Rushden Echo, 21st January 1927, transcribed by Kay Collins
The Muddy Walk at Rushden - Name Wanted for the Football Ground
Meeting of Rushden Sports Ltd.
At the annual meeting of Rushden Sports Ltd., held last night in the B.W.T.A. Hall, Mr Josiah George presided, supported by Messrs A Abbott, E Wadsworth, J S Denton, W Packwood, jun., W J Neville, and E Pack (directors), and the assistant secretary (Mr H J Perkins).
The balance-sheet showed a loss on the year’s working of £165 17s.
Mr George said that they were clearing off the grandstand account into the general account owing to the handsome reduction by the builder, Mr Marriott. (Applause) The cricket section had been asked to manage its own affairs, and he saw no reason why they should not get rid of their debts.
The balance-sheet was adopted as presented.
Messrs A Abbott, F J Sharwood, T F B Newberry, E Pack, R Denton, and Horace Knight, the retiring directors, were re-elected en bloc.
Mr L G Roberts was reappointed auditor with best thanks.
The Football Committee
On the question of the directors carrying on the finances of the football club, Mr George said the directors were quite willing to carry on. This was agreed to, with the addition that the directors should keep an eye open for anybody keen and willing to help.
The Overdraft
Mr George said the overdraft at the bank was considerable. They had to make £100 out of the football to start clear, and they ought to be able to get up something in the summer months to increase the share capital, get the overdraft down, cut the expenses down, and carry on with needed improvements. He appealed to every shareholder to try to get more money in. He intended to move a resolution to that effect at the next meeting of the directors.
A suggestion was made that the ground should have a name. “The Rock” and “The Overdraft” were suggested, amidst laughter, and one said “The Muddy Walk” would not hurt.
In the absence of a more concrete proposal Mr George declared the meeting closed.