Rushden Echo, 12th December 1919, transcribed by Kay Collins
Profit-Sharing at Rushden
An interesting experiment in profit-sharing is being made in Rushden, and the results may be of a far-reaching character. The Premier Boot Company, of which Mr. James Jaques is the principal, have decided to present every employee, male and female, old and young, a sum amounting to 2½per cent, on the wages earned by each during the year. This means that a man earning £3 a week, working 48 hours, and receiving in wages £144 for the year, would have an additional £3/12/0 as his share of the profits of the firm. The money is to be paid on the actual earnings of an employee, so that those who lose time will get less. The proposal, we understand, will cost the firm about £600 per annum, and Mr. Jaques informed the employees that the scheme will be in force, as an experiment, for two years, at the end of which period the matter will be reconsidered. The bonus is to be given to those employees who remain continuously with the firm, and in the case of illness the money will be paid upon the sum earned. The scheme will not affect the right of either employer or employee to give a week's notice. Mr. Jaques's object is to create an even better relationship between the firm and the work people. Competition in the days to come will, in Mr. Jaques's opinion, be keener than it is at the present time, and there can be no satisfactory working unless there is co-operation between employer and employed. Addressing the workpeople, Mr. Jaques told them frankly that he wanted everybody to understand that he was not actuated by disinterested motives; he wanted the employees to do their best for the firm, and the firm would do their best for the employees. The working hours, he reminded them, had been reduced, but if all of them did their best the shortening of the working hours would not mean a smaller output. The scheme, which Mr. Jaques hopes will at the end of the two years be replaced by a better one, has been unanimously accepted by the workpeople, and Mr. C. Bates, president of the Rushden branch of the Boot and Operatives' Union, who was present when the proposals were laid before the workmen expressed his gratification at the course which had been taken and ventured to hope that other firms would follow in the steps of Mr. Jaques. The principle is an excellent one, and the scheme should do much to ensure the smooth and efficient working of the business, to the mutual advantage of each side.
Rushden Echo, 26th December 1919, transcribed by Kay Collins
HAND TORN OFF—Arthur Drage, aged 14½, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Drage, of 16, Sussex-place, Higham-road, Rushden, met with a terrible accident last Thursday about 5p.m., while at work at the Premier Boot Company. He was operating a 'moulder' when his right hand got entangled and was practically torn to ribbons. First aid was rendered by Mr. Martin O'Connor, Mr. Gore, and others, and the injured lad was taken to Dr. Baker's surgery, where the wound was further dressed. The doctor ordered the lad's removal to Northampton Hospital without delay. The transport was carried out by the District Motor Ambulance, Mr. A. Swindall being in charge of the patient. We learn that the injured lad is making as good progress as can be expected.
Rushden Echo, January 25th 1924, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mr and Mrs James Jaques, now of Bournemouth, intend next autumn to return to Rushden, and they will take up their residence in their former home, “Erskine House,” Wellingborough-road, now occupied by Mr Harry Jaques. They have both benefited in health by their twelve-months trip abroad, and Mr Jaques, finding his health and strength thoroughly re-established, will again take full control of his business—the Premier Boot Works, Fitzwilliam-street.
Rushden Echo, 9th May 1924, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mr James Jaques of the Premier Boot Works, is relinquishing business, and we understand that Messrs. C. W. Horrell Ltd., have taken over Mr Jaques’s factory in Fitzwilliam-street. It is the intention of Messrs. C. W. Horrell to utilise their present premises at the corner of Fitzwilliam-street and Moor-road solely for welted work, whilst the other department will be housed in newly acquired factory.
Rushden Echo, 1st August 1924, transcribed by Kay Collins
A Curious Mishap occurred on Monday in Fitzwilliam-street, when a trolley belonging to the Central Machinery Company was engaged in moving machinery from the Premier Boot Company’s factory. The trolley was just crossing the pavement from the passage-way to the factory, when it sank in the ground up to the axle. It appears that the earth had been loosened by the recent excavations for electric cable laying. After much hard work by means of jacks, the trolley was raised, and a horse was able to draw it away.