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Gas Showroom
window poster
The showroom with a display showing the range of equipment they could supply.

the drisplays
Inside the showroom - gas fires and lighting - note the wooden floor.

back of the showroom
Gas ovens and coppers for boiling water for washday and baths, water heaters for sink supply,
and more ovens below. The door to the accounts desk.

Rosebud display
John Orme invented blow moulding machines and then produced dolls for Rosebud

1930s 1950s
'Rushden & Higham' has been painted out - 1950s


Possibly a cardboard likeness of
Mrs P Bunting?

The notice behind reads:

Festival Fare
National Cookery Competition
Open to All Users of Gas
County Champion
Mrs. P. Bunting
of Rushden

Who will now proceed into the

East Midlands Gas Board Area Finals
at Leicester on Thursday June 28th 1951

After 1950 it was part of the East Midlands Gas Board.

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