Rushden Echo & Argus, 24th November 1944, transcribed by Kay Collins
Grateful Dutch Family – “Kindly Thanks” to Rushden Soldier’s Parents
“Dear father and mother of Ronald,” writes a Dutch woman to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wills, of Rushden. “Kindly thanks that your son Ronald comes to Holland to make our Nederlands free.
Ronald Wills
“I as Mother of three sons and one little daughter thank you for all what your Sons of England have done for us. We shall never forget it. And we always thank you for this. Also my Husband and old Father of 82 years thanks you too. Ronald is as a Son to us, and a real Gentleman.
“Father and Mother of Ronald, your Son do not forget you. God Save you All. God Save the King of England. God Save our Queen Wilhelmina. God Save our Princess Juliana. God Save our Prince Bernard.”
Sign. R. H. Wills, who has become the friend of this kindly Dutch lady is 19 and has been serving on the Continent since June. He used to work in his father’s radio business at 38 High-street, Rushden, and was in the A.T.C. His parents, of whom he is the only son, now reside at 114 Northampton-road, Wellingborough.