The Standard Rotary Machine Co Ltd.
This company was formed in 1902 for the purpose of making non-royalty machinery for the trade. They have made great progress in the object for which they commenced business, and numerous factories in the country are fitted with their machines. At Rushden they have large and extensive works well equipped for their purpose and with an expert staff of workmen. The machines are well built, cleverly designed, and capable of turning out high grade footwear. At present the works are largely engaged upon Rifle component parts for the Army and other Government work, but in normal times a complete set of machines for every operation in the trade are made. Their latest are the National High Speed Slugger, Welter and Rounder. These have been successfully placed on the market, and manufacturers at Home and abroad find them eminently satisfactory. After the War the Standard Rotary Machine Company will take their place in the front rank of Shoe Machinery Engineers and place before the trade the fine machines they produce, and also new and improved inventions for high grade shoe manufacture. Depots at Northampton, Norwich, Leeds, Kettering, Leicester, London, also at Melbourne Vic. and Auckland NZ. Chairman: Mr. John Loake, Managing Director: Mr. Arthur Cave, Directors: Mr. Thomas Bird, Mr. Chas. Lewis, Mr. G. E. White, Mr. Hugh Morton, Mr. Chas. Pettit, Consulting Engineer: Mr. M. T. Denne, Secretary: Mr. G.H. Perkins, Works Manager: Mr. A. M. Picken.