Arthur Sanders, 37, married, Grade 2, carpenter and undertaker, was given six months exemption.
Rushden Echo 2nd September 1921, transcribed by Susan Manton
The employees of Mr. Arthur Sanders, builder and carpenter, with their friends, went yesterday week by charabanc to Sandy show. At St. Neots lunch was taken and Sandy was reached at 1.15pm. Leaving at 7.15pm, with half an hour in Bedford, Rushden was reached at 10pm.
Could this be the trip mentioned above? The caption we have is that
it is an Arthur Sanders' works outing in A Abbott's bus, outside South End old school. Undated.
Rushden Echo & Argus, c1930
Showing that Arthur had
moved to 4 Duck Street
In 1931 a new road was laid out - Park Avenue - by Arthur Sanders Ltd, and was developed over 5 years.
Semi-detached houses of pleasing appearance
and design and built and conforming to the latest
standard of comfort and convenience, comprising Sitting Room, Dining Room and Kitchenette,
three Bedrooms, Bath and W.C.
Fitted with Electric and Gas services.
Hot and Cold Water.
Purchase can be made by a
Deposit and Low Weekly Repayments
through a Building Society.
Freehold, Roads and Paths Made £520
Price includes all road charges and all Legal Fees
In 1946 Donald Mawby was taken on, as an apprentice to learn plumbing, by Arthur Sanders Ltd. The Deed of Apprenticeship has 6 pages of details and rules.
The endorsement above, page 7 of the deed, shows he graduated in April 1951 having gained Theory & Practice Stages I and II and City & Guilds of London Intermediate.
It is signed and sealed by affixing the 2/6 stamp.
1946 letter asking for payment for a house built in Gordon Street.
Arthur Sanders Ltd. of Rushden also built the £3 million Bedfordshire County Hall, Bedfordshire Building Society Offices, Wellingborough Swimming Pool, Factory and Office for Weatherby and other newcomers to the Wellingborough industrial scene. Another large contract is the £2 million Princess Marina Hospital near Northampton, and a Methodist Church in Bedford, as well as factories and housing schemes in the Northamptonshire.
[from an unknown magazine article c1970]
Workshops in Rectory Road on the corner of George Street
Workshops in Rectory Road being demolished in 1974
Workshops in Rectory Road being demolished in 1974
Letterhead of 1954
Rushden Echo, 9th June 1967, transcribed by Kay Collins
New Sanders’ appointment The Rushden building and civil engineering contractors, Arthur Sanders Ltd., have broken new ground in the construction industry by the appointment of a service manager to co-ordinate departments dealing with such services as plumbing, painting and joinery.
Rushden Echo, 28th February 1969
Big Contract for Rushden Firm Corby Development Corporation have awarded a £789,689 contract to Rushden building contractor Arthur Sanders Ltd. to build the first phase of the Collyers Estate in the Kingswood Neighbourhood.
Work on the estate began recently and will take 20 months to complete. The scheme was designed by Mr. John Stedman, chief architect to the corporation.
It provided 183 flats and maisonettes, 63 two storey houses, and a shopping centre.
Workshops in Rectory Road on the corner of George Street
1980s advert
2 Cromwell Road
Arthur Sanders lived here and another of his yards stretched out beyond, for the plant and machinery.
It was demolished in the 1990s and is where Oliver Close was built.