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Co-operative Wholesale Society - Shoe Factory
Office Staff 1952

1952 office staff
Office staff 1952 - standing: far right Bill Wapplington, 5th from right is Joan Cross
seated: centre is Mr Jeeves (manager), far right is Reg Brown
This caption has come from Dorothy Flanders who can name most of the staff shown.

Standing (12 people) Left to right:- 1 to 5 unknown, 6 Enid Rockingham, 7 Renee Parker,
8 Joan Cross, 9 Jean Bright,
10 Gwyneth Williams, 11 unknown, 12 Bill Wapplington.

Seated (7 people) Left to right:- 1 Harry Toby, 2 Reg Knight, 3 Mr Penn, 4 Mr. Jeeves (Manager),
5 Dennis Beddells, 6 Mr.Young, 7 Reg Brown.

We'd be pleased to hear from you if you can add any names

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