Rushden Echo, 31st August 1900, transcribed by Kay Collins
Death of Another Ambulance man
Enteric fever, the scourge of South Africa, has claimed another victimthe secondfrom the ranks of the Rushden Ambulance Corps, and Private Arthur Ellis, who some months ago went out to the front to do what he could to relieve the sufferings of the soldiers, has been cut off at the very outset of what promised to be a useful and honourable career. His death took place at Johannesburg on Wednesday in last week, and the sad intelligence reached Rushden on Saturday morning. To some extent his friends at Rushden had been prepared for the melancholy news inasmuch as his name had figured in the list of those dangerously ill, but the blow, when it came, was none the less terrible to his parents and many friends. It is only a short time since his parents received a very cheerful letter from him telling them that he meant to see all that was to be seen in South Africa and expressing a hope that he should shortly return to Rushden. It is a curious coincidence that Private E Long, who went out with Private Ellis, reached Rushden on the very day of the receipt of the new of the death of the latter. Only just upon the threshold of life, the deceased joined the Park-road Wesleyan Church a couple of years ago during a mission conducted by the Rev J Grange Bennett, and his consistent character had won for him the respect of all with whom he came closely in contact. A memorial service will be held in the Park-road Wesleyan church on Sunday, September 16th.