Rushden Echo, 16th August 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins
The Rushden Khaki Wearers - The men of North-Street and Shirley Park
Mrs. Oliver Claridge, of Rushden, secretary of the North-street and Shirley-park Roll of Honour, has received some interesting letters from the “boys” in acknowledgement of the war shrine gifts, some typical samples being appended:-
W. R. Hinde, writing from Queen Mary’s Military Hospital, Whalley, Lancs., says: I am in hospital, wounded, but I think my wound is getting on fine now. It is a very big hospital we are in. I should say there are about 3,000 wounded lads here, and there are some very bad cases too.
W. Chantrell: The gift was a most acceptable and pleasant surprise.
L. J. Newell (writing from a hospital at Tunbridge Wells): It is simply splendid of you and everyone connected with the movement.
Pte. H. Murdin, F.A., B.E.F.: I must apologise for not replying before, but owing to starting on a four days’ march the day after receiving yours, i could not get my mail through for a week.
Shoeing Smith J. W. Hinde, France: It is very kind of all concerned in doing what they do for us.
Corpl. H. Harriss, B.E.F.: I am please to say I continue to enjoy good health, and am as cheerful as one can be through it all.
J. A. Pickering: It is such kindness as this which gives “Tommy” encouragement to fight for a speedy and victorious finish and to defen dear old England from the same fate that other countries have had.
H. C. Whiting, H.M.M.L., writes that they have been busy of late fitting the parts together, ready for sea, “which will not be long now, as we have started our trials.”
J. E. Whiting: I am at present in hospital suffering from an old knee trouble, but I think that in a short time I shall be fit again.
S. G. Whiting: If every lad in this struggle got what the North-street lads are getting he would appreciate it very warmly.
E. E. Strand Evans writes that he is in the best of health.
J. S. Shortland: Influenza has been bad in our camp. It is nice to get where it is a bit quieter, and we are having a good time, as we are provided with plenty of sport.
Pte. G. Bollard: I am pleased to say I am getting on much better. It is five months now since I was removed to hospital.
Lance-Corpl. Smith (Bedfordshire Regt.): I sincerely hope that no more boys whose names are on the Roll of Honour will be called upon to make the supreme sacrifice.
B. Hind (Belgium): We are having some splendid weather now, which makes it much more comfortable for us.
Driver C. W. Mills (France): Thank you all for the good work you are doing to make ................................