Inscription |
In affectionate remembrance of Elizabeth the beloved wife of Thomas WARD who ... ... Sept ... 1864 aged 31 years. |
In loving remembrance of Frances Ann FREEMAN who died June 16th 1876 aged 3 years and .. months. Also Frances Elizth FREEMAN who died Oct 21st 1880 aged 5 weeks. |
In loving memory of Harry MARGETTS ... ... who died March 10th 1880 ... ... year of his age. |
Sacred to the memory of Whitbread MADDOCK who departed this life June 24th 1868 aged 58 years. Also of Rebecca wfie of the above who departed this life Dec .. 1902 aged .. years. |
In affectionate remembrance of William HARBOUR who died Dec 2 1867 aged 39 years. Pray ... ... the guide and light ... ... wife and daughter left to mourn his loss. Also Charlotte who died in infancy. |
In memory of James son of John & Maria KNIGHT who died March 15th 1871 aged 33 years. Take ye heed watch and pray ... ... ... (underground) |
In loving memory of William the beloved son of Thomas & Sarah Ann MA..... |
In memory of James son of Edwin and Martha KNIGHT who died May 29th 1859 aged 11 months. |
In loving memory of John CORBETT beloved husband of Mary CORBETT who died Dec 15th 1885 aged 65 years. Also John son of the above who died June 22nd 18.4 in the 28th year of his age. Blessed are ... ... (underground) |
In loving memory of Mary the beloved wife of John CORBETT ... ... June ... ... 18.8 aged .. years. Absent ... ... ... ... present ... ... ... ... |
In affectionate remembrance of Charles GREEN who died July 16th 1881 aged 51 years. Also of Mary Ann wife of the above who died May 31st 1869 aged 38 years. For me to live is Christ and to die is gain, farewell dear relations my Lord bids me come, farewell my dear children I am now going home, bright angels are coming of death I've no fear, away to my Saviour my spirit they'll bear. |
In loving memory of Catherine wife of Joseph BAYES who departed this life on the 13th of April 1878 aged 28 years. "We believe that Jesus died and rose again even to them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him". |
In loving memory of John MARGETTS who died April 1st 1892 aged 51 years. Until the day break and the shadows flee away. Ellen widow of the above who died October 27th 1917 aged 75 years. |
Elizabeth Ann KNIGHT daughter of John and Maria KNIGHT ... ... ... 1861 ... ... |
To the memory of Mary beloved wife of Joseph BAYES who died May 20th 1869 aged .2 years. |
In memory of Mabel Annie WHITE died Feb 11th 1885 ... ... ... (underground) |
Here repose the remains of Matthew DAY who was born 1823 died 1861. A fellow mortal beloved and lamented moulders in the dust, we mark not this stone with his praise but when the grave shall render up it's dead and the secrets of all hearts shall be known, then will it be made manifest whose he is and whom he has served. Pause! Reflect! Pass on! |
In loving memory of Henry John MARGETTS who died January 15th 1882 in the 15th year of his age. Also Frederick John MARGETTS who died May 30th 1884 in the 21st year of his age. The beloved sons of John and Ellen MARGETTS ... ... (underground) |
(unreadable) |
In memory of Benjamin DENTON who died on the 21st Jany 1873 aged 56 years. Also of Elizabeth wife of the above born at Isham Feb 4th 1822 died at Rushden May 13th 1902. |
In memory of William SARGENT who departed this life Dec 31st 1862 aged 71 years. Sexton to this place of worship for upwards of 25 years. Also Martha his wife who died April 18th 1858 aged 61 years. The weary ones are resting now, care will no more oppress their brow, with ransomed saints they now adore their Saviour King for evermore. |
In loving memory of William WRIGHT who died May 13th 1890 aged 75 years. Peace perfect peace with loved ones far away? In Jesus keeping we are safe and they. And of Emily Frances widow of the above who died February 5th 1898 aged 77 years. Until the day break and the shadows flee away. |
In memory of Jane LO(VEL)L wife of William ...... who died ... ... 186. aged 70 years ... ... ... |
In loving memory of Mary Ann FOSKETT born Aug 24 1798 died February 14 1883 widow of Samuel FOSKETT who died July 21 1840 agewd 36 years. "The ransomed of the Lord shall return to Zion". And of their only son William FOSKETT ... ... (underground) |
In loving memory of Elizabeth the beloved wife of Henry WRIGHT who died July 6th 1888 aged 59 years. The hour of my departure's come I hear the voice that calls me home, at last O Lord let troubles cease and let thy servant die in peace. |
(unreadable) |
In loving memory of Emily Marian the dearly loved child of Walter & Mary Ann WOOD who died Oct 30th 1885 aged 2 years & 6 months. He shall gather the lambs in His arms and carry them in His bosom. |
(under tree) George DARNELL son of Willm & Sarah DARNELL who died Sep 30 1860 aged 7 years... ... ... |
(behind tree) In memory of William PECK who departed this life March 22 1868 ... ... ... |
In affectionate remembrance of William DARNELL who died January 26th 1880 aged 52 years. Death was no terror or surprise to him for his lamp was trimmed and his light burning. Also Sarah wife of the above who died February 26th 1882 aged 52 years. |
In affectionate remembrance of Thomas CHAPMAN who died March 19th 1876 aged 88 years. Mercy CHAPMAN wife of Thomas CHAPMAN woolstapler in this parish who died December 20th 1867 aged 80 years. For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways saith the Lord but as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. |
Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth daughter of Tressham & Sarah CHAPMAN who departed this life June 6th 1839 aged 36 years. When memory pow'rs the silent tear, and seeks the friend who once was near, the kindred friend too quickly fled, too early number'd with the dead, O then by fervent pray'r apply, to Him whose hand brings solace nigh, there find in Him sweet peace, arise and mark the friend who never dies. |
In memory of Tresham CHAPMAN who died Decr 13th 1833 in the 81st year of his age and of Sarah his wife who died Novr 3rd 1827 aged 69 years. Also of Sarah their daughter who died Decr tenth 1823 aged 30 years. If I wait, the grave is mine house Job xvii.13
Oh what availeth length of days or what is youthful bloom, to this dark dreary lodging place both young and old must come. |
To the loving memory of Kate the devoted wife of the Rev W J TOMKINS who entered into rest February 25th 1886 aged 36. "Until the day break and the shadows flee away". |
Sacred to the memory of Ann MARGETTS daughter of Edwin and Sarah MARGETTS who departed this life May 19th 1862 aged 1 year 10 months. She is not lost but gone before. |
In memory of Thomas GROSS who departed this life October 11th 1850 aged 63 years. He was deacon of this place 13 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. |
Sacred to the memory of Mary Elizabeth wife of Thomas GROSS who departed this life August 2nd 1847 aged 63 years. All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. Rom viii. 28 |
Sacred to the memory of Charlotte wife of Walter ROOKSBY and youngest daughter of William BRANSON gent of Geddington in this county, who departed this life after a short and painful illness September 17 1813 in the 51st year of her age. The Lord's will be done. |
This stone was laid by "Marianne FARNINGHAM" 30 June 1884 "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is out ... ... ... ... |
The memorials numbered 40-44 are from 5 gravestones, placed along the wall of the church hall, next to Park Road Baptist Church, moved when the graveyard was cleared.
In loving memory of Elias CAVE who died April 11th 1877 aged 22 years. How fertile was his youth how fertile was his mind how courteous was his manner here how loving and how kind. |
In affectionate remembrance of John SARGENT who died August 10th 1881 aged 68 years. "Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh". Also of Naomi wife of the above who departed this life April 10th 1896 aged 81 years. "I shall be satisfied when I awake with Thy likeness". |
In loving memory of Samuel KNIGHT who departed this life March 29th 1902 aged 93 years. A devoted member of the Old Baptist Church for 68 years, Deacon 50 years and Superintendent of the Sunday school 33 years. Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age like a shock of corn cometh in in his season. Also of Tryphena daughter of the above who died June 9th 1882 aged 31 years. |
Here lie the mortal remains of the Revd William KNOWLES preacher of the Gospel and Pastor of the Baptist Church in this place whom he served as a faithful steward of Christ for the space of forty two years and then fell asleep in Jesus January 5th 1794 in the 86 year of his age. With heavenly weapon I have fought the battles of the Lord finished my course and kept the faith and wait the sure reward. |
In loving memory of Benjamin SCROXTON beloved husband of Mary Elizabeth SCROXTON who fell asleep in Jesus Feb 19 1915 aged 67 years. For ever with the Lord. Also of Mary Elizabeth wife of the above who fell asleep in Jesus Sep 8 1939 aged 68 years. |
The memorials numbered 45-64 are from photographs taken by Eric Fowell when the burial ground was to be cleared in about 1953.
(broken) ... John ... CAVE died Dec .. 1872 aged 25 years. Also ....... |
In memory of Martha the beloved wife of William SHERWOOD who died Sept 8th 1834 aged 40 years. Also Mary his wife who died Dec 23rd 1852 aged 52 years. Also William SHERWOOD who died Aug 10th 1876 aged 80 years ..., ... . And of Mary wife of the above ... ... May.. 1887 aged 76 years ..., ... . |
Sacred to the memory of Wiles CODGBROOK who died October 8 1845 aged 57 years. Also Hannah relict of the above who departed this life April 17th 1877 aged 59 years. |
In loving memory of Daniel RICE who died July 12th 1897 aged 79 years. And of his widow Rhoda RICE who died November 12th 1897 aged 80 years. "I shall be satisfied when I awake in Thy likeness" |
In loving memory of Robert Emms BRADFIELD born at North Elmham in the county of Norfolk Feb 8th 1818 died at Rushden Nov 16th 1879. Where I am, there shall also my servant be, Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life. Also Martha the beloved wife of the above who died at Rushden April 18th 1907 aged 84 years. "So He bringeth them unto their desired haven". Ps 107.30 |
Sacred to the memory of Thomas KNIGHT who departed this life February 10 1853 aged 12 years. |
In affectionate remembrance of Eli SKINNER who died March.. 1873 aged 57 years. Also of ... SKINNER ... of the above who died Oct 30 1878 aged 61 years. |
Sacred to the memory of Henry DARNELL who died April 15th 1854 aged 72 years. Sacred to the memory of Ann wife of Hy DARNELL who died September 17th 1851 aged 64 years. Also Frederick DARNELL son of the above..., ..., ..., ..., ... . |
In loving memory of Ebenezer KNIGHT who died March 14 1886 aged 75 years. He was one of the founders of Rushden Temperance Society, was for many years actively engaged in Temperance and Sunday School work and was one of the Lord's messengers to all the surrounding villages. Lifes duty done and the day ... & free from the load the spirit flies, while ..., ..., ..., ..., .... . Also of Elizabeth wife of the above ... ... ... ... October 9th 1892 ... ... ... |
Sacred to the memory of Mary wife of John ROBINSON who departed this life May 3rd 1842 aged 38 years. Also Temperance second wife of the above who died April 15th 1867 aged 53 years......... |
In loving memory of Andrew GREEN who fell asleep in Jesus February 1st 1888 aged 51 years. Why should the tears of sorrow flow, ..., ..., ..., ... . |
Sacred to the memory of Nathanael son of Nath & Ann KNIGHT who departed this life Apr 3 1869 aged .. years and 10 months ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... . |
... to the memory of Ann wife of Samuel KNIGHT who died ... January 11 1874 aged 61 years, ..., ..., ..., .... |
In loving memory of Charlotte the beloved wife of George SCROXTON died July 20th 1879 aged 67 years. "Her end was peace". |
Sacred. William BAYES who died Nov 19 1825 aged 67 years. Also Solomon his son ... ... ...8 1822 ... ... . |
Sacred to the memory of Charles William son of Charles & Clara BAYES who died ... ... ... 1851 aged 1 year & 5 months. Also of Charles BAYES son of the above who died Nov 2 1856 aged 2 years & 7 months, likewise two other of their children who died in their infancy. |
In ... ... ... John HEWITT ... ... ... ... |
In loving remembrance of William COLSON who departed this life December 26th 1878 aged 58 years. "Absent from the body, present with the Lord". |
Sacred. James GRAY who departed this life March the 8th 18.. aged 70 years. ... ... unto ... ... ... .... |
In loving remembrance of Ebenezer son of Charles & Clara BAYES who died May 23rd 1879 aged 17 years 10 months, ..., ... . Also Sarah Lizzie ... ... Dec 11th 1880 aged 23 years. |
*page 32 in the book "These years have told" states John WARD gave a legacy to a trust fund "for the upkeep of the massive tomb" of:
Edward WARD & his sons Bernard & John. |
From another photograph seen: |
In loving memory of Andrew CORBY who fell asleep in Jesus February 1st 1888 aged 51 .... (2 verses unreadable) |
From notes made by Clive Wood of stones that could not be photographed when clearing burial ground (notes found June 2012)
In memory of Myra BAILEY daughter of George & Sarah who died June 21 1855. |
In memory of Mary the daughter of John and Sarah TEBBETT who died May 18 1875 in the 77 year of her age. |
The memory of John WRIGHT who died Jan 14 1825 aged 83 years Mary wife of John WRIGHT died Feb 7 1817 aged 72 years. |
In memory of Joseph KNIGHT who died Oct 16 1860 aged 72 years. Also Sarah wife of Joseph KNIGHT who departed this life Oct 3rd 1852 aged 73 years. |
In memory of Kezia the wife of John FISHER who departed this life Jan .... aged ... |
In Loving memory of Mary wife of Thomas CUFF (born at Coalpits near Chard) March 11 1825. |
In memory of James STEVENS who died August 5 1799 aged [88] years. |
Mary STEVENS died the 10th day of Jan 1812 aged 70 years. |
To the memory of Sarah relict of William SABY who died ...1809 aged ... years. |
In memory of William BAYES son of Joseph & Elizabeth BAYES who died March 14 1854 aged 22 years. Also Sarah daughter of the above who died January 22nd Aged 20 ... |
In memory of Elizabeth LINNITT wife of John Linnitt who died Sep 2 1810 in the 29 year of her age. Also Elizabeth daughter of the above died March 15 1813 aged 10 years. Also Thomas son of the above .... |
Sacred in the memory of William MARSHALL of Ditchford Mill who departed this life November 17 1824 aged 20 years. |
In Loving remembrance of Sarah ASHBY widow of the late Mr G ASHBY of Ellington, Huntingdonshire who died May 24th 1877 aged 72 years. Also Charles son of the above who died 11 September 1877. |
In loving memory of Thomas WILBY died April 6 1876 aged 42 years. |
In fond memory of Albert Arthur the dearly loved son of C M & J FISHER died July 21st 1878 aged 12 years. |
David ASHBY born August 18th 1813 baptised into Christ at Succoth Chapel in this village November 1832 preached the Gospel of the Grace of God for nearly forty years and called to sleep in Jesus February 28 1884. |