Evening Telegraph, 1974
Plan to put town in the picture
BUSINESSMAN Don Gibson plans to turn back the pages of history by producing a special book on old Rushden.
Mr Gibson, chairman of Rushden Rotary Club vocational committee, is currently compiling a collection of old photographs and documents relating to the town. With the help of other club members he then plans a picture album-style book spanning more than 100 years of Rushden's history.
He said: "The town's past is fascinating. It is only by looking at old photographs and pictures that one realises how much has changed over the years."
Mr Gibson and the Rotary Club started the project after realising there is no single book illustrating the town's history.
"There are plenty of written references and odd pictures in a number of books, but we thought it would be rather nice to get some pictures together in one publication."
His collection of pictures range from Duck Street at the turn of the century to Rushden's biggest fire which destroyed the former Cave's shoe factory in High Street.
The project was officially launched at a special film evening featuring slides of old Rushden.
Preview Ticket
"We weren't sure how people would react, but more than 120 turned up and were very enthusiastic," said Mr Gibson. The event raised £150 which will now go towards the cost of getting the book printed.
Anyone who has old pictures they are willing to loan for publication can contact Mr Gibson at Townsend's Garage, High Street South (telephone Rushden 59111).
Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire Life Magazine Dec. 1979, transcribed by Susan Manton
Old Rushden in Pictures
For several years various organisations in the town have been entertained with slide shows of Old Rushden.
The Rotary Club of Rushden, through their vocational committee, decided to produce a book containing old pictures of the town.
The Chairman of the committee, Mr. D. Gibson, was given the task of compiling the book. Mr. Gibson formed a sub committee with Rot. J. Osborne and with Mr. E. G. Fowell, Mr. A. J. George and Mr. C. Wood of the Rushden Amenities Society and every Friday for the past year, the five men have met at Mr. Gibson's home to work on the book.
Many local people contributed pictures after an appeal was made for shots of Old Rushden. So many pictures were received in fact that five authors had to sift through over 700 photographs and select around 400 for publication.
Mr. Gibson and his helpers then embarked on a great deal of research work, tracing descendants of people in the photographs and talking to elderly residents of Rushden who could provide them with valuable information.
"As time goes on" explained Mr. Gibson, "we realise that old photographs might become harder to get so we thought it would be a good idea to produce a permanent pictorial record of Old Rushden."
Although they had no idea what form the book would take they first began work on it, they soon found that they had collected enough photographs and information for more than one book, although there are no plans in hand at the moment for a "follow-up"
The book gives a brief history of Old Rushden, the church and Rushden Hall. There are pictures of both the exterior and the interior of the Hall and pictures of many of the residents of Old Rushden. Also J. Cave's factory fires.
The book is being printed by S.L. Hunt (Printers) Ltd and it should be in the shops before Christmas. Also from any of the committee members.
The cost of printing the book has been met to some extent by donations from local firms, backed up by Old Rushden slide evenings, held to raise funds.
The price of the book will be £5.75.
l-r: Arthur George, Clive Wood, Eric Fowell,
Ron Hunt, Don Gibson, Jim Osborne
Note: The book was launched on December 7th 1979, by Rotarian Ron Hunt, of The Evening Telegraph. The District Governor Ronald Watson supported the launch.
The First issue of 1,500 Books were sold out in 48 Hours.
The Profits and donations from the Old Rushden Book will be deposited in the Club Charity Account, until such time as the project is determined to a worthy Rushden charitable cause.
The Profit of the sales of this Book now stands at £7,500.
A Verse written by Hilda House:
In the year of our Lord nine-nine-seven-nine
Five 'authors' and friends undertook
To combine in a special endeavour
And produce a most singular book.
So they met and conferred in assembly
and created what we must admit,
Is a work of remarkable merit
From which we shall all benefit.
Don Gibson, Clive Woods, Eric Fowell,
Arthur George and Jim Osborne got down
To the process of sifting through photos
Showing aspects of old Rushden Town.
And as a result of their labours
The book was completed and sold;
The rush for a copy was urgent
And requests for it hard to uphold.
It will bring back lost memories to many
And nostalgia as well to the old;
For in vivid and unvarnished candour
In these photos their story is told.
In one photo a man sits reposing -
A contented and prosperous fella -
I suppose many folks will recall
That eccentric and witty Bill Kellar.
And all through the book there are many
Who for years have now gone from our view.
But we value their friendship and kindness
And in memory acquaintance renew.
So we thank our good friends for their efforts
As in our quiet moments we gaze
Through these spell-binding memoirs of Rushden
When past happenings in time we retrace.
An Air Ada cartoon to advertise the book launch.
"Ayer see us Mawwud in th' OLD RUSHDEN Book?
Jus' like wot we wuz."
[Have you seen us Maud, in the Old Rushden Book? Just like we were.]
A second book was undertaken, following the success of the Rushden Book, covering Higham Ferrers. It was to celebrate the 50th year of the Club. The borough insignia is on the front cover, and the plan of 1591 by John Norden on the back. |
The book cover - published in 1985
The back cover with map of 1591
Car Presented
Evening Telegraph, 6th November 1999
Cranking up charity cash
A COLLECTORS' edition book on county transport in the 20th century is being launched tomorrow.
On the Move has been designed and produced by the Rotary Club of Rushden Chichele and features 576 photographs, many never published before.
It will be launched at the Peter Crisp store in Rushden between 10am and 4pm, and only 1,500 copies have been printed.
The compilation was first suggested by Rotarian Bernard Coker after a conversation with Richard Woodcock of the Rushden Historical Transport Society.
Mr Coker said: "Firstly the book will celebrate the millennium, and secondly it will raise money for local appeals."
Pictures were provided by Peter Skinner, of Raunds, who has a collection covering almost the whole county.
The book is mainly concerned with buses, lorries, and vans from 1907 to 1999. It costs £12.95.