The name of “Cave” has been before the factor and merchant for nearly 70 years. Every market claims their attention, and no efforts are spared to keep abreast of the times in shapes and styles. The capacity of the factory is nearly 10,000; this, needless to add, is a long way from the turnover at the present time. Army boots are being turned out by the thousand, but the firm’s thoughts are already turning towards the future the After-War period. The present directors are Mr. A. E. Marlow, J.P., of Northampton; Mr. C. Pettit, J.P., C.C., of Harrold, and Mr. H. Morton, J.P., of Birmingham: three gentlemen well known and esteemed in the trade. The internal management is in the hands of Mr. George Morgan, and the financial side of the business is looked after by Mr. W. E. Capon, A.C.I.S. The firm have a London Office situated in 321, Moorgate Station Chambers, where in normal times a full range of samples may be seen.
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