Rushden & District History Society
Rushden & District History Society was formed in May 1991 with the aim to encourage and facilitate the study and preservation of Northamptonshire history. An inaugural meeting was held in the Toc H rooms in Portland Road, with a further meeting the following week at Rushden Hall. Regular meetings were held for several years at Rushden Hall, until the audience threatened to exceed the capacity limit of the largest meeting room. We then moved to South End Junior School. The Society meets at The Research Group is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the History of Rushden - “Hearts and Soles” project. Coach outings to places of historical interest are organised, and in the summer we may also have guided walks around a local site or village. We participate in other local societies’ “Open Days” by providing display boards of Rushden’s history. A small board may also be found at the We have an extensive reference library of School Records; Local Cemetery Records; Rushden Censuses from 1841 to 1901; and various pre-1900 local wills. Most of these items have already been transcribed and may be found in the appropriate sections of the Rushden Heritage “Hearts and Soles” website. We hold a growing collection of photographs and memorabilia of the Rushden neighbourhood, and are usually prepared to accept and care for small items donated by the public. We continue to place plaques on buildings of interest in the town. Our “Town Trails”, prepared by members, are available in the Rushden Library. Each year we give a prize for the best historical project to a pupil of We produce a quarterly journal, “The Risdene Echo”, which is free to members. It can be purchased by non-members. In 1999 we held a successful History Day, and a similar one was held in 2001. Our book entitled “A Thousand Years of Rushden” went to a second edition but is now, unfortunately, out of print. Also the book “Ditchford Days” (compiled in conjunction with Irchester Parish Historical Society and Irthlingborough History Society) is out of print, but isolated copies may still be found on sale. The society is run by a committee of up to twelve, elected annually at the AGM. Subscriptions are £5 for an individual, and £8 for family membership. We welcome visitors to our meetings at a cost of £2 at the door. Members pay £1.50. [Details correct 2008]. Further information about the society, together with Membership Application forms, may be obtained by visiting the Society's website at www.rdhs.org.uk |