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Rushden C.W.S. Fire Brigade 1940s

The Co-op Wholesale Society Fire Brigade - Rushden 1940
left-right : Bill Hilson, Dick Myers, ?, Ralph Smith, Reg Tew, ?, ?,
Ernie Wills, Cyril Selby, Bernard Crofts, ?.

Firemen Selby and Myers in the yard at the factory - 1940

Someone else must have used Tom Ladds' camera to take this
as he is second from the right with lapels on his top.

Belived to be taken in 1940 but it has no caption.

1940s team
The CWS Factory Fire Brigade - Rushden 1940s
We are told by his grandson Martin Coles who sent us this picture:
Tom Ladds probably took these photos with his Agfa Carat 35mm camera,
purchased in 1937
. He worked for the CWS all his working life at Rushden.
As a connection with other images you have, Tom Ladds married Louie Simmons
and there are a number of images of her family from my relative Moyra Simmons, including Louie’s brothers Percy and Bernard Simmons - see H F St John Brigade.

If you can help with information about the fire brigade at the CWS factory in
the 1940's, or you have some memories please contact us.

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