The first entries from the 1907 Minute Book of the Adult School , extracted by Kay Collins, 2008 |
Minute Book - Adult School 1907
The Adult School was teaching its members, but also strived to help those who were needy, as these few entries extracted from the minute book demonstrate. |
12th July 1907
In the Chair Mr Cross. T H Bond, E J Freeman, E J Tuffrey, F S Knight, A Baxter, Gavin Smith & G Scriven. Rent for quarter paid £2.2s. Letter from Visiting Committee suggesting "a garden party be arranged for as early as possible". The 3rd week in August suggested. Suggested that the Women's School be invited to join & if possible the date of holding same be July 27th, failing this date, August 21st. The ground and arrangements be left in the hands of the Visiting Committee. August 16th 1907 Morning school to be held in the Public Hall 9.15 - subject as per lesson sheet. Women's school to be invited to join us on this occasion. Afternoon meeting commence at 2.45. Time for evening meeting to be decided by the Members on Sunday morning owing to a derision of feeling as to the time. It was resolved to announce the Meetings by window bills & handbills. Also Sandwich Boards on the Saturday previous. October 4th 1907 Annual meeting to be on Tuesday November 5th in the Institute Hall at 8 o'clock. Nomination papers for officers to be supplied to members a fortnight previous to meeting & handed in the following Sunday, The question of providing Ladders for Window Cleaning to Mr Jas Gibbs was again considered & it was resolved that enquiries be made as to the cost of suitable ladders. November 1st 1907 It was proposed by the Secretary & seconded by Mr G Scriven "that this Committee recommends the School purchase ladders for window cleaning, that Mr Jas Gibbs be allowed the use of the Ladders while payment of at least 1/- a week be kept up & that when the cost of the ladders has been refunded the ladders become the sole property of Mr James Gibbs. December 7th 1907 Mr Bond reported ... he had specimens & prices & had submitted them to Gibbs but up to this date had heard nothing from him. That enquiries be made of the Congregational Church if they propose to carry on the Debating Class this season. That a Tea Social for both schools (Men's & Women's) be arranged during the Christmas holidays (Dec 30th). The Visiting Committee to be asked to make arrangements for carrying out the above. Free tickets to be given to those unable to pay for same. The V. C. also be requested to provide a Tea for the Children of Members on Tuesday Dec 31st. The Committee requested to procure Lesson Sheet & Bible Reading for the coming year - 200 each. January 31st 1908 A discussion took place on the initiative of the V. C. as to relieving urgent cases of need - how they should be dealt with. It was resolved the V. C. be allowed to hold in hand 10/- to relieve urgent cases. Resolved that we give the sum of 2/6 a week to W. Cheney of Dell Place, after "Men's Own" have discontinued assisting him, for one month.
NRO Ref: Acc2000/268 stack 76 (book 45/1)