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Operatic Society - Officers

This list of Officers is taken from the Programme.

The Three Musketeers - 1948

President: Walter C. Tarry, Esq.

Captain J.M. Bailey, MC, MBE
Alderman J.W. Barker
P. Bugby, Esq.
D. Chamberlain, Esq.
W.E. Capon, Esq.
F.C. Caswell, Esq.
A.C.A. Colton, Esq.
F.G. Deane, Esq.
W. Edwards, Esq.
F.G. Felce, Esq., JP
H. Fisher, Esq.
A.W. Head, Esq.
F.L. Heygate, Esq.
Wm.M. Horrell, Esq.
D. Knight, Esq.
Alderman G.S. Lingren, MP
Dr. O.B. Lean
H.E. Mackness, Esq.
G.W. Marriott, Esq.
H. Mitchell, Esq.
Mrs. A.U. Muxlow, CC
Martin O'Connor, Esq.
Dr. B.W. Paine
R.W.E. Paragreen, Esq.
Alderman H.R. Patenall, CC
D. Peck, Esq.
W. Peck, Esq.
Dr. A. Dorothy Pickard
J. Radburne, Esq.
H. Robinson, Esq.
A.L. Sanders, Esq.
T. Sanders, Esq.
W.B. Sanders, Esq.
H. Selwood, Esq.
F.J. Sharwood, Esq.
C.A.G. Slater, Esq.
J.G. Spencer, Esq.
R. Tarry, Esq.
A.E. Tear, Esq.
Edgar Wadsworth, Esq.
T. Watson, Esq.
John White, Esq.
C.R. Wildman, Esq.
P.W. Wills, Esq.
John L. Wilson, Esq., MC
C.K. Woods, Esq.

Chairman: Frank E. Brown
Secretaries: Eva K. Bryant and
Phyllis G. Bryant
Musical Director: Oswald L. Lawrence
Accompanist: Harold James
Ballet Mistress: Jose Marsh
Stage Managers: Don Bugby and Charles
Mitchell (for the Ritz Theatre)
Make-up Artist: Jules Marten, assisted
by Florence Tolman
Wardrobe Mistress: Nellie Hart, assisted
by Ivy Smith
Call Boys: Vincent Badham and
John Swingler
Vice-Chairman: Don Bugby
Bernard R. Palmer
Deputy Musical Director: John W. Cooke
Treasurer: Roy T. Saint
Peter Bell
(by permission of
the County Drama
Prompter: Hylda Gates
Herbert Ingram and
Martin O'Connor
Chief Steward: Edward Wadsworth

Hylda Bugby
J.W. Cooke
L.V. Elliott
P.W. House
G. Knight
Eleanor Randall
Constance Wrighton
E.J. Rowlett
W.A.E. Sherwood
Edward Wadsworth

Messrs. G.T. Macpherson, F. Thornton, E. Clark, C. Perkins, H.F. Hill, D. Peck,
E.J. Rowlett, B.K. Wadsworth.

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