The Rushden Echo, 21st June, 1901, transcribed by Gill Hollis. |
The Co-Operative Wholesale Society
The New Factory In Rushden Employment for 400 or 500 additional work-people will be provided in Rushden when the new factory, which is being erected for the Co-operative Wholesale Society, is finished. Rushden people, therefore, are naturally manifesting the keenest interest in the progress of the building, which is now rapidly approaching completion. The headquarters of the Co-operative Wholesale Society are in Balloon-street, Manchester, and its ramifications extend throughout the country, until it has become one of the most Gigantic Commercial Concerns in the kingdom. The articles manufactured by the society include almost every household requirement, such, for instance, as groceries, drapery, clothing, boots and shoes, brushes, jams, and many et ceteras. In fact, they make nearly everything which is required by the various co-operative distributive stores throughout the country. Naturally the manufacture of foot-wear plays an important part in the society’s business, and in various parts of the country they have boot and shoe factories to meet the demand, the most suitable centres being chosen for special kinds of goods. For instance, the society have extensive works at Leicester for the manufacture of women’s boots. The Factory At Rushden
will be devoted to the making of men’s boots and shoes, Rushden having been selected as the site for the new works mainly on account of the fact that the labour for this class of goods is chiefly to be found in this district. As to the quality of the work to be turned out, it will be of a high-class character, as the society decline to dabble in inferior stuff and guarantee the quality of all the goods they make.
Details regarding the new premises will be welcome to our readers. The site comprises various plots of ground situated at the corner of Portland-road and Rectory-road, and includes the factory formerly occupied by Mr. Brown. That factory has been allowed to remain, with sundry alterations, and the new premises are being erected adjacent to it. The plans were prepared by the society’s own architect, Mr. E.F.L. Harris, F.R.I.B.A., of Balloon-street, Manchester, and Mr. T. Swindall, of Moor-road and Station-road, Rushden, secured the contract. The Main Building
A Most Artistic Effect. All the woodwork partitions, &c., will be stained and varnished. One noticeable feature is that there are plenty of exits in case of fire, including stone steps and iron staircases. The top floor is laid with 2 ½ inch planking, covered with maple boards an inch thick. A north light has been secured from the roof, so that there will be no risk of the workshop becoming unbearably hot in the summer time. During the cold weather the premises will be warmed by means of an effective hot air apparatus, and in the warm weather the same apparatus will provide an ample supply of cool air. Gas will be the motive power used, and two enormous engines of 56 horse-power each are being put in. The society are putting down their own plant for making gas for the engines, and they are also having their own dynamo for Electric Lighting,
In a concern of such large dimensions there will of necessity be a vast amount of clerical work, and for this purpose offices are being provided both upstairs and down. The entrance to the offices will be from the Portland-road. The girls’ workrooms are partitioned off from the main department, and the architect has thoughtfully provided separate entrances for the girls, by means of an iron staircase at the east end of the building, and leading into Portland-road. The workmen’s entrance will be through the yard opening out into Rectory-road. Another point worthy of note is that the machinery which is being put down is the very best that can be obtained, the society having almost Unlimited Financial Resources, and they will thus be able to produce goods under the most favourable conditions. Most of the workmen, we presume, will have to be imported into the town, and it is worthy of note that at the society’s various manufactories the men can depend upon having constant work all the year round, as the goods made are for the co-operative stores throughout the country. This fact also secures another very desirable result, namely, that there is absolutely no danger whatever of the society making bad debts, while commercial failure is an impossibility. The society, in short, are practically engaged in making goods for their own shareholders. On account of the town water supply being so inadequate, provision has been made for the storage, in large tanks, of all the rain water from the roofs, so that the town supply will not be used except for drinking purposes. The sanitary arrangements throughout are of a most complete character. In addition to the ground on which the buildings stand, a good deal of the adjoining land has been purchased, so that there is plenty of room for Further Developments as required. The present buildings practically cover about one-fourth of the site, so that the society have evidently no intention of allowing many years to elapse before extensions are made. It is satisfactory to know that the buildings have been put up so far without accident of any kind. The total cost of the buildings will be, in round figures, somewhere about £20,000. Mr. E. Vickers of Manchester, has acted as clerk of the works, and he has carried out the responsible duties of the office in a most competent manner. It is expected that the factory will be opened during the month of August. As soon as everything is ready the premises will be opened to the public so that the inhabitants of Rushden will have an opportunity of inspecting one of the best factories ever erected in Northamptonshire.