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Women's Guild

Rushden Industrial Co-operative Society

Guild Banner

The Rushden Echo, 13th May 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins

SOCIAL EVENING—A very enjoyable social evening was held at the Alfred-street schools on Wednesday in connection with the Women's Co-operative Guild. Dancing was kept up until 10 p.m., the music being supplied by Mr. Richardson (pianoforte), and Mr. Corrie Woods (violin). Refreshments were daintly served by Mesdammes Vann, Wilkinson, Percival, Ball, Holloway, Woods, and Miss E. Abblett. Several new members joined.

Rushden Echo, 29th June 1900, transcribed by Kay Collins

Presentation—The Rushden Women’s Co-operative Guild on Tuesday presented Mrs Vann, who for some time has been their president, with a sewing chair and footstool, as a token of regard and appreciation of her services. The presentation was made by Mrs Woods, now president of the Guild, and Mrs Vann suitable replied.

Rushden Echo, 12th January 1934, transcribed by Kay Collins

Guild Party—The Rushden Branch of the Co-operative Women’s Guild held their New Year’s party in the Hall on Wednesday. In the evening there were games and Mrs Colgrave played for the dancing. The musical parcel was won by Mrs Mager and Mrs Tebbutt, president of the Guild was M.C.

Rushden Echo, 22nd June 1923, transcribed by Kay Collins

Outing—Eighty-six members and friends of the Women’s Co-operative Guild from Rushden, with others from Wellingborough, a total of over 200, went on their annual outing on Monday to London, travelling in a specially chartered saloon-car train. Arriving at 10.15 in London, the company divided into groups, some being met by C.W.S. vehicles, to be shown round the C.W.S. works and London generally, others visiting on their own account the popular sights and scenes. Starting home about midnight, they reached Rushden at 2a.m., after having had an enjoyable time.

Rushden Echo, 27th August 1926, transcribed by Kay Collins

Children’s Outing—The children of members of the Women’s Co-operative Guild were taken to Wicksteed Park on Wednesday in two charabancs. Several of the mothers journeyed with the youngsters. Starting at two o’clock, a quick run was made to the park, and here the children enjoyed themselves on the lake and the various amusements. Tea, which was taken with the party, was served in the park. A start back was made at 7.30, and Rushden was reached soon after eight. Mrs. R. Webb, the secretary of the Guild, made the arrangements for the outing, which was voted a great success by all who took part. Mr. G. Robinson and Mr. C. H. Scroxton supplied the charabancs.

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