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Operatic Society - Officers

This list of Officers is taken from the Programme.

Cabaret - 1992

President: H. W. Catlin, BA DFC

P Blunt
Miss M Boyfield
C Freeman
R Gibson
L Gomm
A Holloman
Mrs J Holloman 'Jans'
D Jones
Mrs J King 'King Kuts'
A R Mayes 'Alpha-Mu'
Mrs J Penn
A Richardson

Joint secretaries - Pauline Wildman and Philip Mould - or any officer or committee member will be delighted to welcome YOU as a Vice-President of this Society and advise you of the subscription.

Honorary Life Members:
Allen E.Goulsbra OBE
Christine Carter
Phyllis Clark
Roland A Evans
Len Gomm
Rene Welsford

Arthur Holloman Stage Manager: Len Gomm
Vice-Chairman: Christine Carter Publicity & Press Officer: Mary Boyfield
Treasurer: Margaret Hunter Box Office: Bert Catlin, Pat Catlin,
Chris Carter, Philip Mould, Simon Baker, Margaret Hunter and other helpers.
Joint Secretaries: Pauline Wildman and
Philip Mould
Musical Director: Alan Skinner Rehearsal Pianists: Alan Skinner, Joan Hart
Wardrobe Mistress: Pat Catlin
Sue Burch
Sally Jones
Andrew Kempenski
Philip Mould
Pam Trainor

Social Committee:
Chairman - Jan Holloman
Treasurer - Julie Atherton
Sally Jones
Andrew Kempenski

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