Rushden Echo, 3rd May 1918
AN ALARMING ACCIDENT occurred at the junction of Queen-street and High-street on Tuesday, about 6.30 p.m., the premises of the Star Supply Stores being involved in considerable damage. It appears that a heavy motor lorry belonging to Messrs. Scroxton Brothers, furniture removers, was proceeding up the hill, when for some reason or other the vehicle commenced to run backwards, and on reaching the junction of the streets it mounted the pavement and crashed with considerable force into the north window of the Star Supply Stores, the glass being smashed to “smithereens,” dozens of bottles of pickles and the marble slabs at the back of the window also being pulverised. The manageress (Mrs. Bradbury) had a very narrow escape, as at the time she was standing at the counter, and it is a miracle that she was not crushed by the falling debris. Fortunately, however, nobody was hurt, as there were no pedestrians on the pavement at the time. We are informed that nobody was to blame for the unfortunate occurrence, and the damage we understand, is covered by insurance.