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Moor Road School

The School opened on 3rd June 1889 with Mistress Prudence Darnell.
It was for children up to the age of seven.

Extract from Memories of the 1890s by R E Bayes
From his school days, which began at Moor Road Infants, Mr. Bayes recalls ......

Extract from obituary ......... Mr. J. E. Smith had a schoolroom built for Mrs. Smith on the Wellingborough-road, Rushden, and it was there that the well-known Kindergarten school was begun. Mrs. Smith worked up an excellent institution, and afterwards moved to the Kindergarten school, Moor-road, having been Principal for over 20 years. During her illness the school has been conducted by Mrs. Westley, a former pupil.
Mr & Mrs Smith lived at 204 Wellingborough Road, before moving to 22 Church Street.

Kenneth Fathers' Report 1937
when he was aged 7.

He was son of Charles J Fathers and Pyllis (nee Watkiss).

Kenneth was born in 1930, had one brother Ronald, born in 1942.

The report shows the lessons given His teacher was H C Scholes and the head teacher F Partridge.

Editor's note: We have been unable to locate further records for this school.
If you know the whereabouts of any information please let us know.

2022 - Jack and Jill Day Nursery is now occupying what was Moor Road School then Youth Club. I went to give my first blood donation in the mid 1970’s, every time after that, when waiting I would recite to myself the immortal words from Tony Hancock’s the “Blood donor”. When not donating blood there, it was our local polling station, after that it moved a couple of times to Highfield Road. Now I vote by postal vote. Paul Wright

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