans, 3 Braines, 4 Allen. This was a close race, and was won by barely a foot.
150 Yards Handicap Flat Race, for boys under 13. First prize 10s., second 5s., third 2s. 6d.—1 W. Pantling (8 years), 30; 2 C. Ballard (8 years), 30; 3 Pruden, Rushden. Won by a yard. 3. Jeyes, Northampton (13 years), scratch; W. Viger (12 years).
250 Yards Handicap. First prize £1 10s., second 10s., third 5s.—Heat, 1: 1 P. Wright., Wollaston, 8; 2 A. Jeyes, Northampton (lad), 30. Won by half a yard. Also ran: W. Evans, Higham Ferrers, scratch; Shaw, Northampton, 14; E. Jeffs (lad), 28.—Heat 2: 1 J. Thacker, Rushden, 22; 2 C. Cook, Northampton, 20. Won by half a yard. Also ran: S. Braines, Northampton, 4; J. Reynolds, 8; W. Walker, Wellingborough, 15.—Heat 3: 1 H. Alien, Wellingborough, 16; 2 A. George, Wollaston, 2. Won easily. Also ran: J. Jeyes, Higham, 16; S. Allibone, Northampton, 20; and C. Foreman, Rushden, 22.—Heat 4: 1 G. Wilson, Rushden, 17; 2 T. Draper, Higham Ferrers, 15. Won by about a yard.—Final heat: 1 Wilson, 2 Thacker, 3 Wright, 4 Allen. Won by a few inches, half a yard separating second and third.
440 Yards Handicap. First prize £1, second 7s. 6d., third 2s. 6d.—Heat 1 was a walk over for J. Reynolds, Northampton, 17.—Heat 2: 1 J. Jeyes, Higham Ferrers. Won easily. J. Jones, Northampton, 15; T. Draper, Higham Ferrers, 21; and O. Ellis, Rushden, 30, also ran, but gave up before the finish. — Heat 3: 1 E. Haddon, 18; 2 G. Prickett, Rushden, 37. Won easily.— Final heat; 1 Jeyes, 2 Haddon, 3 Reynolds.
880 Yards Handicap. First prize £1, second 7s. 6d., third 2s. 6d.—1 S. Pratt, Kettering,120; 2 F. Chettle, Rushden, 80; 3 J. Maddison, Irthlingborough, 125. Won easily. Also ran: E. Haddon, Northampton, scratch; H. Ridley, 40; W. Coggins, Raunds, 70; W. Allen, Wellingborough, 55; T. Draper, Higham Ferrers, 75; J. York, Rushden, 90; O. Ellis, 90; and E. Jeffs (lad), Northampton, 115.
Half-hour Go-as-you-please. First prize £1 10s., second 10s., third 5s.—1 J. York, Kettering, 800; 2 G. Turner, Kettering, 1,000; 3 W. Coggins, Raunds, 850. Won by 50 yards, 70 yards separating second and third. Also ran: E. Haddon, Northampton, scratch; W. Allen, Wellingborough, 850; H. Ridley, Northampton, 450; W. Freeman, Irthlingborough, 850; and G. Saul, Northampton, 850.
The National School Band afterwards played for dancing.
Wellingborough News, 14th January 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins
NATIONAL SCHOOL BAND— A quadrille party was given in the National Schools on Saturday evening last by the above band, which was well attended.
The Argus, Friday 4th April, 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins
Rushden Local Intelligence
Musical—The Temperance Band journeyed to Luton last Sunday, and gave a good programme to a large audience. The National Band go to Peterborough next Sunday.
The Northampton Mercury, 16th February 1889, transcribed by Kay Collins
Meat Tea—A meat tea was held by the National School Band on Monday evening, Mr Stevens in the chair.—The Secretary read the report, which shewed that the receipts of the band amounted to £216 4s. 10½d., and the expenditure was £212 16s. 10½d., leaving a balance of £3 8s. A convivial meeting was spent in songs and harmony.
The Argus, 13th December 1889, transcribed by Kay Collins
Notes of the Week
Talking of music, our bands do not intend to let the grass grow under their feet. The winter evenings are essentially the period for improvement, and during the past week Mr. Owen and Mr. G. F. Birkinshaw have given lessons to the National and Temperance Bands respectively.
The Argus, Friday Dec 27th 1889, transcribed by Kay Collins
Rushden During 1889 - A Retrospect (only part of this item exists in the paper it is copied from)
......caused most interest in this respect was the double victory of the National Band in the latter part of the summer season. Our local musicians can hold their own amongst the generality of Northern Bands, excepting of course the “Dykes”, “Besses”, and a few other “cracks”.
The Argus, 11th April 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins
THE NATIONAL BAND AT PETERBOROUGH— This band gave two concerts in the Drill Hall Peterborough, last Saturday, both concerts being much appreciated. The following were the pieces rendered: — First concert: March, "Palmer House," Pettee; fantasia, "Joan of Arc," H Round; trombone solo, "The death of Nelson," Braham Mr. H. Clayton; selection, "Romeo and Juliet," H. Round; euphonium solo, "There is a green Hill," Gounod, Mr. W. Bird; selection "Great Britain," Round. Second concert: March "Albion," Dodsworth; selection, "II Bravo," Mercadante; cornet solo, "The Lost Chord" Sullivan, Mr. G. Thacker; overture, "Excelsior" Round; waltz, "The Silver Wedding," Embury selection,"Maritaua," Wallace; National Anthem.
The Argus, 2nd May 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins
Rushden National Prize Band
The above Band will give a CONCERT at FINEDON, on Sunday, May 18th; also at IRTHLINGBOROUGH the same day.
The Argus, 27th January 1893, transcribed by Kay Collins
Local Intelligence
National Prize Silver Band —This Band gave another of their popular concerts in the Public Hall on Sunday evening, when the building was literally packed with a music loving and appreciative audience. The whole of the splendid programme was well rendered, Mr. George Bacon occupying the chair, and Mr. G. Farey presiding at the piano:—Selection, "Tannhauser" Band ; song "Aloft" Mr. T. Fuller; violin solo, "Devil's sonata", Mr. S. Brown; recitation, "Charley Lathom's Pard", Mr. C. C. West; song, "Tired", (encored, and "Ora Pro Nobis" given), Mrs. Corbett; cornet duet, "Honest and true" Messrs. R. H. Cooper and S. Hullatt; quartet, "Crossing the Bar" (Tennyson), Mrs. Corbett, Miss Fuller, Messrs. G. Partridge and T. Fuller; Descriptive fantasia (by special request), Synopsis of movements, "Forge in the forest" (Anon); Adagio, Night; Adagio Lento, Morning (the larks and cuckoo are heard); Allegro Vivace "On the river" (clock strikes 5 a.m.); Adagio, Morning prayer; Allegretto Finale, "The smith at his anvil".
Rushden Argus, 21st April 1893, transcribed by Kay Collins
Music on the Green—The National Band will give a sacred concert on the Green on Sunday afternoon at 2.30. Solo cornet and conductor, Mr G F Birkenshaw.—Collections in aid of the band fund.
Rushden Echo, 26th July 1912
Extract from a funeral: ..... deceased was a trustee of the Rushden Town Band Club, and was one of the members of the Rifle Band who helped to form that musical combination. He was also a very highly respected member of the old National Band, which was broken up about 16 years ago. [1896]
Later the Rifle Band