Transcribed by Shirley Denton, 2007 |
Phillipson's Directory - 1910
Introduction with Town History |
RUSHDEN or Risdene as the place is named in the Domesday Book of 1086, is on the Eastern extremity of Northamptonshire. To the South and West the Bedfordshire parishes of Knotting and Wymington form the boundary, which is completed by Higham Ferrers on the North, and Newton Bromshold and Chelveston on the East. It is 64 miles from London, 15 from Northampton and 13 from Bedford. The town is in the hundred of Higham Ferrers, and in the Petty Sessional and County Court Divisions of Wellingborough, forming also a parish of the Wellingborough Union. For ecclesiastical purposes the parish is in Higham Ferrers first Deanery, in the Archdeaconry of Oakham, and the Diocese of Peterborough. Till the advent of the shoe trade about the middle of last century Rushden was a quiet peaceable village, with nothing suggestive of the enterprise and progress since revealed. In 1861 the population was 1,748, in 1881, 3,657, the number being doubled during the decade from 1881 to 1891 and being 7,742 and the official census population for 1901 was 12,447. At the present time the number of inhabitants is estimated at 14,565. It is in the Eastern Parliamentary Division of Northamptonshire, and is represented in Parliament by Sir. F. A. Channing, Bart. A Local Board of Health was the governing body from March 25th 1891, till the passing of the Local Government Act of 1894, when an Urban Council of twelve members was formed. Since that time the town has been well and efficiently drained and sewered, capital roads and foot-paths have been laid down, and several important public improvements have been carried out. On July 2nd 1906, the new reservoir and Water Works were opened at Sywell to supply Rushden and Higham Ferrers and the result has been in every respect satisfactory. Some forty or fifty well-appointed shoe factories have been built, and the town has become a busy centre of the trade. Gas was introduced in 1864, and large gas works were built in 1892, the Higham and Rushden Gas Co. serving the two towns. A Provisional order for the supply of electricity has recently been granted to the Northamptonshire Electric Lighting Traction Co., an off-shoot of the British Electric Traction Co. The area of the Parish is 3,775 acres; the ratable value to the Poor Rate £30,355. 19s. 0d.; the assessable value to the District Rate £33,920.1s.0d.; and the gross estimated rental £49,782.13s.6d. The Public Debt of the town on March 31st 1909, amounted to £26,503.4s.1d. The main roads maintained by the Council measure 5 miles 1¾ furlongs, the district roads 14 miles 2 furlongs, and the field foot-paths 7 miles 6½ furlongs. The Lord of the Manor of Rushden is His Majesty King Edward VII, who holds the position under the Duchy of Lancaster. Rushden Urban District Council Chairman, Mr G. H. Skinner; Vice-chairman, Mr F. Knight; Councillors, Messrs. F. Ballard, C. Bates, C. E. Bayes, Wm. Bazeley, J. Claridge, J.P., C.C., J. S. Clipson, A. J. Dobbs, G. Miller, C.C., J. Paragreen, and T. Swindall. All retire in April 1910. Committees Finance and Estates Messrs. F. Knight (Chairman), G. H. Skinner, F. Ballard, W. Bazeley, and J. Claridge. Health and Sanitary Messrs. F. Knight (Chairman), G. H. Skinner, F. Ballard, C. E. Bayes, J. Clipson, A. J. Dobbs, and J. Paragreen. Cemetery sub-committee Messrs. F. Knight, F. Ballard, J. Clipson, and A. J. Dobbs. Farm sub-committee Messrs. G. H. Skinner, C. E. Bayes, and J. Paragreen. Plans, Highways and Lighting Messrs, G. H. Skinner (Chairman), F. Knight, W. Bazeley, C. Bates, J. Claridge, G. Miller, and T. Swindall. Lighting and Fire Brigade sub-committee Messrs. G. H. Skinner, C. Bates, and J. Claridge. Meetings of the Council The Council meet on the second Wednesday in each month at 7 o’clock at the Council Buildings. The Finance and Estates Committee meet on the Tuesday preceding the first Wednesday in each month at 10am. The Health and Sanitary Committee meet on the first Wednesday in the month, at 7pm. The Plans, Highways and Lighting Committee meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm. Officers Clerk, Mr. G. S. Mason: Surveyor. Mr. W. B. Madin: Surveyor’s Assistant. Mr. J. W. Lloyd: Medical Officer. Dr. F. H. Morris: Sanitary Inspector Mr.W.G. F. Kingston. Assistant Sanitary Inspector. Mr. J. Bainbridge. Collector & Cemetery Registrar: Mr. J. Sargeant. Treasurer: Mr. F. L. Heygate. Northants Union Bank. Overseers: Messrs. John Claridge, Mr. J.T. Colson, L Baxter, and H.H.Hobbs. Assistant Overseer: Mr. J. Sargent. Guardians. Mrs. Ashby, Mrs. T. W. C. Linnitt, Messrs. T.W.C. Linnitt, B. Ladds and A. Gadsby. Relieving Officer & Registrar of Births and Deaths: Mr. G. R. Turner, Griffith Street, Rushden. Office Hours Mondays 9 to 11am. Tuesday 5 to 7pm, Wednesdays 3 to 5pm. Fridays 9 to 11am. Marriages Superintendent Registrar’s Office Messrs, Sharman, Jackson & Archer, Oxford Street, Wellingborough; Vaccination Officer: Mr. Arthur Knight, Connaught Street, Kettering (Vaccination Exemption Certificates may be obtained on application to any Magistrate at the Rushden Police Court.) Old Age Pensions Committee The Rushden District Pensions Sub-Committee consists of eleven members; Mr. G. Miller (Chairman) Mr. J. Claridge, Col J. Hill, C.B., Messrs. W. Hirst Simpson, E. Parsons, J. E. Parsons, F. Knight, W. Bazeley, G. H. Skinner, Jesse Cooper and Pratt Walker. Clerk: Mr. C. R. Claridge. Rushden Pension Officer: Mr. Wm. Goddard, Wellingborough. County Court Both Rushden and Higham Ferrers are in the Wellingborough County Court District, of which the Registrar is Mr. James Heygate, Wellingborough. A branch Office for business connected with the Court is open at 53, High Street, Rushden on Tuesdays from 11 to 4 o’clock. County Councillors For County Council purposes Rushden is divided into North and South Divisions, Mr George Miller representing the former and Mr. John Claridge for the Latter. Mr. Claridge is a member of the Local Government Committee and of the Public Health Committee. Magistrates Fred Knight Esq, The Old Rectory, appointed 1901; Arthur Hugh Sartoris Esq, Weekley, Kettering appointed 1902; John Claridge Esq, Wellingborough Road, Rushden appointed 1904; Edward Campbell Browning Esq. The House, Rushden appointed 1905; G.H. Skinner Esq, Chairman of the Rushden Urban District Council, during term of office. Mr. Claridge is a member of the County Licensing Committee, under the Licensing Act of 1904. The Police Station Is situated in North Street, adjacent to the Midland Railway Station. Inspector Bailey is in charge assisted by Sergeant Ellingham. They have ten constables under their command, seven living in Rushden and one each at Higham, Irchester and Stanwick. Weights and Measures The Inspector of Weights and Measurers for the District is Mr. Thomas Mattinson of Kettering. An office has been built near the Police Station, where weights and measurers are tested, the office being open on the last Monday of each month, from 11am until 2pm. The Rushden Free Library & Reading Room Is a handsome structure on the Newton Road. It was erected as the outcome of Mr. Andrew Carnegie’s generosity, that gentleman placing £2,500 at the disposal of the Council, in response to application from Mr. John Claridge, on July 15th 1902. The building forms one of the architectural features of the town and is built of best Ibstock pressed bricks, with Ketton stone dressings and columns. It was opened by the Marquis of Northampton on Saturday November 25th 1905, and contains spacious Entrance Hall, News Room, Magazine Room, Ladies Reading Room, Reference Library and Lending Department arranged on the free access principle. The Free Library Committee consists of Mr. J. Claridge, J.P. C.C (Chairman), Ven. Arthur Kitchin, Messrs. *F. Ballard, C. E. Bayes, & Wm. Clarke, J. S. Clipson, J. H. Derbyshire, *L. Perkins, S. Saddler, G. H. Skinner, T. Swindall and *J. T. Colson (Secretary). Caretaker, Mr.J. Hazeldine. Librarian, Miss.D. Corbett. * Indicates Member of the Management Sub-Committee. Rushden Charities Maye’s Charity of £20 yearly, derived from land left in 1631 by Wm. Maye, of Rushden, is distributed on May-day. Latham’s charity of £3, derived from property at Barnwell, left in 1619 by the Rev. Nicholas Latham, vicar of Barnwell, is distributed in sums of 10/- each to six persons who have been unfortunate; and “Bull Money” of £3 yearly from £120 Consols, vested in the Official Trustee by the Executors of the late Mr. Thomas Sanders, in redemption of the charge on land held by him. Four almshouses were erected in 1883, in memory of Frederick Maitland Sartoris, by his parents and supported by them. The late Mr. W. H. Wilkins directed that the income of £100 four per cent. Mortgage Debentures in the Rushden and Higham Gas Company should be paid to the Rushden Nursing Association. Subject to prior life interests and to the payment of two sums of £200 each. Mr. Wilkins bequeathed one-fourth of his estate to the Parochial Trustees for the endowment of a Cottage Hospital for Rushden. The amount has now been ascertained at the sum of £1923. 16s. 4d. and is at present represented by the following investments.-
The following are Trustees of the local Charities:- The Venerable Arthur Kitchin (Rector), Messrs. G. Skinner and G.S. Mason (Churchwardens), J. Claridge, G Denton, F. Knight, T. W. C. Linnitt, G. H. Skinner and T. Tailby. The first three are ex-officio trustees, and the rest appointed by the Rushden Urban Council. Hon. Secretary, Mr. G.S. Mason. Rushden Hall Is one of the old country mansions, at one time a residence of the Dukes of Lancaster, and especially John of Gaunt, who also owned Higham Castle. It subsequently passed into the hands of the Pemberton family, and through others to the present owners, the Sartoris family. It stands on an eminence, and is surrounded by a well-wooded park. The house is quadrangular, and consists principally of a retreating centre and two projecting embattled wings. Political Organizations Liberal Association:- President, Sir Frances Channing, Bart. M.P. who for 24 years (since 1885) has represented the East Northants Constituency. Chairman, Mr. C. L. Bradfield, Secretary Mr. J. George, Pightles Terrace. Women’s Liberal Association- President, Mrs. M. E. Parkin, Treasurer, Mrs. T. W. C. Linnitt, Secretary, Miss Adnitt. League of Young Liberals:- Chairman, Mr. A. F. Weale, Secretary, Mr. A. E. Long. Conservative Association:- President, Mr. Arthur Hugh Sartoris, Esq. J.P., Secretary, Mr. Betenson. Primrose League:- President, Miss Evelyn Sartoris. Secretary, Mrs. Fred Woodward. Independent Labour Party:- Secretary, Mr. J. Robshaw Brooke, 115, High Street. Social Democratic Federation:- Secretary, Mr. C. F. Baylis, 8, Brookfield Road. Ratepayers’ Association The Objects of this Association are (a) to Protect and further the interest of the ratepayers, and to watch the expenditure of the various public bodies; (b) to secure the return of competent persons to represent the ratepayers on all public bodies dealing with the interests of the town; (c) to advise and assist the representatives of the ratepayers on such public bodies when considered necessary. Membership 1/- per annum. President A.H. Sartoris, Esq, J.P. Secretary, Mr. George Bayes, Griffith Street. Sport An Angling Club for Rushden, Higham Ferrers and Irthlingborough was formed in 1906. Water practically uniting the Wellingborough and Thrapston Club water was secured. A.H. Sartoris Esq. J.P. is the President and Mr. John T. Scott, 3 Park Road, Secretary. Football Clubs:- Rushden Fosse, Secretary, Mr. J. Jackson, Kimbolton Road, Higham Ferrers; Rushden Windmill, Secretary, Mr. W. F. Hughan, 27 Brookfield Road; Rushden Town Band, Secretary, Mr. T. Elmer, 9 South Terrace; Adult School Institute, Secretary, Mr. P. Evans, 17, Glassbrook Road; Continuation School, Mr. H. W. Perkins, 33 Alfred Street; Park Road Baptist, Mr. H. Selwood, Newton Road. Rushden Charity Cup:- Chairman, Mr. H. H. Hobbs, Colwyn House, Griffith Street; Secretary. Mr. E. L. Brightwell, 47 High Street South. Cricket Clubs:- Rushden Town (Secretary, Mr. H. Ette, 28 Newton Road), Rushden Thursday (Secretary, Mr.G.A.McLeod, High Street) Park Road Baptist (Secretary, Mr. G. Drage, Robinson Road.) Rushden Windmill (Secretary, Mr. G. Morris, Wellingborough Road.) Rushden Golf Club:- Founded in 1908. Hon. Treasurer, Mr. F. L. Heygate; Hon. Secretary, Mr. A. H. Cripwell. The Links are situated on the East side of Town and consist of a nine-hole course. The Thursday Cricket Club Pavilion is used as a Golf House. Entrance fee, Gents £1.1.0d; Ladies 10/6; Annual Subscription, Gents £1.1.0; Ladies 10/6. Postal Information The Central Post Office is a handsome building in the High Street, at the corner of College Street. Mr. S. Field is the Postmaster. There are sub-offices for the sale of stamps and other post office business in Wellingborough Road, High Street South, Newton Road and Higham Road. Pillar boxes are placed in various parts of the town as follows:- Cromwell Road, Harborough Road, Queen Street, Corner of High Street and Newton Road, Corner of High Street and Midland Road, Corner of Denmark Road and Grove Road, Corner of Wellingborough Road and Washbrook Road. The latest times for posting letters, newspapers, &c, at the Rushden Post Office, are as follows:-
For Foreign dispatch the following times are of importance South Africa, every Friday 9pm. Canada, every Thursday 9pm. United States, every Wednesday, 11.15am. and Saturday 11.15am. The Rushden Fire Brigade Comprises twelve Members, who voluntarily place their services at the disposal of the town. Mr. Fred Knight, J.P. is Captain, Mr. J.T. Colson, Second Officer and Mr. G.R. Turner, Third Officer and Secretary. The handsome Fire Station on the Newton Road was erected at the close of 1902, and was formally opened on January 12th 1903. It was built by Mr. C.E. Bayes from plans prepared by Mr. W.H. Madin (Surveyor) at the cost of £1600. Electric bell connections have been fixed between the station and the houses of the firemen, and the fire station itself is on the National Telephone System, with the No. 0193. A fine new Steam Fire Engine has been purchased, constructed by Messrs. Shand, Mason & Co, the well-known London firm of fire engineers for the better protection of the town from fire. Firemen:- J. Sparrow, J. Whiting, J. Nuttall, L. Britchford, C. Green, H. Payne, R. Twelvetree, M. Wildman, G. Barker. Banks Capital and Counties, High Street. Manager, Mr. W. Hensman. London, City and Midland, High Street. Manager. Mr. R. Smith. Northamptonshire Union Bank, 43, High Street. Manager. Mr. F.L. Heygate. Higham Ferrers & Rushden Water Board Members - Chairman, Mr. O. Parker, J.P.; Vice-Chairman, Mr. J. Claridge, J.P., C.C.; Messrs. J. S. Clipson, F. Ballard, T. Swindall, F. Knight, J.P., C. Bates, T. Patenall, andA.Franklin; Clerk, Mr. G. S.Mason; Deputy Clerk, Mr. F. Joseph Simpson; Surveyor, Mr. W. B. Madin, C.E.; Treasurer, Mr. F. L. Heygate; Manager at Sywell, Mr. W. Sprott; Collectors, Messrs. John Sargent (Rushden) and A. E. Lloyd (Higham Ferrers). The Board meets at the Council Buildings, Rushden, on the third Monday of each month, at 7 p.m. The amount of Debt outstanding on the 31st. March, 1909, was £104,348.15s.11d. Gas Company The Rushden and Higham Ferrers Gas Company was incorporated in 1899, with an authorised capital of £40,000. The Company supplies gas to Higham Ferrers and Rushden, and has paid good dividends each year. Mr. E. Claridge is Chairman of the Directors, Mr. George S. Mason, Secretary, and Mr. Thomas Watson, Engineer and Manager, The National TelephoneSystem is largely utilised in Rushden. Nearly all the manufacturers and the greater part of the tradespeople are subscribers. The central call office is in the Old Post Office Yard, High Street. Education Authority The District Sub-Committee comprises (a) the local Members of the County Council; (b) the Managers of the Provided Schools; (c) the Representative Managers of the Non-Provided Schools; and (d) Mr. G. S. Mason, representing the Foundation Managers of the Non-Provided Schools. Clerk and Attendance Officer, Mr. A. Mantle, 124, Queen Street. Managers, Council Schools:- Messrs. *J. T. Colson (Chairman), †F. Ballard †W. Chettle, †J. Claridge, *F. Corbv, *J. W. Crouch, †B. Vorlev. †V. B. Sanders, *J. S. Clipson. Meetings held at the Alfred Street Schools, on the third Tuesday in each month, at 7 p.m. * Appointed by Rushden Urban District Council. † Appointed by County Education Committee. Managers, Non-Provided Schools:- Venerable Arthur Kitchin (Chairman); Messrs. G. S. Mason, G. Skinner, G. Miller (Foundation Managers); J. T. Colson (appointed by Rushden Urban District Council), and F. Ballard (appointed by County Education Committee). Elementary Schools. Alfred Street Boys (Council)Head Master, Mr. W. W. Rial. Accommodation 349. Average attendance 314. Alfred Street Girls (Council)Head Mistress, Miss E. Walker. Accommodation 298. Average attendance 299. Alfred Street Infants (Council)Head Mistress, Miss C. Miller. Accommodation 213. Average attendance 177. Newton Road Mixed (Council)Head Master, Mr. L. Perkins, B.Sc. Accommodation 502. Average attendance 501. Newton Road Infants (Council)Head Mistress, Miss Ida L. Scott. Accommodation 450. Average attendance 418. Moor Road Infants (Council)Head Mistress, Miss Emilie Strickland. Accommodation210. Average attendance 198. North End Mixed (Council)Head Master, Mr. S. Saddler. Accommodation 350. Average attendance, first 9 weeks the School has been opened, 356. North End Infants (Council)Head Mistress, Miss Rose E Packer. Accommodation 210. Average attendance 153. High Street South Mixed (Church of England) - Head Master, Mr. Sidney Fox. Accommodation 475. Average attendance 328. High Street South Infants (Church of England) - Head Mistress, Miss Eliza P. Taylor. Accommodation 167. Average attendance 150. Evening Classes The Newton Road Continuation School carries on a very successful series of classes during the winter months commencing the latter end of September. The number of Students is considerably over 500. The Subjects include: PREPARATORY COURSE.Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Drawing, and Elementary Science. commercial subjects. Geography, Book-keeping, Shorthand, and French. domestic subjects.Needlework, Dressmaking, Ambulance, and Cookery. technical classes.Boot and Shoe Manufacture. science classes. Mathematics, Practical Geometry Physiography, Hygiene, Physiology, Nature Study, Mechanics, Building Construction, Machine Construction, Geology, and Drawing. ART classes. Brushwork, Perspective, Freehand, Shading, Model, Geometry, and Blackboard Drawing. OTHER classes. Physical Training, Woodwork, Music, ''Life and Duties of a Citizen." A carefully prepared Prospectus is issued, giving information concerning the Classes, which may be obtained of Mr. L. Perkins. B.Sc., Principal; or of the Hon. Secretary, Mr. J. T. Colson. Workers' Educational AssociationAffiliated with the Central Association in London. Rushden BranchPresident, Mr. W. Hensman; Treasurer, Mr. L. Perkins; Secretary, Mr. Geo. Wingrove, 52, Wellingborough Road. The Association is non-sectarian and non-party political, and its chief object is to arouse among the workers greater interest in further education, and to direct their attention to the facilities already provided. (1) By organising University Extension and other Lectures; Reading Circles and Discussion Classes; Visits and Excursions of an Educational Character. (2) By encouraging attendance at Evening Classes; to ascertain the needs and wishes of workers in regard to education; to express to local authorities the needs and feelings of workers in regard to further education; to provide, either in conjunction with local authorities or otherwise, facilities for studies of interest to workers which may have been hitherto overlooked. Membership 1s. per annum. Coffee Tavern Company The Rushden Hotel, Coffee Tavern and Public House Company, Limited, was established in 1882. The “Waverley” Hotel caters admirably for the general public, and for commercial travellers. There is also a Social Club, with a large membership, and a reading room open to subscribers of nominal fee. The Public Hall is the largest hall in the town, and is largely used for public meetings, concerts, theatrical and other performances. Mr. John Claridge is Chairman of the Directors, Mr. G. E. Martin, Secretary and Miss Wyldes, Manageress. The Rushden Permanent Allotment & Small Holdings Society Limited Was formed during 1892, and registered in February 1893. Three fields, comprising about fifty-one acres in area, were taken in different parts of the town on a twenty years’ lease, the land not having previously been cultivated as Allotments. Two fields of about ten acres each which had already been used as Allotments were also leased. About two years afterwards another field of twenty-seven acres was taken, and later still another of twelve acres. At the present time the Society rents about 165 acres. In addition, thirty-five acres have been purchased and re-sold to Members in plots varying from ten poles upwards on a Six Years’ Purchase System. The membership is over five hundred, and the Society is managed by a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Committee consisting at the present time of the following;- President, Mr. T. Swindall; Vice-President, Mr. L. Baxter; Secretary, Mr. W. Gutteridge; Committee, Messrs. W. Abrams, J. Hornsby, W. Baker, Herbert Smith, E. Harlow, A. Marriott, J. C. Wright, A. J. Underwood and E. Knibbs. Railways &c The Midland Railway Company opened a branch line from Wellingborough in 1893. A capital service of trains is run in each direction, and extensive facilities are afforded for goods traffic. Mr. H. Pitt is the station master at Rushden. Parcels receiving Office for the L.& N.W.R. (Higham Station), 53, High Street, Rushden. Suttons’ Parcels Agency:- Local Office, Mr. E. Croft, 74, High Street. Carriers To Dean:- Mr. Chattle (Saturdays) leaves Tailby and Putnam’s Grocery Stores, Grove Road, at 3pm. To Northampton:-Mr. Tomlin, Carnegie Street (Wednesdays and Saturdays) leaving Oakley Hotel at 9.15am. To Kettering:-Mr. Tomlin, Carnegie Street (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays) leaving the Railway Bridge at 9am. To Raunds:- Mr. Peck (Saturdays) leaving the Railway Inn at 6pm. To Wellingborough;- Mr. Spencer, Fitzwilliam Street, daily (except Thursdays) at 12.30: Mr. Rose, Victoria Road (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays). To Irchester, Wollaston, Grendon and Yardley Hastings:- Mr. Henry King, (Tuesdays and Fridays), leaves the Waverley Hotel at 12 o’clock. Brigades &c The St. John Ambulance Brigade is represented in Rushden by a well-equipped and efficient Division of the Wellingborough Corps. The headquarters are at the Alfred Street Council Schools. Mr. T. Swindall is the superintendent and Dr. H. S. Baker, M.R.C.S. honorary surgeon. Mr. F. I. Heygate is the Treasurer, and First-Class Sergeant J. C. Wright, Montague Street is the transport officer. The Division comprises two officer, two sergeants, one corporal, and twenty-seven privates. The Nursing Division which also has its Headqaurters at Alfred Street Schools, comprises three officers and 22 nursing sisters. Miss. E. Margetts of Crabb Street, is the lady superintendent and Miss. E. Newell of 24, York Road, first officer and secretary, and Dr. Owen L.R.C.P. honorary surgeon. The Church Lads’ Brigade. The Rushden Company Church Lads’ Brigade was formed in June 1906, and numbers 50 officers and lads. The Chaplain of the Company is the rector, the Venerable Arthur Kitchin, R.D. The officers are:- Captain Rev. E. G. Betenson; Lieutenant, Rev. W. B. Masefield, Sergt. Inst. W. H. Baker; Staff.Sergt. J. L. Copson; Sergt. Bugler. H. Percival; Band Sergt. B. Robinson; Ambulance Sergt. J. Bird; Correspondent and Assistant Captain. Rev. E. W. Suart. The Boys’ Life Brigade in connection with the Park Road Baptist Sunday School School, was formed during the Autumn of 1906, and has a membership of about fifty. The following are the officers:- Captain C. A. K. Green; Lieutenants H. Selwood and H. Wright. There are also six Non-Commissioned Officers, viz: two Sergeants, two Corporals and two Lance Corporals. The lads receive military and physical drill on Tuesday evenings, and ambulance drill on Friday evenings. Swimming lessons are also given during the summer months. A Camp is formed each year during August Bank Holiday week, a good many members taking part. A Bugle Band is under the conductorships of Sergeant Robinson. Boy Scouts. The first Rushden Troop of the Boy Scouts, number about 30 members, and which is made up of five patrols, six in each patrol, under a Patrol leader and Corporal. The Troop is under the command of Scoutmaster F. E. Preston and Assistant Scoutmaster. G.Walker. Trade Unions The Boot Operatives’ Union have a strong local branch, embracing Rushden Higham Ferrers, Irthlingborough, Raunds and Ringstead. The head office is at the Trades Club, Higham Road, Rushden. Mr. C. Bates is the branch president, and Mr. W. Bazeley, branch secretary. The Amalgamated Society of Engineers. The local branch for upwards of 30 years held at Wellingborough has been removed to Rushden. It embraces Rushden, Wellingborough and Kettering and has a strong membership. The Meetings are held at the Trades Union Club, Higham Road, fortnightly on Saturday evenings at 7 o’clock. The Branch Secretary is Mr. Geo.Wingrove, 52, Wellingborough Road. Clubs And Institutes
Several Working Men’s Clubs have been formed in Rushden, and nearly all have substantially built premises, and a large membership. There are the Working Men’s Club, Griffith Street (Mr.L.Brampton) steward; the Athletic Club, Newton Road (Mr.C.Dixon, steward); the Windmill Club, Windmill Road (Mr. Mark Thurlby, steward); the Trades Union Club, Higham Road (Mr. H. Mawby, steward); the Town Band Club, Manton Road, (Mr. E. G. Groome, steward). There is also a well equipped Conservative Club, in High Street South, which has a strong membership (Mr. Frank Wilkins, steward). An Adult School Club and Institute is held in Rooms situated on the Green. A Church Institute is also conducted in the Church Rooms, Coffee Tavern Lane. United Clubs Educational Association arrange for Lectures during the Winter months. Secretary, Mr. A. Haddon, 70, Glassbrook Road. Religious And Benevolent The Parish Church, dedicated to St. Mary, presents architecture of various dates and styles - early English, decorated and perpendicular. The earliest portions date from 1270, the Church being formerly collegiate, and now comprising choir nave, aisles and transepts, with north, south and western porches. The fine tower and crocketted spire rise to a height of nearly two hundred feet, the spire being ninety-three feet above the tower. The tower contains a peal of six bells and a clock. The Church was thoroughly restored in 1874-5 at the cost of about £500, and a new organ, also costing £500, was put in. The register of baptisms dates from 1598, and those of marriages and burials from 1559. The living is a Rectory of the yearly value of £166 gross, including 321 acres of glebe and residence, built in 1870-1. The patron is Mr. W.Barker of Tisbury, Wilts. The present Rector is the Venerable Arthur Kitchin..R.D late Archdeacon of Calcutta, who was inducted on September 21st 1905. The interior of the Church contains several examples of beautiful carving, and several striking monuments. It has seats for 640 worshippers. St.Peter’s Church. The foundation stone of the new church was laid on September 25th 1906, by the Right. Hon. Lord Ampthill, G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E.and the church dedicated to St.Peter, was consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Peterborough, on December 12th 1907. The land and temporary church which is now used as a Sunday School, cost £1,350, and the new church £4,800. This church is designed in the spirit of 15th century Gothic and consists of a nave, one chancel, 113ft long, with north and south aisles; morning chapel on the north side of the chancel, and organ chamber, clergy and choir vestries on the south. The nave consists of five bays, with elongated piers, and moulded arches lighted by a large light traceried window at the west end, and three light clerestory windows. The east end is panelled in oak. The church will seat 520 persons, and was built by Mr. Robert Marriott of Rushden, from the designs of Messrs. Talbot Brown & Fisher of Wellingborough. The curate-in-charge since the foundation stone was laid, is the Rev. E. G. Betenson. The Park Road Baptist Church is a handsome edifice of the late Gothic style, with nave 73 ft long by 49ft wide, and trancepts 67 ft across. It provides accommodation for over 1,000 worshippers, and is built of pressed bricks, relieved with Bath stone dressings, the roof being of brindle-coloured tiles. The corner stones were laid on Monday September 24th 1900, and the new Church was opened on Monday September 23rd 1901. A total cost of £6,500 was incurred, which has since been entirely cleared off. The Church takes the place of the “Old Top Meeting” a building now used as a schoolroom, erected in 1796, to which a new front was added in 1873. A smaller chapel previously stood upon the same site, the Church being formed in 1722. The Rev. W.F. Harris has just completed ten years ministry, and at present the Church is without a Pastor. The Sunday School has 674 Scholars with a staff of 104 Teachers. In September 1910, the Centenary of the Sunday School will be celebrated. Caretaker, Mr.M. Wildman, 28, Park Road. The Succoth Baptist Church occupies a prominent position in the High Street. It was erected in 1864, and enlarged in 1893, taking place of one built in 1805, and enlarged n 1825. It has seating accommodation for about 300. The present Pastor is the Rev.Joh Hunt Lynn. The Zion Baptish Church is the youngest of the Churches in the town. In January 1901, the Rev. J. Crook resigned the pastorate of the Succoth Baptist Church, and with some of the deacons and members, proceeded to the erection of a small Chapel in the Station Road. The Chapel was opened on April 7th of the same year, and has accommodation for 200 persons. The pulpit is supplied by various preachers. The Congregational Church in Church Street was opened in June 1894, under the ministry of the late Rev. M .E. Parkin. It accommodates 450 worshippers and the cost was about £2,000. The present Pastor is the Rev. E. J. Keeley Wright, who settled in Rushden in March 1909. The Sunday School has 120 Scholars, with a staff of 18 Teachers. Caretaker, Mr. G. F. Short, 6 Beaconsfield Terrace. The Wesleyan Church in Park Road is also a new building and presents externally and internally a light and airy appearance. It provides accommodation for 750 worshippers, and is built of brick, with ample stone dressings. At the corner abutting on the junction of Park Road and Griffith Street there is a substantial looking square tower, surmounted with a short spire. The total cost was £5,200 and the building was opened on Easter Monday April 24th 1905. It adjoins the old chapel, now used as a schoolroom, which was opened on September 21st 1890, having cost £2,400. The Church is in the Higham Ferrers Wesleyan Circuit, and the present Minister is the Rev. Benjamin Barker. The Sunday School has 413 Scholars, with a staff of 52 Teachers. Caretaker, Mr. J. F. Bandey, 65, Grove Road. The Independent Wesleyan Church situated in High Street is a substantial looking edifice of red brick, with Weldon stone dressings. It is seated for 750 worshippers, being 65 feet long and 45 feet wide. It was opened on Thursday February 22nd 1900, having cost (with organ and furnishings £2.500). It occupies the site of an earlier chapel, built in 1873 at the cost of £1,000; and there are commodious Schoolrooms in Queen Street, erected in 1890 at the cost of nearly £2,000. The pulpit is supplied by various preachers. The Sunday School has 430 Scholars, with a staff of 53 Teachers. Caretaker, Mr. Wm. S. Ladds, 6, Queen Street. The Wellingborough Road Mission Church which is an outgrowth from the High Street Church, and is, like the parent Church, in affiliation with the Wellingborough Circuit and the Wesleyan Reform Union, is situated on the corner of Wellingborough Road and Brookfield Road. It is a substantial brick building, with Bath stone dressings, with accommodation for 550 people. Erected at a total cost of about £3,250 it was opened on July 4th 1901, since when a vigorous works has been carried on. A Silver Band of some 30 members is a great help in the work of this Church, besides doing a considerable amount of public work. The Sunday School has 497 Scholars, with a staff of 48 Teachers. Caretaker. Mr.T. H. Beesley, 2, Dayton Street. The Primitive Methodist Church is situated in Fitzwilliam Street, being of pressed brick, with Bath stone dressings. It will accommodate 150 persons, and has a schoolroom at the rear. The opening services were held on February 22nd 1890. Various preachers conduct the services. The Sunday School has 60 Scholars, with a staff of seven Teachers.
The Roman Catholic Church, at the corner of Hayway, at present consists of a small temporary Church (or Schoolroom) erected at the end of 1904, and a presbytery. The Rev. Ronald Waldie is the priest in charge. The Salvation Army has a commodious building in Queen Street.
The Plymouth Brethren have a small meeting place in Moor Road.
The Seventh Day Adventists have a Gospel Hall in North Street. British Women’s Temperance Association:- President, Mrs. Jaques; Secretary, Miss Clark, 35, High Street; Minute and Hall Secretary, Mrs. R. Vorley, 19, Newton Road. Meetings; open to all women, are held every Sunday afternoon at 2.45. The Y Branch meets every Tuesday at 7.45, to which all young women are heartily invited and welcomed. The Adult School meets in the Institute on The Green. Men’s School - President Mr.T.H.Bond; Secretary. Mr..John Claridge.J.P.C.C Meets on Sunday Mornings at 9am. Women’s School President, Mrs. Wooding; Secretary, Mrs. Blackwell, 32, Midland Road. Meetings are held at the Institute on Sunday afternoons at 2.45, and on Tuesdays (during the winter months) at 7pm. The Men’s Own hold its meetings in the Choir Vestry of the Park Road Baptist Church, on Sunday afternoons at 2 o’clock. Secretary Mr. J. Allen. The Rushden Free Church Council was formed in 1897, and consists of Representatives of the Free Churches of the District. It has done very valuable work in the past for the moral and spiritual wellbeing of the Town. Its first President was the Rev.W.J. Tompkins, and for the past ten years that position has been filled by the Rev.W.F.Harris. Secretary, Mr. W. J. Cure. Sunday School Union:- The Rushden and District Sunday School Union, was formed on April 14th 1843, when eight Sunday Schools were affiliated, with 148 Teachers and 745 Scholars. It embraces the Free Churches of Rushden, Higham Ferrers, Wollaston, Stanwick, Raunds, Ringstead, Thrapston, Aldwincle, Wymington, Woodford, Denford and Great Addington. There are now 19 Schools Affiliated with a total of 530 Teachers and 3945 Scholars. Since 1872 a Scholars Scripture Examination has been held every year, in connection with the Union. Mr. Herbert Lack, 50, Oakley Road, Rushden, is the energetic General Secretary, and Mr. Samuel Pettit, of Stanwick, is the Treasurer. Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavour, Rushden and District Union:- President, Rev. H. E. Roberts, Thrapston; Vice-President, Mr. E. Lack, Rushden; Treasurer, Mr. E. C. Bandey, Rushden; Secretary, Mr. H. A. Clipson, Church Street, Rushden. The following is a list of Societies with Date and Time of Meeting and Names of Corresponding Secretaries. Congregational, Church Street - Wednesday at 8. Miss L. Chettle, Church Street, Rushden; Junior, Monday at 7, Miss Parkin; Park Road Baptist - Wednesday at 8. Miss. Manning, Alfred Street, Rushden; Junior, Wednesday at 7.15. Mr. L. Allen, Alfred Street, Rushden; Wellingborough Road Wesleyan Reform- Wednesday at 8. Mr. H. A. Clipson, Church Street, Rushden; Junior, Monday at 7.30. Mr. W. Beesley, Station Road; Ringstead Baptist - Wednesday at 8. Mr. J. Wall, Denford Road, Ringstead; Stanwick Union - Thursday at 8. Mr. A. P.Wilford, High Street, Stanwick; Thrapston Baptist - Tuesday at 8. Miss A. S. Flanders, Market Road, Thrapston; Junior, Wednesday at 7. Miss A. S. Flanders; Raunds Primitive Methodist - Tuesday at 8. Mrs. J. Harrison, Grove Street; Junior,Wednesday at 7. Miss J. Harrison, Grove Street, Raunds; Great Addington Union - Thursday at 7.30. Mrs. Sharpe, The Mill, Great Addington; Hargrave Wesleyan - Thursday at 7.30. Mr. H. Nicholson, Hargrave; Wymington Wesleyan Reform - Thursday at 8. Miss Alice Horn, High Street, Wymington; Dean Congregational- Mr. M. Cox, Upper Dean.
The Rushden Temperance Society, which was formed over 50 years ago, has for its object the promotion of Temperance Principles. Treasurer, Mr. A. Wright; Hon. Secretary, Mrs. George Bayes, Griffith Street. Rushden, Higham Ferrers and District Band of Hope Union. President.Mr. J. Claridge,J.P. C.C.; Secretary, Mr. B.Vorley, 19 Newton Road, Rushden. All the Places of Worship have also Bands of Hope. Independent Order of Good Templars, Meet every Thursday at 8pm. at the Primitive Methodist Chapel, Fitzwilliam Street. Rushden Nursing Association. In affiliation with Queen Victoria Jubilee Institute for Nurses. The Association was started eighteen years ago, and has been a great blessing in the town. The object of the Association is to provide trained Nurses to visit cases of sickness in Rushden. The Association is managed by a General Committee, elected by the Subscribers at the Annual General Meeting in November. The Services of the Nurses are for cases of the sick poor and working classes in their own homes. Patients are not excluded who, though unable to incur the expense of a private nurse, are able to make some contribution to the funds of the Association. The Association maintains two fully qualified trained District Nurses. The Nurses attended 308 cases during last year, and paid 9973 visits. The only endowment of the Association is an income of £4 per annum. The cost of maintaining the work of the nurse is over £200 per annum, which must be raised by Voluntary Subscriptions. President. Mrs.Sartoris; Vice-Presidents, The Ven. A. Kitchin, M.A. (Chairman of Committee) Mr.F.Ballard, Mr. John Claridge, J.P. C.C., Mr. E. Claridge, Mr. W. R. Pack; Hon. Secretaries, Miss Sartoris, The Hall; Mr. C. H. Blunsom, High Street; Mr. W. E. Pack (Sec. Employees’ Factory Fund Committee) Hon Treasurer, Mr. F. L. Heygate; Nurses, Miss Tenny and Miss Tipping, 116, Wellingborough Road. The Rushden Hospitals Week Committee conducts an annual canvass of the town for subscriptions. Part of the proceeds is annually voted to the Hospital Week Committee, part sent direct to the Northampton General Hospital for letters, and part to the Bedford Infirmary. The Committee meets the last Friday in each month, in the Reference Room, Free Library, at 8 o’clock. The Ven. Arthur Kitchin is Chairman, and Messrs. John Claridge and J. T. Colson are joint Secretaries. The Rushden Guild of Help was formed from delegates appointed by various religions, trade and other organisations in the town, for the purpose of helping any who are suffering from lack of employment, and also to prevent as far as possible, any slipping into the ranks of the unemployable. The governing body consists of an Executive Committee of twelve members, elected annually. President, Mr. G. H. Skinner, J.P.; Treasurer, Mr. F. L. Heygate; Seceretary, Mr. W. G. F. Kingston, Council Buildings. British and Foreign Bible Society - Rushden Auxiliary. President, The Venerable Arthur Kitchin; Treasurer, Mr. F. Ballard; Local Depot. A. T. P. Phillipson, 30, High Street. London City Mission Instituted 1835, has its object the carrying of the Gospel to every house, garret and cellar, to every factory, workshop and yard in the great Metropolis and its suburbs. The number of Missionaries is now 409. Secretary of Rushden Auxiliary, Mr. S. L. Hunt, 17, York Road, to whom donations and subscriptions may be paid on behalf of the funds of the Mission. A Lantern Lecture is given annually (about February) by one of the Missionaries. Young Helpers’ League is in aid of Dr. Barnado’s Homes. Rushden Branch - President, Miss Sartoris; Treasurer, Mrs. Baker; Secretary, Miss Clipson, Church Street. Garden Parties are held in the summer, and Christmas-tree and Box-opening Party at Christmastime. There are about 90 Members and Helpers with about 50 boxes, yielding an annual income of about £14. The Rushden Helpers, support one cot at the Homes which is called the “Rushden Cot.” Young Leaguers’ Union, in connection with the National Children’s Homes and Orphanage, founded by Dr. Stephenson. Principal, Rev. A. E. Gregory. The President of the Rushden Branch is Mrs. George H. Groome; Vice-President, Mrs. J. F. Knight; Treasurer, Miss. F. Denton; Secretary, Mrs. Cunnington, 23 Park Road. A Garden Party is held in the summer, and a Sale of Work about Christmastime. A number of boxes are distributed amongst the members. At the present time there are 120 ordinary members, and 24 associate (adult) members. The Rushden Young Leaguers raise on an average £50 annually. About 40 children from Northamptonshire are at present sheltered and cared for by the Homes, four being taken from Rushden. Musical The Temperance Band is rightly regarded as the premier musical combination of Rushden, seeing that in the course of its history prizes to the value of £1,500 have been won. Mr. John Claridge, J.P. C.C. is the President; Mr. C. H. Baker, Conductor, Mr. T. Robinson, Bandmaster, and Mr. C. Ashby, Queen Street, Secretary. The Volunteer Band, under the leadership of Mr. E. Whitworth, has also taken a prominent position, in addition to the services rendered to the Volunteer Company. The Park Road Baptist Choir (Mr. J. Farey, Conductor) through their successes at the Crystal Palace and at Northampton, added to the musical fame of the town. The Park Road Baptist Sunday School Choir, under the Conductorship of Mr. M. Stringer has gained distinction by their success in winning first prize at Wellingborough, and second prize at Northampton. The Choir has been greatly assisted by the very able accompanist Mr. W. Flood. The Park Road Wesleyan Choir has also made most creditable appearances at the “Palace”. The Adult School Male Choir, conducted by Mr. T. T. Clarke, have rendered efficient service in various ways, and have also gained prizes.
Benefit Clubs &c Independent Order of Rechabites. Salford Unity “Morning Star” Tent No. 35, meets at the B.W.T.A. Hall, Newton Road, on the third Monday in each month at 8pm. Secretary, Mr. C. White, 48, Queen Street. The “Morning Star” Juvenile Tent 476, meets at the B.W.T.A. Hall on the second Monday in each month at 7.30pm. Secretary, Mr. J. S. Smith, 78, Newton Road. National Deposit Friendly Society, (founded in 1868) - President, His Grace the Duke of Northumberland. The Society admits males between 5 and 55, and females between 5 and 50 years of age and provides allowance in sickness, medical attendance (own doctor), old age pay, funeral allowance, pensions, assurances, and savings bank. Number of Members 184,875. Northamptonshire Division President Harry Manfield Esq. J.P. M.P. Number of Members in Northamptonshire Div. 2,009. Secretary for Rushden, Mr. Alfred Hazeldine, 75, Portland Road, who attends at the Co-operative Hall, on the first Monday in each month from 7.30 to 9pm, to receive Members’ deposits and contributions. National United Order of Free Gardeners. “Myrtle” Lodge, 1658, meets at the Church Room, Coffee Tavern Road, for contributions on the first Saturday in each month at 5.30pm, and for business on the second Wednesday at 8pm. Secretary, Mr. G. Harris, 1, Essex Road. Ancient Order of Foresters. Court “Alexandria” No. 6968, meets at the Railway Hotel, High Street, on the first Saturday in each month, at 8pm. The Juvenile Court meets at the Church Room, Coffee Tavern Road, on the second Saturday to each month, from 7pm until 8pm. Secretary, Mr. Geo.W. Coles, 18, Montague Street. Independent Order of Oddfellows. Kingston Unity, “Rose Leaf” Lodge 199, meets at the Wheatsheaf Hotel, on the fourth Tuesday in each month, at 7.30pm. Secretary, Mr. J. Hardwick, 18, Queen Street. Independent Order of Oddfellows. Manchester Unity, meets at the Oakley Hotel, Wellingborough Road, on the fourth Monday of each month, at 7.30pm. Secretary, Mr.G. Prickett, Portland Road. P.S.A. Provident Club. Meets at the Congregational Chapel, Church Street. Women’s Club Meeting is held on Mondays, fortnightly at 7pm. Secretary, Mrs. Webster, 86, Washbrook Road. The Men’s Club Meeting is held on Tuesdays, fortnightly at 7pm. Secretary, Mr. Fred Darlow, Wellingborough Road. Women’s Co-operative Help-in-Hand-Club is held at the Co-operative Hall, High Street, on Wednesday evenings, fortnightly, at 7pm. Secretary, Mrs. E. Knight, 22, Brookfield Road. Friend-in-Need Club is held at the Co-operative Hall, High Street, on the second Saturday in each month at 8pm. Secretary, Mr. John Carrington, 42, Harborough Road. Men’s Provident Club, held at the Alfred Street School (Girls’ entrance) on Tuesday evenings, fortnightly from 7 to 8.30pm. Secretary, Mr. Wm. Thomas Austin, 45, King’s Road. “Impregnable” 10/- Club, held at the Compass Inn, High Street South, on Mondays, fortnightly at 8pm. Secretary, Mr.Geo. Berry, 22 High Street. “Help-in-Hand” 5/- Club, held at the compass Inn, High Street South, on the second Monday in each month, at 8pm. Secretary, Mr. Harry Tassell, 29, Harborough Road. “Good Intent” 10/- Club, meets at the Wagon and Horses, High Street South, on the second and fourth Saturday in each month at 8pm. Secretary, Mr. W. Cave, 18, Denmark Road. “Good Intent” Mutual Aid Society, meets at the Wagon and Horses, High Street South, on the third Monday in each month, 8pm. Secretary, Mr. Geo. Martin, 25, Wentworth Road, The Rushden Friendly Society meets at the “Waverley” Hotel, High Street on the first Tuesday in each quarter, at 7pm. Secretary, Mr. A. Packwood, 50, Park Road. Independent Order of Foresters. Court “Risdene” No. 2130, meets on the third Monday in each month at the Council Schools, Newton Road, at 8.15pm. Bro. Amos Cave, C.R., Bro. John Cave, F.S., Physicans; Bros. Dr. C. R. Owen, and Dr. Baker. Royal Antedeluvian Order of Buffaloes. “Queen Victoria” Lodge No. 663. Meetings held fornightly.