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Central Machinery Co Ltd.

Rushden Echo, 26th March 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins

New Industry for Rushden—The Central Machinery Company, of Irthlingborough, have purchased the plot of ground at the corner of Victoria-road and Rectory-road, adjoining the factory of Messrs E. Claridge and Sons, Ltd., and will at an early date remove their works to Rushden. The plans will be prepared shortly and submitted to the Rushden Urban Council for approval, after which the work is to be proceeded with at once.

Rushden Echo, 9th April 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins

Presentation—On leaving the employ of the C.W.S. at Rushden in order to join the Central Machinery Co., who are removing their works from Irthlingborough to Rushden, Mr. Ernest Pack was on Friday last the recipient of a presentation from the staff at the C.W.S. factory. Mr. Ballard made the presentation on behalf of the staff and spoke in eulogistic terms of Mr. Pack's service. The present consisted of an oak frame clock and a gold fountain pen.

Rushden Echo, 2nd October, 1914, transcribed by Gill Hollis

Increasing Trade - Important Business Developments - New Buildings

The Coxton Shoe Company have purchased the premises in Rectory-road now in possession and occupation of the Central Machinery Company in order to successfully cope with their greatly increased general trade, but more especially the large military contracts secured from the British and French Governments. This acquisition will enable the company to do more than double their present output.

The Central Machinery Co., owing to their constantly increasing business, are erecting at once more commodious premises, on land at the north corner of the Rectory-road and Victoria-road, the contract for which has been let to Mr. R. Marriott, who is commencing building at once. We also understand that the Central Machinery Company have purchased the premises lately occupied by Messrs. George Selwood and Co., in Harborough-road.

Rushden Echo Friday 3rd Oct 1915, transcribed by Susan Manton

Employees Belgian Fund

Dear Sir,
In common with the general wish to help in these times of trouble, our employees have held a general meeting and have decided to approach you asking for advice as to the disposal of funds which they have unanimously decided to collect each week as follows:

All employees have agreed to contribute 2½ per cent of total wages paid, which is estimated to produce about 30/- per week. Under these circumstances the principals of the Central Machinery Company have kindly guaranteed to make up the amount to £3 per week, thus leaving exactly £3 per week to be disposed of, which the committee, appointed by the employees, suggested should be spent in providing homes for 2 or 3 Belgian families in Rushden.

However we should be pleased to benefit from your wider experience and anxiously await your valued comments.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours truly

On behalf of the committee of the Central Machinery Co’s Employees Belgian Fund.

W. Brown Secretary.

Extract from a Military Tribunal in May 1918

In the case of Walter Lee, working for the Central Machinery Co, it was stated that he joined the Colours on Tuesday and was sent to France on Friday as a mechanic.

Extract from a Military Tribunal in May 1918

Arthur John Shatford, 39 Grade 1 engineers’ foreman fitter for Central Machinery Co. exemption for six months and excused the V.T.C. Mr. Pack for the company said they had now only five men left out of 32.

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