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This list of Officers is taken from the Programme.

Blossom Time - 1947

President: WALTER C. TARRY, Esq.

Mr. J. M. Bailey, MC MBE
Ald. J. W. Barker
Mr. P. Bugby
Mr. W. E. Capon
Mr. A. C. A. Colton, JP
Mr. A. Cook
Mr. W. Cook
Mr. D. Chamberlain
Mr. W. Edwards
Mr. F. G. Deane
Mr. H. Fisher
Mr. A. N. Groome
Mr. W. A. Groome
Mr. A. W. Head
Mr. F. L. Heygate
Mr. Wm. M. Horrell
Mr. D. Knight
Dr. O. B. Lean
Ald. G. S. Lindgren, MP
Mr. H. E. Mackness
Mr. G. W. Marriott
Mr. H. Mitchell
Mrs. O. A. H. Muxlow, JP CC
Mr. M. O'Connor
Dr. B. W. Paine
Mr. R. W. E. Paragreen
Mr. W. Parker
Ald. H. R. Patenall, JP CC
Dr. A. D. Pickard
Mr. F. R. Putnam
Mr. J. Radburne
Mr. H. Robinson
Mr L. Sanders
Mr. T. Sanders
Mr. W. B. Senders
Mr. F. J. Sharwood
Mr. C. A. G. Slater
Mr. J. G. Spencer
Mr. A. J. Sturgess
Mr. W. Summerlin
Mr. R. Tarry
Mr. A. E. Tear
Mr. Edgar Wadsworth
Mr. T. Watson
Mr. John White
Mr. C. R. Wildman
Mr. P. W. Wills
Mr. John L. Wilson, MC
Mr. C. K. Woods

Chairman: Frank E. Brown
Vice-Chairman: Don Bugby
Secretaries:: Eva K. Bryant and Phyllis G. Bryant
Business Manager: Bernard R. Palmer
Musical Director: Oswald L. Lawrence, LRAM ARCM
Accompanist: Cyril Cave, ARCO
Chorus Master: John W. Cooke
Treasurer: R. T. Saint
Dancing Mistress: Jose Marsh
Stage Managers: Don Bugby and Charles Mitchell (for the Ritz Theatre)
Perruquier: Tony Snape
Prompter: Hylda Gates
Committee: J.W.Cooke, L.V.Elliott, Hylda Gates, A.S.Knight, G.Knight, May Knight, O.L.Lawrence, B.R.Palmer, E.J.Rowlett, W.A.E.Sherwood, K.Smith and Edward Wadsworth
Wardrobe Mistress: Nellie Flavell
Property Master: Herbert Ingram
Call Boy: Vincent Badham
Chief Steward: Edward Wadsworth
Chief Programme Steward: Lily Cooke
Souvenir Sellers: Misses N.Ackerley, M.Ainge, F.Dickens, M.Foskett, M.Fayers, J.Goodman, H.Howes, S.Wicks, Mrs.T.Harbour, Mrs.H.Langham, Mrs.D.Linward and Mrs.C.Perkins

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