Rushden Echo, 26th January 1912
Rushden High School for Girls Opening Day
An Excellent Beginning
The High School for Girls, Prospect House, Higham Hill, Rushden, was opened on Wednesday morning with about 22 pupils. A number of them are boarders, and the day pupils are from Rushden and Higham Ferrers. The Principal is Miss Payne, formerly Headmistress of the High School, Lowestoft, and she is assisted by Miss Hutchings, London Matriculation and Inter.-B.A., and Miss Esmé Hutchings. The pianoforte lessons are taken by Mr. A. Clarke, A.R.C.O.; and lessons in drawing, painting etc., are given by Miss Nellie Abbott, of Northampton, on Thursday afternoons, when outside pupils will be received. Private pupils will also be received for lessons in Greek, Latin, French, and German.
Prospect House, so long the residence of the late Alderman Thomas Sanders, a Mayor of Higham Ferrers, is admirably adapted for a school of this character. The class-rooms are lofty, well-ventilated, and well-lighted, and accommodation is provided for about 100 or 120 pupils. There is at present accommodation for about a dozen boarders. The grounds are well suited for tennis and other games, and indoor games are arranged for boarders. There is a library for the pupils.
Every attention is paid by the teachers to the individual requirements of the pupils. For the present Miss Payne will be at home to parents and others every afternoon from three to five o’clock, except Saturdays, and prospectuses may be obtained on application to the principal.
Rushden Echo, 16th February 1912
Taken in the grounds of Prospect House School, probably 1912.
Presumably Miss Payne with her two assistants and the first pupils.
Prospect House School, probably around 1914.
Many would have been day pupils.
Advert - Rushden Echo, 26th June 1914
Girls’ High School
Prospect House
Higham Hill, Rushden
Principal Miss Payne
(formerly Head Mistress of the High School, Lowestoft)
Assisted By
Miss Hutchings (London Matriculation and Inter. B.A.)
Miss Esmé Hutchings
And other Qualified Resident Mistresses and Visiting Professors.
Modern Education |
Individual Training |
Preparation for Examinations |
Vacancies for a few Boarders |
Boys Admitted to Preparatory Departments |
Moderate Fees |
Miss Nellie Abbott, of Northampton, attends on Thursday afternoons from 2.30 to 4.30 to give lessons in Drawing, Painting, etc., for which outside pupils will be received.
Lessons in Pianoforte, Theory and Harmony, given by Miss Alice R. Barbour, L.R.A.M., who prepares for the Trinity College, Associated Board and L.R.A.M. Examinations.
For Prospectus Apply:
Miss Payne, Prospect House.
1916 Term ending at Christmas
A receipt for a term to Easter 1917
and one for the July Term 1917
Piano playing certificate of Marjorie Edith Addison, pupil of Prospect House School. Her teacher was Miss Alice R Barbour L.R.A.M. and the exam took place at Wellingborough in July 1915
Rushden Echo, 23rd November 1917
Prospect House SchoolIn January next, when Miss Payne will have moved to Campbell House, Higham Ferrers, a Branch School will be opened in Rushden. The Vestry Hall has been taken for this purpose. Particulars as to the date of the opening of this Junior School, the fees, etc., can be obtained from Miss Payne.
Rushden Echo, Aug 15th 1919