The firm commenced business in a small Factory in Victoria Road, in February 1910, and very quickly became established. The business rapidly continued to grow and it became evident that if they were to keep abreast of their ever-increasing trade they must make developments.
The Directors, after serious consideration, decided to build the new commodious Factory now occupied, and which they moved into on November 1st 1915.
Under the new conditions and with up-to-date equipment and re-organisation they have considerably increased the output, which has enabled them to take their share of the large orders demanded by the Government.
The firm make a speciality of Chrome Tan Sides for Colonial and export trade.
The fine new factory is replete with every requisite for a large and reliable trade, and this is guaranteed with directors of keen insight into the trade and practical experience.
In the views of the Works it may be noted the wood fences are only temporary owing to the difficulty of getting iron.