Son of Mr Joseph & Mrs Hannah Rawlins
Aged 30 years
Died 17th August 1915
Commemorated at East Mudros Military Cemetery, Lemnos, Greece.
Grave II. F.101.
Born in Rushden.
Occupation: shoehand.
Previously served in the 1st Volunteer Battery Northamptonshire Regiment.
Emigrated to Australia in 1910.
Enlisted 9th September 1914 at Rosehill, New South Wales, Australia.
The Rushden Echo Friday 5 May 1916, transcribed by Nicky Bates
Rushden Soldier Home from the Front
Pte Alfred Rawlins (Rushden), of the Northants Regiment, son of Mrs J Rawlins, of 199 Wellingborough-road, Rushden, is at home on leave after just over 11 months at the front.
Mrs Rawlins, has three others sons serving in his Majesty's forces a the present time, namely Ptes G Rawlins and F Rawlins of the Northants Regiment, and Trooper L Rawlins, of the Bedfords Yeomanry.
One other son, Pte Asa Rawlins, who was in Australia at the outbreak of war, enlisted in the Australian Contingent and was killed in action in the Gallipoli Peninsula, on August 15th last year. All Mrs Rawlins sons of military age have, therefore, given their service to their King and country.
The Rushden Echo Friday 15 June 1917, transcribed by Nicky Bates
Memorial Service at Rushden - The Late Private Ernest Selwood
'Greater Love Hath No Man Than This'
A memorial service for the late Pte Ernest Selwood of the Northamptonshire Regt, who was killed in action and other war victims, of the neighbourhood, was held at the Wellingborough road war shrine, Rushden, on Sunday last at 1.15p.m. A large congregation assembled. Hymn sheets were distributed amongst the people gathered together, and hymns extremely appropriate for the occasion and sung with deep emotion, comprised the following: "A few more years shall roll","Thy will be done" (by request of the relations of the late Pte Selwood), "For all the saints who from their labours rest", and "O God, our help in ages past."
The surplices choir with the Rev. P J Richards (Vicar of St Peter's), proceeded from St Peter's Church, the processional hymn "Hark, hark my soul" being sung. The Rev. P E Robinson (Rector of St Mary's), there joined the assembly. Owing to other engagements the Revs. C J Keeler (Independent Wesleyan) and E F Walker (Congregational) were unable to be present. The service was conducted by the Rev. P Richards. After the opening hymn a brief lesson was read from the scriptures.
The Rev. P E Robson gave an impressive address on the words "Greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life", and read the names of those of the district who had made the great sacrifice viz., Ernest Selwood, Arthur Page, Walter Laughton, Percy Laughton, Arthur Ward, Reginald Mole, F A Magee, J Spencer, ASA (sic) Rawlins, and Frank Rawlins. The Rev PJ Richards also gave an address, the service closing with the first verse of the National Anthem.