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CWS Factory - Long Service

Benjamin Page - 42 years in 1946
Illuminated address presented to Benjamin Page in 1946
Courtesy of Rushden Museum
Mr William Henry Noble - 44 years 1946
Rushden Echo and Argus, 17th May 1946

Mr William Henry Noble has been presented with a cheque by his fellow workers in the finishing room to mark the occasion of his retirement on pension from the Rushden C.W.S. boot works, where he had been employed since December 1902. An illuminated address, in recognition of long service, together with a cheque for £20, was also handed to Mr Noble by Mr R Smith, manager of the works, on behalf of the directors, with best wishes for a long and happy retirement.

Mr Noble was a member of the Works Benevolent Fund Committee and collector of National Savings in his department, and was interested in all social activities connected with the works.

Walter Pack - 39 years in 1972
Rushden Echo, 23rd June 1972, transcribed by Kay Collins

Walter Leaves 39 Years On
Walter Pack has spent most of his working life in stitches ... at the Rushden CWS shoe factory,

Walter, of 32 College Street, Higham Ferrers, retired last week after almost 39 years with the firm.

His workmates gave him a thermostat for his greenhouse and a pair of binoculars. Mr. D. T. Barker presented him with a cheque from the firm.

"I shall miss all the very good friends I have made but I am looking forward to retiring," said Walter.

He will still have plenty to keep him occupied—photography, gardening and Higham Ferrers Amenities Society, which he helped found

Mr. Pack, married with two children and four grandchildren, was also a member of Higham Ferrers Borough Council.

News Echo, Thursday March 18th 1976, transcribed by Kay Collins

After working almost half a century in the closing room of a local factory, 60-year-old Madge Godfrey is retiring – for a well earned rest.

Madge, of 64 Robinson Road, Rushden, Madge and John Lofthousebegan work at the CWS Footwear Factory Ltd. in Rushden’s Portland Road back in 1933 where she has worked in the closing department ever since.

And at a special retirement presentation, Madge received a cheque from the company. Workmates presented her with a lead crystal vase, china ornaments, pot plants, a bouquet and lots of cards. She also received a pearl brooch from retired workmate Marjorie Austin, who left the factory more than two years ago.

Here she is picture surrounded by just some of her retirement gifts. With her is works managers Mr John Lofthouse.

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