The Rushden Echo Friday 22 January 1915, and 5th February, transcribed by Nicky Bates
Rushden Teacher Enlists - Mr S Fox Joins the Northants Regiment - The Call to Duty
We are proud to recall the fact that a Rushden gentleman has voluntarily relinquished a responsible and remunerative position in response to a stronger call of duty to his country in a time of national crisis. We refer to Mr S Fox, the capable headmaster of the National Schools, who has enlisted as a private in the Northamptonshire Regiment.
Mr Fox, who came to Rushden from Walsall six years ago, has in that time not only won the esteem of his scholars but also of the teaching staff under his immediate control, in addition to attaining no small measure of popularity in the town generally. Although his services as a preceptor will be greatly missed, we feel that the townsfolk generally will join with us in our commendation of the splendid example he has set to the young and able bodied.
Mr Fox left Rushden on Wednesday for the headquarters of his regiment, and we sincerely wish him God-speed and a safe return. We understand that a commission in His Majesty's forces is his ultimate objective. We understand that Mr Fox's position will be kept open for him until his return.
The Rushden Echo Friday 13 February 1915, transcribed by Nicky Bates
Rapid Promotion For Rushden School Master Soldier
We are pleased to state that Mr S Fox, headmaster of the National Schools, Rushden, whose photo we published exclusively last week, and whose enlistment as a private in the Northamptonshire Regiment. We then reported, has now been promoted to lance-sergeant. We understand that he was made lance-corporal ten minutes after he arrived at headquarters last Wednesday week.
Rushden Echo, Friday 28th September 1917, transcribed by Jacky Lawrence
Rushden Officer's Death - Lieut S T Fox Falls in Action - A Well-Known and Greatly Beloved Schoolmaster
The news of the death in action of Second. Lieut. Sidney T. Fox of the Northamptonshire Regiment which reached Rushden on Wednesday caused a feeling of profound regret. Lieut. Fox, who was for some years the much esteemed Headmaster of the Church of England day school at Rushden in which position he succeeded Mr. W. H. Brown, resided in Griffith Street. Early in the war he enlisted as a private and he soon obtained his stripes. For some time he served in the capacity of recruiting Sergeant, being at one period stationed at Rushden, during the recruiting campaign of Capt. Stocken. A month or so ago he obtained a commission and left Rushden about three weeks since for France. The shock caused throughout the town by the sad news of his death was of the most painful character, for he had so recently been seen walking about the streets of Rushden with his genial smile and his soldierly bearing. Lieut. Fox leaves a widow and one son, to whom the sympathy of the whole town is extended.
The Late Second-Lieutenant ST Fox - An Appreciation - By One who Knew Him
Personality is a factor which makes or mars the life of the individuals. The gift has not been equally bestowed on all and so it happens that it is not every man of whom it can be said "to know him was to love him." The late Lieut Fox possessed this magnetic influence in a marked degree, and all who were privileged to meet him felt inspired by his genial personality. Some eight years ago he came to Rushden, as the headmaster of the National School and at once his work among the children became manifest. There are doubtless many of the young people of Rushden whose lives have been made brighter and happier, not only by his teaching, but more particularly by his personal example of how life should be lived. His work as a schoolmaster in Rushden will surely live, even though his stay has been all too short.
As citizen, too, Lieut Fox had an active interest in all that concerned the betterment of Society. His was not the prominence which claimed the immediate reward of the populace, but he worked in a quiet, devoted, and painstaking manner whether on the Free Library Committee, or as a member of various philanthropic and religious organisations, ever secured the friendship and goodwill of his co-workers. He was a true Briton, and in the early days of the great war gave up his post and volunteered his service on behalf of the country he loved so well. He had the spirit of a true sportsman, so characteristic of our nationality, and to "play the game" was with him a religious duty, as testified by his many friends of the Rushden Tennis Club. He was a staunch Churchman, and a man of wide sympathies.
The English language possesses some words which are so full of meaning that is seems impossible for those of other nationalities to express that meaning in their own language in any simple form. Yet it is by one such word that the character and life-work of Lieut Fox can be adequately represented. That word is "sterling," and though not English in origin, in meaning it is essentially English, and whatever depth of fullness of meaning can be given to this beautiful word, that same will apply in its entirety to the subject of this appreciation. It needed not his death to remind us of all this, which was recognised and understood during his lifetime. It is a mere platitude to say that Rushden is poorer for his loss, for his loss will be felt more widely than that, and by none more fully and sincerely than the one who was privileged to know him intimately and to write this small token in memory of a life which has been an inspiration and a source of happiness to so many.
The Wellingborough News Friday 28 September 1917, transcribed by Nicky Bates
Rushden Schoolmaster Falls in Action
We are deeply sorry to report the death in action of Second-Lieut Fox (Northants Regt), of Griffith-street, Rushden, who was formerly schoolmaster at the Church of England School. The deceased officer joined up as a private in the early stages of the war, and for a considerable time was a recruiting sergeant. A few weeks ago he obtained his commission and went to France. His death will be a great shock to a very large number of friends in Rushden and district, whose sympathy will go out to the young widow and son in their irreplaceable bereavement.